Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-20-03 WT Study

by blondie 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie


    March 1, 2003, page 13

    All quotes from the WT will appear in red.

    Comments from the reviewer will be in black or parentheses.


    Psalm 9:10 (NWT)

    And those knowing your name will trust in you

    But this part was left out, hmmmmmmmmm?

    (For you will certainly not leave those looking for you, O Jehovah.)

    In this article, the phrase or equivalent, "trust in Jehovah," occurs 42 times. With there only being 21 paragraphs, that is 2 times per paragraph. From this you might think that trust in God is the theme but in reality it is "trust in the WTS/GB/FDS." So wherever you see that phrase as you read the article or attend the meeting this Sunday, mentally substitute that phrase. As this review proceeds you will see how the WTS convinces the reader that trusting in God is the same as trusting in the WTS. Thus if you don’t trust the WTS you can’t be trusting in God!


    "It is natural to look for someone or something that will provide security."

    The WTS selects money and human leaders as uncertain sources.

    "warn us against trusting in our own unaided efforts."

    Notice the word "unaided." Our natural instinct is to think with God’s aid. But later we will see whose aid is to be sought. What entity is our only link to God.

    "Today many religious leaders cultivate relationships with political leaders. Those alliances too will prove to be ‘a lie.’"

    Read here about how the WTS forged an alliance with the UN.


    Why were they good examples compared to the ten other spies?

    "However, the ten looked at things from a fleshly viewpoint. Joshua and Caleb, on the other hand, trusted in Jehovah. They had seen his powerful acts in Egypt, at the Red Sea, and at the foot of Mount Sinai."

    But weren’t Joshua and Caleb looking at things from a fleshly viewpoint? Would they have trusted in Jehovah had they not seen these tremendous physical miracles? What similar miracles have occurred in current times from Christian to base trust in God on? The release from spiritual captivity in 1919 of the directors of the WTS?! Certainly this is the point the Isaiah 2 prophecy book would like JWs to believe. Can that compare to seeing the Red Sea parted?


    "We are pressured morally, spiritually and, in some cases, even physically. On our own, we are unable to withstand these pressures, since they originate with a superhuman source, Satan the Devil."

    Yes, we cannot do it "on our own." Who will help us? God or God through the WTS?

    "If we truly ‘know’ Jehovah and understand what his name stands for, we will trust in him."

    The WTS says that we have seen demonstrations of God’s power today. How?

    "Consider, for example, Jehovah’s works of creations."

    "If Jehovah is on our side, we need fear no one in the whole universe."

    How does seeing the power in God’s creations mean that power will be used in our behalf? How does that mean he is on our side?

    "Consider, too Jehovah’s Word, the Bible…powerful in helping us to overcome wrong practices and conform our lives to Jehovah’s will (as explained by the WTS)."

    "His word always comes true." How does that explain why the end did not come in 1914, 1925, 1975 as predicted by the WTS? If they were really speaking for God, they made a liar out of him. (see the following site for WT publication quotes regarding these dates)

    "The ransom is another reason to trust in Jehovah…it covers the sins of all mankind who repent and turn to Jehovah with an honest heart."

    But the WTS teaches that Jesus is mediator only for 144,000 individuals (see )


    David did not let the bad actions of the supreme earthly representative of "God’s organization" the nation of Israel lead him to be disloyal to God. He did not take it into his own hand to kill Saul, but then he did not "wait on Jehovah" by staying in Jerusalem when Saul was seeking to kill him. David ran away with soldiers who were loyal to him. He was not part of the actions of Saul.

    The WTS tries to say it is like David, "

    conceal me from the confidential talk of evildoers, from the tumult of practicers of hurtfulness, who have sharpened their tongue just like a sword…at someone blameless."

    Yes, the unnamed "they" "’shoot’ at blameless Christians (the WTS), using spoken or written words as ‘arrows’ of misrepresentation." Yes, those issues of hidden child abuse and association with the UN are being revealed and cannot be silenced easily. The WTS thinks if they lie often and long enough that the rank and file will believe the lie as truth.

    "Jehovah eventually turns matters to a positive outcome."

    Positive for Jehovah but not necessarily positive for the WTS. Will God reveal the lies the WTS has told about him just as he did with the nation of Israel?


    "Hezekiah knew that Jehovah is not deceptive."

    But does that mean that the WTS is not deceptive? Don’t they have flip-flop doctrines like the resurrection of Sodom and Gomorrah or organ transplants? We can trust in God but does that automatically mean trust in the WTS?


    "If we trust in Jehovah, we will fully trust his Word, the Bible. We will read it daily, meditate upon it, and allow it to guide our lives."

    Does the Bible guide our lives or do WTS publications? Does the Bible guide our lives or do we seek out an elder to get his opinion of what we should do? Does the Bible guide our lives or do the narrow ‘consciences’ of the publishers in the congregation, circuit, district?

    "Trusting in Jehovah also involves trusting in the power of the holy spirit."

    But can we trust in the power of the holy spirit when it is the WTS and elders that determine whether an individual has a heavenly call rather than letting the spirit choose? Can we trust the power of the holy spirit when the WTS tells us that we must first meet the requirements laid out in the WTS publications for Christians before holy spirit will bless us? Can we trust the power of the holy spirit when it selects elders and ministerial servants that are either child molesters themselves or protect the molesters in the congregation?

    "Trusting in Jehovah means trusting in those whom he trusts."

    And how do we know whom Jehovah trusts? The WTS will determine that, since they are God’s spokesman by their own definition.

    "Jehovah has arranged for ‘the faithful and discreet slave’ to care for the earthly Kingdom interests."

    Once again the only scripture used is Matthew 24:45-47. Have you ever tried to convince a non-JW using only that scripture whom the FDS is? The WTS has anointed themselves into this position.

    "We do not try to go it alone."
    Translation: you cannot serve God without the FDS. You cannot serve Jesus without going through the FDS. So when you pray it should be through the name of the FDS, then Jesus, to be accurate.

    "Elders serve in the local Christian congregation and, according to the apostle Paul (not the Bible?) are appointed by holy spirit."

    Trust in God means trust in the FDS which means trust in the elders. So if you don’t trust in the elders, you are not trusting in God.


    "In his day Christianity was misrepresented to the authorities and he sometimes endeavored to correct those false impressions."

    The WTS is now preparing us for two eventualities, that they will succeed in correcting these ‘false impressions’ or they will not succeed. They manage to have God’s blessing no matter what happens.

    "However, we do not put our whole trust in such efforts, in that we do not view success or failure as hanging on our winning court cases or getting favorable publicity. Rather we trust in Jehovah."

    So if Vicki Deboer’s case ends in her favor, the WTS wins and if not the WTS wins. They see it as a win-win situation.

    "While he (Jehovah) sometimes has permitted bitter persecution, for his own good purpose, Jehovah has lovingly strengthened those who have borne the brunt of persecution."

    So while the brothers and sisters in Malawi were losing all their possessions, being beaten, raped, and killed, it was fine. But if in Mexico, the brothers and sisters were allowed to bribe the government illegally to avoid the same kind punishment, it served God’s purpose to protect them from such persecution "for his own good purpose."

    Read a brief synopsis of what is found in the book, "Crisis of Conscience," by Raymond Franz.

    "At times we receive favorable publicity in the media. We are grateful for this and recognize that this too serves Jehovah’s purpose."

    So how can the same media that writes lies and distortions about the WTS also write the truth?

    "However, just for the sake of being well thought of by the authorities, we will never compromise our neutrality, diminish our preaching activity, or in any other way weaken our service to Jehovah."

    But the WTS has compromised their neutrality regarding blood to gain recognition with Bulgaria.

    "Our hope is not in this system of things, but in the new world where the heavenly Messianic Kingdom will be the only government ruling over this earth."

    I have been reading "True Believer" and it brings out that mass movements treat the past and the present as worthless and focus the follower on the future. Ask yourself, what value does the present have in the world of the JW? Isn’t it only a temporary, unnecessary time period until the "new world" is reached? I encourage you to get this book.


    This continuation of last week’s article is meant to build up trust not in Jehovah but in the WTS to counteract the publicity on the hiding of child abuse cases in the congregations. Do not be lazy and let the WTS do your thinking. Get that Bible out, try other translations, read things in context, make sure of the more important things, carefully checking to make sure that these things are so.

    Picture on page 18

    Five elders in suits gathered around a table having a discussion.

    Each one has a Bible, an Organized to Accomplish Your Ministry book, a pad and paper. What is obviously missing? The elder-only Pay Attention book. Few elders actually use the Bible since they have been "in the truth" so long. The numerous letters to the elders are also used along with the Pay Attention book. Only new elders try to use the Bible. The older elders soon disabuse them of that notion.

    There are 2 white brothers, 2 black brothers, and 1 Asian brother. A nice politically correct group.


  • nowisee

    your comments show so clearly how the wt continues to perpetuate the erroneous belief that Jehovah and the watchtower society are to be viewed as one and the same.

  • liquidsky

    Thanks again Blondie!

  • Shakita

    Hi Blondie,

    You wrote:

    "Trusting in Jehovah means trusting in those whom he trusts."

    And how do we know whom Jehovah trusts? The WTS will determine that, since they are God’s spokesman by their own definition.

    "Jehovah has arranged for ‘the faithful and discreet slave’ to care for the earthly Kingdom interests."

    Once again the only scripture used is Matthew 24:45-47. Have you ever tried to convince a non-JW using only that scripture whom the FDS is? The WTS has anointed themselves into this position.

    "We do not try to go it alone."

    Translation: you cannot serve God without the FDS. You cannot serve Jesus without going through the FDS. So when you pray it should be through the name of the FDS, then Jesus, to be accurate.

    "Elders serve in the local Christian congregation and, according to the apostle Paul (not the Bible?) are appointed by holy spirit."

    Trust in God means trust in the FDS which means trust in the elders. So if you don’t trust in the elders, you are not trusting in God.

    I enjoyed your astute observations. Jesus said at John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." There is no room there for a 'fauthful and discreet slave' taking Jesus place. We know that our prayers are to be directed to God through Jesus Christ. We know that salvation comes through accepting the sacrifice of Jesus in our behalf.

    However, the Wt Society has turned itself into a god, an idol. By claiming to be God's representatives, the very mouthpiece of God, they have taken the place of Jesus Christ as the only true hope for salvation. Our prayers should be then as you state: "I direct my prayer to you Father through the faithful and discreet slave, the elders, the ministerial servants, the pioneers, the zealous publishers and every godlike pretender to the throne that wants to become an idol and oh, i direct this prayer to you through that guy that just so happened to give his life for us, you know, uh, that's right, Jesus Christ."

    Also, what extraordinary miracle coincided with the choosing of the WT as God's only representatives? Did the WT turn the water into blood? Did they release hordes of varying creepy critters on their disgruntled enemies? Did hailstones pour out of the sky? Did the earth shake with lightnings and thunders and mountains smoking? Did disembodied trumpet sounds make us shake in our boots? It's obvious that God did not choose the WT as his representatives. Their claim to be such is lacking in proof. There is also the matter of choosing oneself to be God's representatives. You'll recall that Moses wasn't even interested. He was the reluctant deliverer.

    Thanks again for your insightful posts. Oh, by the way Blondie, since you're kinda writing your own version of the WT, does that mean you're the new FDS? Do I have to pray through you? Dear God, I direct all my prayers through Blondie and the other guy.

    Mr. Shakita

  • Maverick

    Thanks again Blondie! The J-dud Masters use this one scripture Matt. 25:45-47 over and over again. I suspect the RF get it in their heads that there are a number of supporting Bible verses for this FDS concept. They give the fragil, hoping RF any little straw to grasp so these poor people will hold on until the "New System"! Look ahead, look ahead! Stop looking at what we,(FDS) are not doing, keep you eye on the prize. The redirection of focus is very slick. The perfect con! Maverick

  • rocketman

    Very compelling read Blondie. It is very interesting how, as you point out, the WTS puts themselves in a win-win situation, and also how they put themselves in that place of trust. No mention of Jesus either.

  • blondie

    Nowisee, there was time that I didn't see that. But it is a typical way that a group like the WTS establishes it's base of authority. So many times there is no Bible basis, the WTS even says, "the Bible does not comment on this" and then proceeds to give an opinion for faithful JWs to use to make decisions. WT words = Bible.


    , you went to the Memorial didn't you. Was the talk any different than last year. One sister said it was all new. I just think she can't tell the difference.

    Mr. Shakita

    , you just keep directing those prayers through that other guy, Jesus. I am having to relearn how to express my spirituality. The WTS wants the authority but none of the responsibility. When their decrees go wrong, they dump it on the elders and human imperfection.



    The J-dud Masters use this one scripture Matt. 25:45-47 over and over again

    Yes, on the WT 1999 CD it was used 2310 times alone in the Watchtower. But for John 13:35, the identifying mark of Christians, only 365 times.


    , just as the Pharisees put themselves above the Law, so the WTS puts itself above the Bible, as the interpreter of God's word.

    Matthew 23:1-12 ***

    23 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: 2 "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. 3 Therefore all the things they tell YOU , do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform. 4 They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger. 5 All the works they do they do to be viewed by men ; for they broaden the [scripture-containing] cases that they wear as safeguards, and enlarge the fringes [of their garments]. 6 They like the most prominent place at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues, 7 and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called Rabbi by men. 8 But YOU , do not YOU be called Rabbi, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all YOU are brothers. 9 Moreover, do not call anyone YOUR father on earth, for one is YOUR Father, the heavenly One. 10 Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for YOUR Leader is one, the Christ. 11 But the greatest one among YOU must be YOUR minister. 12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

    I wonder if some JWs are sitting out in the audience wondering what this is all about. It is like being out of the gossip loop at the KH while everyone is talking in cryptic sentences.


  • liquidsky


    I posted about the memorial in annother thread. I forgot which one but anyway, the talk was a little different then usual. It was given by a visiting bethelite, and he spent 40 minutes talking about who should and shouldn't partake of the emblems, and the other 10 minutes was the actual ceremony and during that time he talked about what the emblems meant. It was dissappointing. I actually felt guilty being there.

  • blondie

    LS, 40 minutes about who should or shouldn't partake. I guess we know that the WTS is trying to get the number of partakers down. Someone posted here that it is like being invited to a party but being told you can't eat anything. And only 10 minutes about the real reason to be there, showing appreciation for the ransom sacrifice. I didn't go. I showed my appreciation at home with my loved ones. We read some scriptures from 2 non-NWT Bibles and partook of the wine and bread. We had a nice meal afterwards. It was the first time in over 40 years that I felt a spiritual connection with Jesus at the Memorial.

    Thanks for responding, LS.


  • liquidsky

    I made a promise to myself that that would be the last time I set foot in a KH. Next year I am celebrating the memorial on my own and partaking.

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