What is your purpose or what do you wish to accomplish while a member of this board?

by Tenacious 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    I pretty much agree with your post except I was a bit older when I walked. I agree with you about the morbid curiosity and think the changes in the last decade (especially the recent ones) must have some turning in their graves!

    Initially, I came here to vent and was ecstatic that there were other people who felt as I did and saw the hypocrisy and unaccountability!

    Now, I'm a long way down the pike and glad it's in my past. I feel sorry for anybody trapped in the religion and wish them the best. Some may want to stay there and that is their privilege too. But...they can have it.

  • WireRider

    Support. I dated a JW until her family found out. In my reading/research/studies I stumbled across this site looking for answers. I post a few comments to call-to-action posts. I think what shocks me the most is the common theme "I would but I don't want to get caught" and "I would but I don't want to be exposed". What the hell kind of religion is that? If you are a true WT/JW God would know everything you do/think anyway - but here so many are afraid of getting "caught" by humans. WTF? So many people want to be free - come and go as they please, but they are so trapped by a fake religion - a cult - that is only about falsely using religion to control people and make money.

    Someone skipped all the warnings of false prophets. No one can deny false prophesies and obvious lies about humans that speak to God. They teach hate of all other religions to scare people to get in line.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Mostly to loiter.

    I used to have friends here to play with which helped me to cope with my awakening, isolation and loneliness.

  • Simon

    It's good to keep up with the WTS changes if you have family still in so you know what they are being told and conditioned to act toward you.

    I'm not as socially involved on the site as I used to be - just too busy with work and life. I'm always shocked when I see someone "new" and it turns out they have been on the site 6 months and made a thousand posts, LOL. Yeah, it's hard to keep up with all the names. That makes me sad - when working on the site I come across old topics from older posters who are sadly no longer with us but helped make the site what it is.

    Of course some moderation is occasionally needed but mostly the community is self-policing and we just need to protect against trolls & spammers.

  • JW_Rogue
    I think what shocks me the most is the common theme "I would but I don't want to get caught" and "I would but I don't want to be exposed". What the hell kind of religion is that? If you are a true WT/JW God would know everything you do/think anyway - but here so many are afraid of getting "caught" by humans. WTF?

    Yes, there is no trust between JWs everyone you know could turn on you. I could go to the hall and there may be other JWs who feel the same as I do but how would I know who they are? The moment I open my mouth with negative comments about the org I could be marked and on the way to losing every family member I have. My marriage could be over because I have no idea how my wife would react to something like that. So yeah there is a lot of fear.

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    I was made aware of this site by a crontributor who went back into the church for family reasons. I have monitored this site a little before the Candace Conti case. I use the information for a letter writing campaign [the one mentioned in the "Human Apostate" talk 2013]. I have printed posts and included them in my letters which penetrate the WBTS 'wall of silence' as they are read by the internal church 'grape vine' and is circulated. I have taped them on the KH doors, just like Martin Luther. So I use it as a resource to be able to fuck with the minds of local elders and WBTS Service Dept.


  • prologos
    Found this site while looking for info on the wt changes, had mentally faded a long time ago on doctrine, closed my own pathetic site that exposed these issues, now, just enjoying some of the banter here, sharpening my dulling, aging mind, and sitting is the only posture that does not hurt. sitzfleisch. and falsify my own views.
  • SoJo16

    to clean out all the corners, and maybe figure out how to wake up my mom.

    i've been out 20 years, but it's only in the past two years that I've really processed what an extraordinary hold this organization had on my life and how i view myself

  • Awake at last
    Awake at last
    I thought I was the only one who thought the way I did and was miserable in the org. Since joining this site and others, I now know there is a whole lot of people feeling the way I do and they are from all over the world. Learning of the true history of the org from Russell onwards has been an eye opener as well as the picking apart of bible teachings.
  • stuckinarut2

    This site has helped me to see that I was not the only one that "saw that the emporer has no clothes"

    I guess that sense of relief from knowing I was not the only one disturbed by things I saw in the org has helped me break free mentally...

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