Why disbelieving in God is foolish

by HopeEverLasting 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • scratchme1010

    ...But there is a problem when you continually hate on someone for what they believe when what you believe is just as foolish as what you say their belief is. Do you really think continuing saying God isn't real, and you're dumb if you believe that is going to make me change my mind about God? Please. I'm sorry that you all like to attack others beliefs because they don't fit your own.

    I love seeing these believers always playing victim. We non believers are not trying to shove our non-believes down other people's throats. You believers are. You are the ones believing in non-believers deserving to die or some kind of punishment. You are the ones always vomiting all kinds of condemnations on other who don't believe, or those who don't behave according to the morals you preach (and never follow anyway), and then you turn around and claim to be attacked when you get put in your place or called on your BS.

    Nobody is attacking you, sweetie. Just mind your own effing business.

  • ReallyTrulyAthena
    1. Please stop playing at being the victim. Also, just a reminder of what 'persecution complex' is: an irrational and obsessive feeling or fear that one is the object of collective hostility or ill-treatment on the part of others.

      Try being part of a discussion in an open-minded, receptive manner and see what happens.
  • Finkelstein

    Why is it that staunch god believers support themselves by disingenuous tactics and falsely contrived information they purposely twist with bias to support their position or make claims without doing critical research on the subject ?

    It seems they are intentionally bent on fooling themselves into a state of belief.

    Which from my perspective shows mental instability.

    I might be right from the latest findings from a noted Psychological Association.

    American Psychological Association To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness

    According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a strong and passionate belief in a deity or higher power, to the point where it impairs one’s ability to make conscientious decisions about common sense matters, will now be classified as a mental illness.

    The controversial ruling comes after a 5-year study by the APA showed devoutly religious people often suffered from anxiety, emotional distress, hallucinations, and paranoia. The study stated that those who perceived God as punitive was directly related to their poorer health, while those who viewed God as benevolent did not suffer as many mental problems. The religious views of both groups often resulted in them being disconnected from reality.

    Dr. Lillian Andrews, professor of psychology, stated, “Every year thousands of people die after refusing life-saving treatment on religious grounds. Even when being told ‘you will die without this treatment’ patients reject the idea and believe that their God will still save them. Those lives could be saved simply by classifying those people as mentally unfit for decision making.”

    Jehovah Witnesses for instance,” Dr. Andrews continued, “will not accept blood under any circumstance. They would rather die than to receive life-saving donor blood. Many religious people believe they have “healing power” in their hands. Many believe they can communicate with God using a personal language, which is unknown to anyone but the communicator and God (known as speaking in tongues). Many often tell of seeing spirits. All of these are signs of a mental break and a loss of touch with reality. Religious belief and the angry God phenomenon has caused chaos, destruction, death, and wars for centuries. The time for evolving into a modern society and classifying these archaic beliefs as a mental disorder has been long overdue. This is the first of many steps to a positive direction.”

    With the new classification, the APA will lobby to introduce legislation which would allow doctors the right to force life-saving treatment on those who refuse it for spiritual reasons on the grounds that they are mentally incapable of making decisions about their health.

    The American Psychological Association says more information about the study and the new classification will be made available to the public in their upcoming journal (which is expected to be release in early August).

  • fukitol
    Religious belief and the angry God phenomenon has caused chaos, destruction, death, and wars for centuries. The time for evolving into a modern society and classifying these archaic beliefs as a mental disorder has been long overdue.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Let me paraphrase:

    "Look, now before I speak, I want to say that it is very okay for someone to not believe, but I will call you names and say that you are haters.. Are they hurting anyone? No. Killing anyone? No. But I will say that what you believe is just foolish and as I hate on you, I will accuse you of hating on me. You are dumb if you think logic and reason will have any influence over my blind belief. I will continue to attack your logic and reason and any beliefs that don't fit mine, but continue to say that I'm sorry that you all like to attack others beliefs because they don't fit your own. Basically, I am a huge hypocrite."

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