Freaky Photo

by Shakita 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    Thanks for your replies everybody. I really don't think it is a shovel since it seems to have 2 eyes.

    I saw this same photo before on the Discovery Channel. It was some time ago on a show about ghosts, etc. Did your Dad loan this picture to them, Shakita?

    My dad was the family historian. He traced the family tree and took care to update it with great care. I suppose that a family member gave this to him(probably my grandmother) and on the back are the names of my great uncle and aunt with the dates of birth and death. If this was ever given to the Discovery Channel, I never heard of it. I think that would be something that my Dad would tell me.

    Nah, not Ozzie......but maybe Kelly Osbourne.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • bluesapphire

    My husband's take on it is that it's the face of Jesus on a tortilla chip.


    Believe it or not, I have seen this more than a few times, especially with old family photos.

    You know, where something was double-exposed, or became imprinted within the next frame.

    With old cameras, you got more ghosts and ghouls than you can shake a stick at.

    Even with modern cameras, I've had some hilarious double-exposures.

    Oh well, makes for interesting conversation. Boo!

  • Shakita


    I guess it could be a double-exposure. But what a strange place to have it.

    I have had double-exposures over the years with my cameras also, but never one that looked like this.

    Boo, back-atcha!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • mattnoel

    Thats really interesting. There are a lot of theories out there with ghosts appearing in pics. I have taken a couple with them in, one was when I was at the Police training college, the main building was an old assylum (typical) and a pic when zoomed in had the face of a woman in the window (could of been reflection of a tree though) but I also took some at Dover Castle (very haunted) and I have a digital camera now, on one of the pics there is a big white apparition, you cant really see much past it but it appears to be floating and you cant make out what it is.

    Some say that these things are always going on but the human eye can not pick it up, when you take a pic it freezes time and that moment.

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