Ive been asked to do a talk for a born-again church...

by searchfothetruth 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • searchfothetruth

    Thanks everybody!

    Which one item out of all the above do you think should take priority?

    I think myself that I should start with the false prophecies, but keep it just down to 1925 and the change of doctrine about 1914.

    1975 is hard to discuss because they just say that the society didn't ACTUALLY say it was the date of Armageddon, and TECHNICALLY they are right.

    But, I also think the UN involvement should be high on the list as I can print out a copy of a presentation that i've already done.

    Thanks, keep it going please.

  • worldlygirl

    ... and I can't believe no one has mentioned Disfellowshipping and shunning.

  • metatron

    Stick to Jesus! Your audience will appreciate that!

    6 million JW's reject the symbols of salvation each year at the memorial even though Jesus said "whoever feeds on my flesh

    and drinks my blood has everlasting life and I will resurrect him on the last day" - a clear reference to the general resurrection.

    Technically, Jesus is not their mediator because they are not in the new covenant ( 144,000). The Watchtower said so.

    Jesus and Paul and John avoided using God's name - Yahweh/Jehovah and used Father instead,

    as in the Lord's prayer, "there is to us one God, the Father ...and one Lord, Jesus Christ" and John's three letters( no Jehovah even in

    New World Translation)

    Jesus is almost never referred to in any Life Experience in the Watchtower - betraying the truth about his unimportance

    in Watchtower reality.


  • JeffT

    This might not work for your group but I had a good time doing it to the high school sunday school at our church. There were two-three hundred kids there, and I started going through the list: if you have a beard stand up, if you're male and not wearing a tie stand up, if you're wearing a dress above your knee stand up, no matter what your gender if you're in jeans stand up, if you're male and you have anything pierced stand up, if you're a girl and you have anything other than one piercing in each ear stand up, if you're a boy and your hair hangs over your ears or collar stand up. By the time I was done virtually the entire room was on their feet. I then explained to them that if they were in the KH, everybody standing would find themselves talking to an elder after the meeting, and went into the implications of that. I think it gave them a lot to think about.

  • mouthy

    Hey Jeff that was terrific-I wish I had done that...Might steal it next time .Dont forget to mention they hate the cross.
    I am speaking on the 3rd of May & the 7th of May---- Might be stealing your thunder Jess. Thanks

  • JeffT

    Mouthy: you're welcome to my thunder. It was a very effective way of demonstrating how controlling Witnesses are. And I thought the room was going to explode when I explained the dating rules. Where are you speaking?

  • born againer
    born againer

    Which church is this, Search? I go to a church in Liverpool too, and I'm curious as to which one it is. I think that most churches should have something like this, because a lot of the people my family know are unsure as to what to say when the JWs call.

    I agree with the people who say that you should give them your own personal story and experience. And above all - show them kindness, consideration, and love. This is far more likely to get through their barriers than being argumentative and angry.

    This was a web site I found to be excellent -


    Not sure if you have seen it yet. If not check it out!

    BA xxx

  • jgnat

    What JeffT and Metatron said. Jeff, that is absolutely brilliant about getting the youth to stand up. Very gripping, and something the teens will not soon forget. Make sure to tell them to STAY AWAY from the trinity thing. The divinity of Jesus is good; just make sure the audience understands that the WT does pay lip service to Him. Personal testimonies are great. There is no WT handbook for handling such personal experiences.

    My daughter successfully led a girl away from the JW's. My daughter researched scriptures to death, debated to death. But the kicker was simple friendship and fun. When the girl attended my daughter's youth group for the first time, the WTS became a fast fading memory. Try inviting a JW neighbour over for a BBQ. Bring over cookies when it is obvious they are going through a rough time. It is really easy to be friendlier and funner than the local KH.

  • og

    Are 'born againers' any better off than JWs? Both are high-control fundamentalist cults, both are obnoxious to people not in their group, both are wasting their lives on a lot of hooey. Why not let them continue to waste each other's time in mutual conversion attempts?

  • nowisee

    i think it is really important for you to discuss the "faithful and discreet slave", interpreted by jws to be the governing body, and how it is necessary to accept all of the "food at the proper time" for jws to remain in good standing.

    then tell of some of the teachings of this faithful and discreet slave, the doctrinal changes, the denials, the refusals to take responsibility for error or wrongdoing within the fold.

    if you can poke holes in the fds the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

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