How to CYA (cover your ass) Watchtower style

by eyeuse2badub 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    Today’s Watchtower article was the ultimate CYA. For friggin’ decades all we heard was that as Armageddon gets nearer and nearer, the number of the ‘great crowd’ will increase and the number of the “little flock” will decrease! In fact, it was one of the proofs that the end was near!

    Surprise! The “great crowd is shrinking and the “little flock’ is growing. It can only mean one thing………Armageddon is getting further away!

    The attempt to ‘cover your ass’ was pathetic!

    just saying!

  • HappyDad

    I can't help but laugh where my mind just went. Instead of the CYA, I thought of KYAG. (Kiss Your Ass Goodbye) Watchtower style.

  • waton

    they blame Jehovah, Jesus for calling workers at the last hour. par 14.

    Blaming all , put always holding wt teachings out as unassailable reality, cementing that claim into the minds of jws by clever wording.

    wt teachings are never at fault. Rear pulled in like a hyena.

  • smiddy3

    For many of us who can`t stomach the thought of going onto JW.Org to see these articles can someone put the said article on here ? pretty please ?

    Reading between the lines the GB must be expecting a far greater number to partake of the bread & wine this year.?

    You would think they would stop reporting the numbers now as its getting embarrassing to see the numbers increasing so much when for decades they were predicting the opposite should be happening.

    I used to be always looking out for those numbers way back when I was in.

    You would think that this alone would wake people up ?

  • tiki

    Shifting numbers...Armageddon getting further away....that's a good one. Thanks for the laugh!

  • JWTom
    I am PIMO, but I have joked with friends and family (including a couple of elders that I know well) that are PIMI about what is the organization going to do when the number partaking in the 2020s gets above 144,000? Of course no one has an answer to that - other than this article that says many that are partake are likely NOT anointed....
  • RubaDub

    The short and simple answer to this is similar to the board game Monopoly where you have "Get Out of Jail Free" cards.

    With the GB, they have stacks of "Noo Light" cards that they can play whenever needed.

    Rub a Dub

  • HiddenPimo

    Welp - just speculation but the 144,000 would have been filled up long before 1914 LOL

  • Vidiot

    I've long wondered if the quiet-but-steady increase in recent partakers may actually be the result of woken-up still-ins who are doing it just to futz with that stats...

  • Biahi

    My mom used to pester me to attend the memorial until I told her if I did go, I would partake because I’m a Christian. She stopped pestering me. Lol

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