Dramatic Good-byes

by Swan 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    I fail to understand why some people choose to make such dramatic exits? Are they trying to get attention? Are they trying to shame others with their holier-than-thou attitude? They seem to say good-bye and yet lurk to see who responded to their post. They seem to want the board to conform to their ideal of what it should be rather than just accept it for what it is. When that doesn't happen, they go on ad-nauseam about how they are leaving and their self-righteous reasons for doing so? I usually refuse to respond to such posts. I think they are insincere and laying a guilt trip on everybody. I refuse to be emotionally blackmailed by these drama queens.


  • Mulan

    Tammy..........I know what you mean. This board has meant so much to me, that I can't imagine doing that. I've taken short breaks, but wouldn't say anything to hurt anyone ever.

  • teejay

    Yeah... what Tammy said!


    Hey, I take minor breaks from the forum sometimes, but I don't think it needs to be a huge dramatic exit.

    Begs the question doesn't it?

    Anyways, I find that for some, it's an expression of emotional pain/anger/exhaustion.

    For some: you don't agree with their drivel, they get all (my expression) pissypants about it.

    Some need a break from the forum, and that's fine, but they usually come back, refreshed and ready to contribute some positive and insightful posts.

    I'd hardly call this place 'boring'.

  • Simon

    I think we all need to take a break sometimes. I find myself getting into a rut from time to time and things seem to get repetitive and "irritating" ... a break from things for a few days is really nice and makes me appreciate what people share here.

    I've never understood the "big exit" thing. If people don't want to post ... don't post !

  • Xena

    <----looking a Simon in a perplexed way....you mean we can just STOP posting....without you having to run the infamous red line thru our name? without telling everyone we are leaving? JUST STOP...all on our own...interesting concept...how would this work? I mean would it require like self control on our part? Stop OURSELVES from linking to this site? Stop OURSELVES from typing in our name and password??? Stop OURSELVES from reading threads? Stop OURSELVES from typing a post to a thread? Stop OURSELVES from pressing the Submit Post key?

    Geez you are asking a lot Simon...

    Honestly I don't get it either, but I guess whatever makes your boat float.

  • Swan

    Yeah. Breaks are nice once in a while. I think it's wholesome and healthy to do that. Announcing you will be taking a hiatus is different than what I'm talking about and it is often a common courtesy. Minimus, for example, just let us know he was going to Aruba (I'm so envious) and it is nice that he let us know. We really would have wondered what happened to him when the daily questions stopped coming in.

    No, I'm talking about ones who get all huffy and judgmental and then make a big dramatic exit. They seem to put everyone else down by implying that we don't measure up to their standards, so they are leaving this board. And they go on about how we are all a bunch of apostates (duh!) without any moral compass, or how we are all unfeeling snobs who never made them feel welcome, or some other reason like that. Instead of just leaving they try to buy us a one-way ticket on a guilt trip.

    Well, I am too tired of packing and unpacking all of that emotional baggage. I had too many of those games played with me when I was a JW. To those people I would say "Don't let the door bang you on the behind on the way out!" except that if I post it on their thread it just reinforces their bad behavior.



    Most of the drama queens with the dramatic goodbyes,end up right back on the board after a break..I never post a break from the board,I just take it.Then I come back refreshed,and enjoy my bud`s company on the board...OUTLAW

  • Shutterbug

    Probably the old dub training kicking in, where we are all supposed to think a certain way, act a certain way, and dress a certain way. I suspect since folks can't DA others from this board, they take the only action available to them, they DA themselves. Bill

  • ballistic

    I have felt like I needed a break from here before. I would say that is "healthy". My real test will come from May10th when I go on holiday for 2 weeks, which is longer than I have ever left the site for before!!! Will I get home sick, or HOME-PAGE sick, that is the question?

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