Letter to old Cong

by mattnoel 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • mattnoel

    Lost me there Scoob ! Of course I dont hate you. From what you have told me you have left the JW's yourself anyway. You are not in my old cong and are not one of the B**tards that have caused me so much pain.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Sorry to hear this Matt, but you've got to remember they are what they are. I think it's great you sent the letter and the reply is pretty much what I would expect from them. I support your anger at this miserable organization.

    Look at this way: you have escaped and you no longer have to live in their world. They do. They are stuck in that miserable, demanding world that beats them down day after day. You're free. You can finally be who you were supposed to be all along.

    A life well led is the best revenge.

  • ScoobySnax

    Matt, I guarantee, I'll be that bast**d at the back of the hall tut-tutting about you soon.....we all do that you know. Ha ha.Medway isn't such a big place you know...just kidding. I am really decent and still "technically in" though you know, just within a hairs breadth of where you live! I'll be spotting you if you ever cross Rochester bridge some time soon!... Be a good boy. LOL

    Take care matey, soon eh?


  • mattnoel


    I thought you had left the witnesses, sorry must have you mixed up with someone else. So you got any inside info on the letter I sent and if anything has happened in the Lordswood cong as a result ?

    I wont be crossing that Rochester Bridge for a long time, and thats if I ever do again, I dont get up that way anymore. I live quite a distance now and there is no call to ever go up there.

    Speak to you soon.

  • ScoobySnax

    Matt, Don't go all "prickly" on me, I was just kidding. You may have shafted your faith, I hope you haven't shafted your sense of humour too. Maybe you mis-understood me. Scott

  • Brummie

    matt, arnt they breaking the law by asking for cash for data they shouldnt be holding anyway? If so I would send the cheque, let them cash it and the evidence on the bank statement will be enough to whack em with.

    Whether they are breaking the law or not they are cheeky gits..grrrr


  • mattnoel

    Scooby, sorry mate, to be honest at first I wasnt quite sure how to take you. Please forgive me, believe me I have not lost my sense of humour, in fact since leaving it has come with a real vegence. Sorry about that anyway, I gathered you were joking. Have you got a pic you can send, It would be interesting to see if I recognise you or not.

    Brummie, unfortunatly its not against the law ! under the DPA they can hold info on me as long as it is locked away and I can view it at any time. They can legally make a charge to cover admin costs, but I hardly think it is going to cost them £10 to photocopy a few sheets of paper and pop a 25p stamp on them. GRRRRRR

  • ScoobySnax

    Matt, I'll try an sort a pic out, but not on here! Take care mate. Scoob

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