Mourners offended when JWs target them at the cemetary!

by joe_from_kokomo 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    And where do they get these ideas?


    w99 4/1 p. 8 Preaching ‘in Favorable Season and in Troublesome Season’ ***

    Following are excerpts from a letter written by a Witness who served for a time in Sarajevo.

    "Besides preaching from house to house, we have tried various other methods to reach people. For example, we have had good results sharing Bible publications in the many cemeteries in the city.


    km 8/98 p. 8 Use Brochures to Appeal to Both Mind and Heart ***


    Someone You Love Dies. Publishers who witness in cemeteries use this brochure to comfort mourners. Two sisters approached a family of seven who were praying at a grave. As a result of sharing the comforting message from the brochure, a Bible study was started with the mother the next day!


    km 10/94 p. 7 Using the New Brochure Effectively ***

    Keep an extra copy at hand, and use it for informal witnessing. You may wish to visit local funeral homes in your territory to see if they would like to have copies on hand to comfort bereaved families. Or you might tactfully approach grieving ones in cemeteries on occasions when they return to visit the grave of a loved one.


    km 6/93 p. 1 Why Tracts Are So Valuable in Our Ministry Today ***

    Some publishers who were witnessing on a street that led to a cemetery saw people whitewashing graves. The publishers used the opportunity to offer them tracts. The next day was a holiday on which many people visit the cemetery, so the publishers decided to stand at the entrance of the cemetery and offer tracts. Over five hundred tracts were placed, with only three persons refusing them. The next year, publishers returned and distributed more than a thousand tracts, with only six refusals. A number of individuals expressed deep appreciation. One man read the tract as he was leaving, and shortly he returned to speak with the sister who had given it to him. He said: "There is someone I would like to have read this message. May I have another one?"

  • xjw_b12
    We don't particularly target cemeteries as such.

    LIES, LIES, LIES. I agree, makes me want to barf.

    I wonder how jw's would react if us "apostates" starting targeting them in cemetaries. Though, thats a tough thing to find nowadays. Not to many jws actually have funerals with burials. Most are burned, and discarded ASAP. Like they're trying to get rid of the evidence or something !


  • dedalus
    went through the newspaper looking for obituaries (death announcements)

    Only on a Witness discussion group would someone feel compelled to explain what an obituary is.


  • dedalus
  • Scully

    Vultures. Dirty old disgusting vultures, trying to recruit preying on vulnerable people in mourning, before the dead body can even be buried.

    Callous?? Heartless?? Nah..... they are just doing what vultures do.


    Love, Scully

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Cemetary witnessing was once a regular practice country wide in the U.S. on Memorial Day (May 31 then); don't know if it still is. My recollection was that it generated a lot of resentment and teh JWs detested it almost as much as going door-to-door on their own streets!

  • ashitaka

    I think it's sick that there could be a man mourning his beloved wife, and they accost them. Children lost to their parents, and they accost them, selling them lies. One of two things are the result. A timid, greif-stricken person becomes a witness; a horrible fate, or, the grief-striken person could feel worse, because they are trying to be sold a religion by people who care about them only as numbers on a time card. SICK.

    I hope all cemetaries ban witnesses-people deserve peace when they are grieving.


  • rocketman

    As Blondie's research shows, yes, they indeed encourage Cemetary witnessing as part of their work. The example given of publishers standing at the entrance handing them out is interesting - they report that "only three" people refused the tracts. What they don't say is that most people, the vast majority, take them only to be nice.

  • NeonMadman
    As Blondie's research shows, yes, they indeed encourage Cemetary witnessing as part of their work. The example given of publishers standing at the entrance handing them out is interesting - they report that "only three" people refused the tracts. What they don't say is that most people, the vast majority, take them only to be nice.

    Good point. Maybe they should audit the nearby trash cans to see how many of the tracts ended up there.

  • DanTheMan

    What really is the "good news" and "message of hope" that JW's bring to people mourning the death of their loved ones?

    'Well, since your loved one died before the Great Trib, they will most likely be resurrected in the New System(tm). But you who are still alive, guess what, the big Apocalypso Dance is gonna start real soon now, and if you're not a JW when all hell breaks loose...SAY GOODBYE!!!'

    I'm treading well-worn ground here I know, but this stuff still irks the hell out of me.

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