Ozzie's Borg Quote of the Week

by ozziepost 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Yep folks, time to get ready for another of those sharp-shooting weekends we're infamous famous for! Let's hit-off with our selection for quote of the week from our reading of what the R&F are reading today.

    How about this:

    “In Satan’s system, young people often are not truthful with their parents. But Christian youths avoid this, and thus they prove untrue Satan’s charge that God’s people would abandon their integrity under test.” (Worship the Only True God, page 58)

    Yeah, right!

    Rather like what you'd hear from the Iraqi Mis-Information Minister, eh?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Dansk


    I'm getting really concerned about ya! This is somewhat akin to a day's text (in a manner of speaking ). Too many bad memories!


  • ozziepost

    Too right, Dansk!

    So many still living the nightmare!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • obiwan

    O.K. Who's going to say the prayer?

    Keep it coming Ozzie!

  • Mary

    I will!

    Prayer at Bethel

    Now I sit me down to pray;

    I pray my mind won't go astray;

    If I should die before I'm through;

    That's one less Text I'll have to do.

  • caligirl

    Oh right....honest little buggers to be sure. HA! That is such a laugh! How honest any kid is depends on how astute the parents are at catching them at something, or alternatively how good they are at lying. They are either omitting whatever it is they do not want to tell, or are one of the "talented" ones who could sell anything to anyone who couldn't see their true self. There was a kid in our hall who was downright evil, and just about every other kid knew it. But he was one of those that played both sides. He was Mr. Teen Pioneer who did EVERYTHING right, but had porn under his bed and smoked, drank, stole if the urge hit him, set people up by roping them into doing something wrong so that if he ever got caught, he would have something to bring the other person down with. But to most of the powers that be, he was a perfect spiritual example. He is still a slime to this day. He married a really sweet girl, who he cheats on and treats like crap. BUT he is MR. Ministerial Servant now who goes on sheparding calls with Daddy. A real "example" to everyone of an honest "youth" who progressed down the right path.

  • Dansk
    He married a really sweet girl, who he cheats on and treats like crap. BUT he is MR. Ministerial Servant now who goes on sheparding calls with Daddy. A real "example" to everyone of an honest "youth" who progressed down the right path.

    Don't worry, caligirl. Remember, just leave with Jehovah!

    Dansk, of the truly sarcastic class!

  • Mum

    I am heartened at the fact that so many JW youths have decided to tell the truth about having been molested.

    But then they know it's different when it's the police or a "worldly" person who is being spoken to. Lying can be perfectly justified to protect a "Christian" child molestor.

    No wonder these poor kids are suffering from cognitive dissonance and deep depression.



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