The Light Actually IS Getting Brighter

by Magnum 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    The light really IS getting brighter, but what kind? Which one?

    I can think of three types of figurative light in this context:

    1) That which JWs refer to and they base on Pr 4:18. Light on a path... light that gets brighter. They say that their understanding of the Bible gets better with passing time. "We have new light on this point." However, Proverbs chapter 4 is not about doctrine, and there is no evidence that any doctrinal light has gotten brighter for JWs. They've changed doctrine many times, but no one can show that the new teachings are more accurate than the older ones. That would have to be proved in order for them to claim evidence that there is doctrinal light has gotten brighter.

    2) The light that should emanate from those who have truth and properly represent God. Mt 5:15,16: "Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." For a while, in years past, it seemed that a light was emanating from JWdom and individual JWs as they seemed bold in their ministry and willing to take on challenges. Now they run from challenges with their tails tucked between their legs. They are doctrinally weak and they are no longer bold and courageous. So, this light has actually become far weaker.

    3) The light that shines on JWdom. I can't think of any Scriptural reference to this type of figurative light, but it does exist. We can say that as we gain evidence about and learn more about some thing or entity, the light shining on it gets brighter. For example, if we are investigating a murder, at first, we might just have a dead body. There is very little light on the situation, but, as information is obtained, the light gets brighter and the situation can be seen far more clearly.

    Think about if from another angle. Criminals, deceivers, cheaters, etc. love the cover of darkness; they don't like light. They don't want light shining on them. JWdom is like that. It doesn't want light; it doesn't want scrutiny; it doesn't want to be analyzed. It wants JWs and others to just accept what the leaders say and to research and study only in JW approved materials.

    Before the internet, JWs could, in effect, operate in darkness (with some exceptions). Then came the great bright light of the internet. JWdom hated it and resisted it at first. It then realized that it had to selectively embrace it. The internet has seriously wounded JWdom. It has shone a great light on it that is getting brighter as more and more the failures, flaws, deceptions, weakness, etc. are seen in greater detail with the increasing light. Yes, in the last two decades or so, the light that shines on JWdom (primarily due to the internet) has become brighter and brighter.

    If JWs were what they claim to be, they would love the exposure. They would love for something like the internet to come along and shine a great light on them so people can see what they really are, but they hate the exposure. Thus, there's no way they can be what they claim to be. They aren't lovers of light; they're lovers of darkness.

  • Diogenesister

    Great points Magnum. If the Watchtower were God's channel the internet would be a wonderful tool they could use to reach even more people - especially those who live in inhospitable or isolated regions. Or begin new Bible studies with people in countries where it's dangerous for witnesses to operate in.

    Instead the internet has created opportunities for witnesses themselves to do research into the organization, including its dubious history, and this has led to them leaving the religion in droves.

  • truth_b_known

    Magnum is correct! Proverbs 4:18 is not about a doctrine that changes, but rather that truth illuminates and darkness conceals.

  • Phizzy

    Proverbs 4 v18 says "the Path of the righteous one gets brighter..." it simply means that a Righteous man or woman, as they go through life, see ever clearly how they should conduct their own life. Nothing more.

    These proverbs were collected and compiled in to a Book before Scripture existed ! The J.W Org misappropriation of this Bible verse, and misapplication is something they should be ashamed of.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    WT leadership are like roaches. When you shine a light on them they start scurrying for a hole to climb into.

    I once showed up with a friend of mine on a Saturday morning at a KH. We got lucky and the Circuit Overseer was leading the pre-field service meeting. I explained how we were from such and such church nearby and wanted to ask some bible questions.

    The CO explained that he could not meet with us because he was leading the group into field service. I explained that we were the kind of people they were seeking and would be happy to talk about their beliefs. He refused to set up a time to meet with us and only agreed to take our phone number and meet with us later that afternoon. Of course we all knew he was lying.

    He never called.

    Thanks to all the hard work of activists, the light IS getting brighter!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    "Before the internet, JWs could, in effect, operate in darkness... Then came the great bright light of the internet...The internet has seriously wounded JWdom. It has shone a great light on it that is getting brighter as more and more the failures, flaws, deceptions, weakness, etc. are seen in greater detail with the increasing light. Yes, in the last two decades or so, the light that shines on JWdom (primarily due to the internet) has become brighter and brighter.

    If JWs were what they claim to be, they would love the exposure. They would love for something like the internet to come along and shine a great light on them so people can see what they really are, but they hate the exposure. Thus, there's no way they can be what they claim to be. They aren't lovers of light; they're lovers of darkness."

    Good point Magnum...the WT's longtime 'New Light' song and dance routine is history!

  • waton

    The path that wt has trod is now exposed through the better focus of communications.

    wt's mistake/dilemma is, to project the failures of the dark past to still mark their "about the future" doctrines.

  • slimboyfat

    It’s certainly reasonable to conclude the original author of Proverbs probably didn’t mean to outline a doctrine of progressive truth, as understood by JWs, when he wrote Proverbs 4:18. But does it really matter what the original author meant? Do what the author intended to say and what the Bible actually means necessarily have to be one and the same thing?

    Take Psalms 8:5 where the author says that humans were made a little lower than the angels. The author of Hebrews 2 quotes this verse and applies it to Jesus, saying that it was Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels. Is that what the original author meant? Probably not. Is it a legitimate reading of the text? If you believe in inspiration, and you believe that God can inspire men to write things they don’t fully realise the significance of themselves, then you could argue it’s a legitimate reading, regardless of what the original author of the Psalm meant.

    So the question of whether the author of Proverbs 4:18 meant the idea of progressive truth is not the only relevant issue here. Could God have inspired the author to write those words with an ordinary meaning, but opened up the text to a deeper meaning for later readers? Why not? If you believe in inspiration, then this is probably how it often works in reality.

    Examples of teachings that JWs believe have become more accurate over the years include: non participation in war, understanding who would go to heaven and who would live on earth, the significance of God's name and its restoration to the New Testament, and the elder arrangement.

    Daniel 12:4 indicates the author himself didn’t understand the meaning of what he wrote but it would be revealed at the end of days. So if that is literally true then it would be useless to read Daniel 11 and ask what the author meant by this or that statement. You would be barking up the wrong tree. Instead you need to ask what God meant when inspired Daniel to write the words.

    So while it’s probably fair to say that the author of Prov 4:18 didn’t mean to describe a doctrine of progressive truth in that verse, that’s not the same as showing that JWs are wrong to perceive God's intention to describe the idea of progressive truth in that verse.

  • pistolpete

    Could God have inspired the author to write those words with an ordinary meaning, but opened up the text to a deeper meaning for later readers? Why not?


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  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Pistolpete...your reply is golden! 👍

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