Did they really live that old?

by JH 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Do you believe that:

    Adam lived 930 years. (Genesis 5:5)

    Seth lived 912 years.(Genesis 5:8)

    Methuselah lived 969 years.(Genesis 5:27)

    And Noah lived 950 years. (Genesis 9:29)

  • StinkyPantz

    No, but then again I don't believe a lot of what I read in the Bible.

  • Valis

    Kingdom Hall no! I think the average ancient Egyptian age for males was between 45-52 years...if we go back to about 3000 B.C. I think. If I'm wrong just don't stick a stick in me, but seeing as biblical history and myth have never come off squaring one another its kind of dumb. Some might say that Jehover started some hereditary time bomb so that each generation got less perfect, but that is just plain mean and unnecessary lest he made a mistake the first time or was playing with the human race. It also never ceases to amaze me that people could believe Jehover could never forgive his human creations for being decieved by his other much more perfect and indestructable creation. Sounds like a bad ego trip or a tantrum on his part. Its all bullshit academics anyway, but no way in Kingdom Hall could it be the case. Sorry for the use of such foul language by the way....*LOL*.


    District Overbeer

  • TresHappy

    My best friend have had this very subject as an ongoing discussion for the last few months...she's thinks yes, I am not sure...so much for the discussion....

  • gitasatsangha

    No, but then I don't take the Ramayana, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Paul Bunyan and Blue stories, or DC Comics at face value, either.

  • Gamaliel

    The famous LXX version of the Bible (the one quoted by Paul, the Gospel writers and Josephus, etc.) shows different lifespans for most of those predeluvian "ancient worthies."

    In either case (LXX Greek text or Hebrew texts) they were still careful enough not to let Methusaleh survive more than a few months past the flood. Per the chronology he either died in the floodwaters or in the same year, btw.

    How long can a 969 year old man tread water?


  • Matty

    They might have done the old Saddam Hussein trick where there might have been lots of guys that looked just like Methusaleh, and every time one kicked the bucket they reeled another one in, and nobody really noticed that it was a different person?

  • Francois

    Naturally I have a different take on this whole thing. I don't believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans on this planet. I believe the first humans evolved on this planet from the first life implantation carried out by the agents of Deity.

    These smart molecules that constituted the life implantation evolved in the ordained manner until primitive man appeared. When humans had reached a certain stage of their evolution, Adam and Eve were sent here from elsewhere in the local universe for the purpose of biological uplifting of evolving man; and for the purpose of introducing God and of fostering evolving man's spiritual nature.

    There was some sort of default in the plan of biological and spiritual uplift, but some of the planned uplift did indeed take place and for those who received the most benefit from the plan, very long life did indeed take place. When these fortunate ones died out, so did the records of evolutionary humans living for hundreds of years cease.

    I don't hold much truck with the bible for just this sort of thing. Partial information is worse than no information. And the story, I believe, is totally garbled and the real messages lost insofar as they are represented in the Hebrew Scriptures: a primitive, ego-worshipping book for primitive, ego-worshipping men.

    See? I told you my idea was different.


  • Valis
    How long can a 969 year old man tread water?

    Did he have floaties?


    District Overbeer

  • logansrun


    A comment and a question....

    First, I always enjoy your posts; they are very insightful and your humor sometimes cracks me up. I appreciate the fact that you are not a Bible-thumping fundamentalist zombie and promote a worship of a God that is more a dreadful monster than a deity of love and forgiveness. All the same, I do notice that you seem to take a very novel view of "spirituality" and God. Forgive me if I have misunderstood, but you seem to take bits and pieces of the Bible, such as most of the sayings of Jesus, parts of Paul (although you deny the ransom, I think), and some tales from the OT. My question is this: how did you possibly come to these, at first glance, labrynthine notions? How do you know any of this to be true? By what means do you accept certain scriptures and reject others? Where is the logical cohesion?

    I hope I'm not coming across offensive, but I must say I find your beliefs a little confusing. Would you care to try and fill in the gaps in my knowledge of your thoughts? Once again, thanks

    J. Bradley

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