Leave truth - catch AIDS???

by JEMIMAH 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    The Mormons have many of the same urban legends/myths about their religion, almost word for word the same.

    Makes you wonder who made up this crap in the first place.

  • HeyThere

    Ya. It's pretty ridiculous. And translates into JW applying such nonsense in real world real life situations. For example, I stopped going to meetings last June. The end of the year, one of the people closest to me passed away. JW family told my child this happened because I stopped going to meetings. OH MY KID WAS PISSED. She doesn't believe any of the whackadoodle crap. A$$holes. Who would say something like that? Blaming my walking away from the cult for the death of my closest friend to my child. A$$holes.

  • Viviane

    I heard the AIDS story in the 80s from a CO, heard the angel story, Sister Payne, etc..

    Also heard one about a pioneer couple who had no food but, instead of deciding to work for money that day, decided to go out in service. On their way home they saw a grocery sack that had fallen out of a truck or car with meat, vegetable, bread, etc! Praise Jah!

  • apostrate


    Praise Jah indeed! Some families misfortune becomes a JW's blessing!

    Following that same line of thought, here's one (and it is not an urban legend nor does it involve JW's). I had to make a delivery to a roofing company. The woman who owned the company was a member of the Church of the Nazarene, or something like that. She never kept her religious affiliation a secret.

    The Dallas/Ft. worth area had seen a very nasty springtime with lots of tornados that year. Lots of people losing the roofs on their houses. When I made my delivery and was making some idle chit-chat with her, she commented, "Business has been very good lately, we certainly do praise the Lord for blessing our roofing company!"

    One man's ceiling is another man's floor!


    Our bethel speaker in order to prove how wrong this was explained very quickly that because of this secular research, "this brother fell away and caught AIDS"

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  • stuckinarut2

    So I thought that the GB and Witnesses are supposed to be truthful??

    How do they reconcile this scripture then???!!

    Eph 4:25 Wherefore, now that YOU have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of YOU with his neighbor, because we are members belonging to one another.

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