King of North Position-Filled

by proplog2 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    Ridicule of the Watchtower shift on "King of the North" is appropriate. Why didn't they hang in there with Russia? I've heard every conceivable speculation about the NEW improved King of the North. North Korea is the latest. At least it has the word "North" in its name. But so does North America. China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Islam have all been suggested.

    I'm sticking with Russia. If you go due north from the United States, you pass through Canada and there you have it - Russia. Polar assault of the United States was the primary and shortest distance for a nuclear attack. There is nothing North of Russia. If you look at a map you will see that most of the US is at the same latitude as Italy and Southern Europe.

    Don't be lulled by the "lamb-like" appearance of Russia with its Potemkin/artificial democracy and it's Oligarch controlled "free" enterprise system. Moscow takes pride in its self-proclaimed title of "third Rome". Russia's insignia remains the Double-Eagle, symbolizing its connection to the Double empire of Rome and Byzantium. JW interpretations that England & the USA are the seventh world power that emerged from Rome are ignorant of history. Historically England, although at one time a Roman colony, has been anti-Rome. If the USA is the seventh world power and the King of the South why would it emerge from the King of the North? Shouldn't the 6th world power - Rome - as King of the North produce a successor which continues as the King of the North? The feet of the image are described as partly strong and partly weak. That is a perfect description of Russia. It still has the ability to crush cities such as Grozny/Chechnya (750,000 population) and the strength of its cold-war developed nuclear arsenal. However, it is weakened by its close to 100 nationalities that are anything but a melting pot.

    Add to this the on-going pushing against Russia by the USA King of the South. Gorbachev and GHW Bush had a gentelman's agreement that if Russia allowed the reunification of Germany that NATO would never venture out of its cold war domain. Instead NATO (a military organization) has expanded (pushed) right up to the Gates of Russia - the Baltic countires. In spite of Russia's friendly overtures toward the USA in the War on Terror after 9/11 the USA has unilaterally pulled out of the ABM treaty. This was a key treaty which was tightly bound up with all nuclear reduction treaties. So the pushing continues.


    The very peaceful conditions that have led to the Watchtower's dumping of their old King of the North candidate and the generator of this thread ridiculing the Watchtower is an essential part of Bible Prophecy.

    In ancient times hostilities escalated to the predictable outcome of war. Ancient feuds, exchange of insults growing into outright threats looked like an international version of a Jerry Springer show. You knew that war was inevitable. It was just a matter of time until the two sides were pissed off enough to mobilize their armies. The Iraq situation is typical of the ancient pattern of war emerging from a steady escalation of hostility. But you can't wipe out the King of the South -USA in that manner. One of the reasons the Cold-War was such a peaceful period is that outspoken rivalry combined with constant vigilance made it impossible for either side to get an upper hand. Space surveilance could spot tell-tale signs of an impending attack.

    Peace & Security is the only way an enemy can exploit a situation. The USA thinks that Russia is their friend. The cold war is over. However, Russia still carries empire in its heart. If you think the rivalry is over just remember how Russia reacted to the last winter olympics or how they felt about the attack on Serbia. Russia is doomed unless it can even the world's economic playing field. It can't compete with the productive power of Asia. It is not a center of world banking & finance. It lags far behind the computer skills of India & Pakistan. It's only game is raw material supplier and to some extent weapons supplier. That is not a way to build a stable and prosperous national economy. Since normal competition holds little promise the only way left to even the playing field is to do physical damage. For the first time in Russian-American relations the Russians can blow up a city like New York and not have to take the blame.

    Even if it is proven that a Russian bomb was used to destroy New York - they have the pefect alibi. "You know, - we have thousands of these things just sitting around. We thought we had them well guarded - but -damn----those Moslems really hate you guys & where there's a will there's a way. We also fear Moslem terrorist that's why we cooperated in Afghanistan. And you can't say we didn't warn you. But noooooo-- you had to go swatting the Iraqi hornets nest."

    The prophecy at 1Thess 5:3 is part of the JW double barreled prophetic shot-gun. Just as everr war is quite possibly the start of the Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty. the peace that follows is an omen for the outbreak of the Great Tribulation."Whenever it is that they are saying "Peace & Security" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman."

    Daniel says a little bit more about peace. Speaking of a King who appears in the final days Daniel 8:23-26

    "In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise.
    24. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people.
    25. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.
    26. "The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future."

    By the way Russia's President Putin is

    1. stern-faced (no big deal - a lot of leaders are)

    2. was a master deceiver as head of the KGB/FSB

    3. came to power by means of appointment when Yeltsin resigned. Extremely unusual for the head of a government to have never held an elected office.

  • NeonMadman
    "In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise.
    24. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people.
    25. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior.

    Hmmm...sounds like Ted Jarascz.

  • onacruse

    proplog, along with what Scully said over in another thread: I'm glad you're still here with us, in spite of the demise of your last end-time calculations.

    the generator of this thread ridiculing the Watchtower...

    It's great that you see through the swiss-cheese exegesis of the WTS, but if I may offer a thought: your (apparent) pre-occupation with eschatology is robbing you of the true joy of life. Jesus expended very little of his energy on prophetic interpretation; he was primarily concerned about the world's depleted spiritual condition. I suggest that you would find your own researches more personally rewarding, and more helpful to others, if you re-focus your objectives.

    I only speak from personal experience, and not to judge you.


  • BluesBrother
    I'm sticking with Russia.

    By continuing to think along these lines you are perpetuating the WT myth, that these things have a special significance and that this is the time of the end. If you accept that then the rest of the explanation about the "Kingdom" taking over ( Daniel 2.44etc) must also come true.

    As the song says "I've got to break free....."

  • heathen

    The WT has gone beyond what is written once again. They admit in the Daniel book that the roles of king of the north and south change and that once king of the south does not mean always king of the south. So of course they had to insist that the US is still the king of the south in the next paragraph. The way I see it is if there is a king of the north at this time the description fits the US more than any other nation in the world because the king of the north has many ships and russia doesn't even have a navy at this time that I know of .The US is also invading the middle east as described in Daniel .

  • Tuesday

    Russia, Russia, Russia....I remember my mother yelling about how if the US got in a war with Iraq that we would technically be the king of the north. Then the war ended, and now the war has begun. I guess geographically the US is the northern most country involved in this war but the scriptures never said "Struggling, half-witted coke head will follow in his constipated father's footsteps". I always believed the end would come years if not milleniums after my death so I wouldn't speculate as to who the King of the North is because by that time anything could've happened. But if I must speculate at this point I say the only logical guess for the King of the North would be Canada...afterall when all else fails BLAME CANADA (sorry the joke had to be done)


    King of the North postion-filled?....Uh-yeah!,for a long time now...."OUTLAW.. King of the Great White North".....OUTLAW

  • anti-absolutist

    For anybody living in Canada, (who are aware that tonight's Super 7 jackpot is $25,000,000), reading proplog's predictions remind me of the commercials for Super 7, where the guy imitates the ING commercial guy and in the one commercial says, "What did I even say? I DON'T KNOW!!!"

    I don't mean to offend you proplog, but I really have to agree with Craig here. It's great to keep your mind active but what did you really say? YOU DON'T KNOW!!! Spend your time for awile realizing how much you don't know. It's a great distraction.


  • Bendrr
    Polar assault of the United States was the primary and shortest distance for a nuclear attack.

    It goes the other way too. Plus, we could fire right across the Bering Straits and from our bases in Europe.

    It still has the ability to crush cities such as Grozny/Chechnya (750,000 population) and the strength of its cold-war developed nuclear arsenal.

    That's pretty questionable. The Russians fought for two years and pulled out. Then went in again, but it's still pretty up in the air whether they won anything. Speaking of which, they also got their asses handed to them in a country the "King of the South" later went into.

    In spite of Russia's friendly overtures toward the USA in the War on Terror after 9/11 the USA has unilaterally pulled out of the ABM treaty.

    Absolutely! Because we can. In case you missed recent history, they lost the Cold War. If they don't like it, they can come disarm us of our weapons of mass defense. Considering their successes with superpowers like Chechnya and Afghanistan they'd better not go it alone. Maybe France will help them. We'll call it the "Coalition of the Losers".

    Get real P! The Kings of the North and South is an ancient prophecy that applied in Daniel's time and the Dubs tried to make it fit the Cold War to scare people into selling more magazines.


  • no one
    no one

    Ummm, if it's not already claimed, can I be the "King of the West-Southwest?"

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