More rumors, 500 families laid off from South African bethel.

by bohm 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    bohm - My attempt to confirm this from a "friend" of 6 decades !!!!!! resulted in me being told that we would no longer be needing to communicate with each other !

    [2015/09/26 06:07:20 AM] Me: Hi XYZ - Has ABC mentioned any readjustments regarding activity at the RSA Bethel or even overseas Bethel homes?? eg asking some of the Family to leave etc/
    [2015/09/26 04:03:34 PM] XYZ: Some have left to take up special assignments in the field where there is a need. Why do you ask?
    [2015/09/26 04:08:53 PM] ME : I heard of some being sent home from NY and UK Bethels and some fairly far-reaching adjustments in the Admin etc at Bethel - Have the ones who left done so cos they wish to leave Bethel or were they asked to move back into the field?
    [2015/09/26 04:10:11 PM] ME: Is there construction underway at RSA Bethel?
    [2015/09/28 12:55:31 PM] XYZ: We have news about these things in the meetings from time to time. Are you attending the meetings?
    [2015/09/28 03:21:15 PM] ME: The news about the layoffs has not been announced at the meetings ! Its a simple question XYZ- Now go back and examine the interrogative nature of last your question to me ! Does it bear any relation to my initial question about people being asked to leave ? Now ask yourself "What was my motive in asking the question in such a manner? " - "What do I wish to achieve by it? " ...................

    XYZ : I do not like the way this conversation is heading and will terminate it now!
    [2015/09/28 05:01:39 PM] ME: Finis! I shall not bother you.

    Oh ...I am from South Africa

    SA Bethel is very important in the Sub-Saharan region as it serves a number of countries printing needs - however 500 sounds quite steep - will need to confirm this ! The headcount was about 800 so.........I will try to get a solid confirm on this one.
  • bohm

    Afrikanman: wow sounds like you hit a sore topic.. I am sorry about your friend, if there are really only 800 families currently the reductionist do sound exaggerated. Dont do anything that will strain more friendships

  • iconoclastic

    WT is fading--the inevitable has to happen. Luke 14:9 has to be fulfilled: "Give this person your seat.' Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place."

    WT came on to the world scene uninvited.

  • konceptual99

    The build out there was progressing fast. I have an acquaintance who was there for several weeks working on the project and recently (about 6 weeks ago) came back to the UK.

  • mrquik
    The WBTS realizes that Walmart will be hiring more for the Christmas season. What a loving provision to dump all these expensive freeloaders with no commercial skills at the feet of the world's commercial giant......

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