1914 'Big A' WT Retraction/Apology?!

by lurkernomore 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lurkernomore

    The thing is Steve, I was out with the dog and didn't really have the time or inclination to prepare anything! I'd just come home from work and was hungry, need i say more...?

    I assumed nothing, but i do agree with your evaluation, she's not the brightest and I doubt her critical thinking skills even exist. Sadly there's too many such one's caught up in all of this.

    I did not engage in the conversation with any particular goal in mind, as I simply wanted to confirm my view, that all JW's will resort to a similarly defensive attitude, which she did. I also did not want to go into too much detail of reasons for my fade. I made this very clear at the start of our conversation! It's been an easy ride for us so far and don't really want to change that just yet ;)

    I did not want to change her mind, hell I couldn't care less if she saw TTATT. Most JW's likely will never see it IMHO. I'm too busy enjoying my life with my family!

  • steve2

    The thing is Steve, I was out with the dog and didn't really have the time or inclination to prepare anything! I'd just come home from work and was hungry, need i say more...?

    Oh, I did not realize that. Sometimes I read back over what I had said and feel a bit sheepish. Yep, I understand. Sometimes events unfold in the moment and we take the opportunity to say something.

    Even so, we are all learning how to do better next time so to speak in the event this kind of exchange occurs.

    My view is, 'they make the claim, the gotta back it up'. I don't need to show them anything.

    It actually is a good strategy. Get the person who disagrees with you to back up their statement. You don't need to be confrontational - just nicely curious - that is, if they are wiling to at least talk. What you'll find is a) they don't get back to you or b) they change their original claim (e.g., "Oh the organization did not exactly apologize but they said (quote)").

  • username
    This I'm afraid is something the rank and file say all the time. The watchtower do apologise for their mistakes. The reason why I have stopped talking about anything Watchtower with my mother is because anything that is said against the watchtower is countered with how wonderful they are....including the watchtower has always apologised! Absolute poppycock!
  • Finkelstein

    When individuals such as the (WTS. leaders) present a position that they have been selectively chosen by god, you cant expect them to be openly honest or intellectually genuine.

    That's why most Christian based Charlatans who've stated that Christ has returned on a specific time or date failed.

    They too were pressed and focused to attract attention to themselves or the literature they were selling.

    This goes way back even before the JWS/IBSA with William Miller in the mid 1800's, he too went about giving public talks and sold his book to the public. The inherent agenda of these charlatans was to shine a light onto themselves and make grandiose proclamations that god has selectively chosen them as to correctly reveal the proper interpretation of the bible scriptures.

    They have also proclaimed they were anointed with god's spirit such as the top leaders of the Catholics, Mormons etc.

    There will eventually come a time when the WTS leaders will drop 1914 altogether and come up with they have acquired New Light on the matter, that's essentially their game, play along or get out

  • notjustyet

    What if they did apologize,.. what would that really mean in the big picture?

    Just because they might have the ability to apologize does not mean they are not culpable in misleading members in a way that is harmful.

    WTBTS "We stole your life, we kept many of you single, we prevented you from having children, we stopped you from enjoying your hobbies, we rented your mind for most of your waking hours, we indoctrinated you with phobias to cause you fear and anxiety, we prevented you from seeking gainful employment that would have allowed you to retire by now. Sorry,...it's all better now since we printed the word "sorry" right?"


  • lurkernomore

    Steve - Totally agree. When i spoke with my Mum a few months back about some of my issues she rolled off so much bs with no backup to what she was saying it was unbelievable. I've seen this pattern repeated time and time again on here with other members, on youtube videos and other ex-jw sites. No wonder they're not getting much increase in the western world.

  • Finkelstein

    Let it be clearly realized the WTS and its leaders egregiously and harmfully exploited people in its agenda toward the proliferation of its own published goods.

    Dates were set, times were propagated, all with the intent to spur on the continuing distribution of the literature to the public and given the appealing identity of preaching the Gospel according to Christ.

    Its becoming more and more obvious that this Gospel was exclusively the Watchtower Corporation's, not one

    of Jesus's.

  • username
    I mistakenly let my mother know about the upcoming changes before the letter was read on Sunday. I was treated to 15 minutes of fluff. I had to shut down. I'm telling you now, Pink unicorns flying over rainbows was a very appealing proposition that very moment!
  • lurkernomore

    username I was very tempted to tell my mum about the changes too but didn't get the opportunity as she was away up until shortly before. I'm sure I would have had a similar response!

    Finkel - I kind of made that point to her when I said that when i was a witness I realised quite some time ago that the WT publications take precedence over the Bible itself, not the other way around. There's been countless examples of Scriptures being used in articles that have no bearing whatsoever on the subject at hand, but it seems they feel a need to add a scripture just because it looks good.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes Lurkernomore that's the way the WTS operates, exploiting the bible to its fullest to make their doctrinal positions valid, at the same time disregarding many scriptures that don't support their doctrines.

    Mentally indoctrinating people with their own inherently devised teachings is why JWs usually counter respond only what they have been taught by the WTS.

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