How I made it out and maintained my sanity and happiness! READ ME!

by NaruNaruChan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided
    Even if it's just your own damn scruffy ass backyard you're lookin at, there's magic to it.

    My back yard swing is my favorite place to enjoy my thoughts. There are birds, squirls, flowers, trees, grass and sometimes my grandchildren out there. There is magic out there, even my two little dogs like it. It always reminds me of the good that life sometimes gives us. Yes, we should focus on the life we have now and forget the one promised by the GB, it seems to be missing.

    Ken P.

  • Jayson

    Good post great points.

  • Sentinel

    What a wonderful, inspiring thread!!

    I'd be the first one to admit that sometimes I do tend to get bogged down with so much "input", that the simple, most pleasant things of this creation sometimes go unnoticed.

    You definitely have the right attitude. Love will do that to a person. Through the eyes of love, everything takes on a new and beautiful spectrum. I remember falling in love, and the glorious exileration it gives you--all those chemicals just going to town all through the body.

    And, it is contagious. Thank Goodness!!

    I'm happy for you and yours.

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