Did Jehovah Provide? Examples please

by anglise 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • anglise

    How many times have we heard from the platform about Jehovah and looking after pioneers etc especially if they were short of money or something material.

    In our cong it wasnt Jehovah it was other brothers and sisters doing the providing. Usually those who were actually in a full time secular job. The ones who took all the stick about not putting kingdom interests first but instead tried to pay their own way in the world without deliberately working short hours and claiming benefits.

    This sort of thing really used to make me sick.

    We even had one pio sister that used to make her bible studides fell sorry for her. She was very good at befriending old ladies and ended up with gifts of money and one even left her enough in her will to buy a 2nd hand car. In all the years we knew her she never actually bought anyone into the org so these were really 'cup of coffee calls' (maybe that was good after all).

    What was your cong like?


  • berylblue

    I'll give you an example of when I provided.

    I don't drive and never have. As an incentive to get over my fear, my twin sister gave me an old red VW Beetle. It was sitting in my parking lot for a few weeks while I tried to summon up the courage to learn to drive.

    An elder told me that there was a really needy family in the congregation and that if I gave them the car, it would really help. The mother needed it to go to her part-time job. I didn't think about it, I just said, "sure, no problem", and proceeded to give the husband of the family the title, etc. My sister was really mad but calmed down when I assured her that this family was really in need.

    So, after a few weeks, I get invited to a party at this family's house. (Oh, by the way, while I did get a verbal thank you, I never got a note. Now, I was a little bothered by this, I think that if someone gives you a car, albeit an old one, you should sent a written thank you. But that was over with in a few minutes. Not everyone writes thank you notes all the time the way I do.)

    I was stunned by what I saw when I walked into this family's house.


    The house was stunning. Not my taste, but very elegantly appointed. The furniture was obviously expensive, and to top it all off, they had one of those huge screen TVs.

    Still, I wasn't too bothered. A little puzzled, but I trusted the elder. Just because one has an expensive looking house doesn' t mean one has money on hand to buy a car.

    Well, in the ladies' room at the KH one Sunday, I asked the sister if the car was running all right. She said, "We sold it to Sister X's brother".

    I was flabbergasted. "YOU WHAT?"

    "Well, we didn't need it, so we sold it."


    "Why are you getting so upset?"

    "You sold the car to a man who needed a break. You sold something that was given free to you. I can't believe this."

    "He's not a Witness anyway. He's a Muslim."

    "What does that have to do with anything? "

    Now I'm really pissed. I could have given the car to the Muslim man had I known he needed it. The poor man just got out of prison and wants to go clean, and a Witness sells a car she got for free to this poor man. Was I wrong to be upset? Apparently so.

    The discussion went on and I finally got so upset that I left the ladies room in anger.

    The PO was right there, waiting.

    "What is the matter with you? You can be heard in the Main Hall. "

    I told him what had happened. I can't remember what he said to me. But it was bad enough that I ran out of the hall, crying. He did not see where I would be so upset.

    "You don't handle criticism well, do you?"

    "Why should I be criticized? What did I do wrong?" (Well, besides disrupt the meeting.)

    I can't remember what he said. I blocked it out almost immediately, which I tend to do when I get upset.

    Am I wrong to still feel hurt?

    (Sidenote: The sister who sold the car did not get reprimanded for arguing in the KH. Only I did.)

    Oh, yeah. I provided, guided by what I thought was Jehovah's direction. Maybe it was.... maybe this family absolutely needed another 5 foot TV screen....


  • happysistah


    Your experience made me mad just reading it. My blood pressure when up about 20 points. How dare that family take your generosity for granted and on top of that make a profit from it. And additionally the stupid asshole elder didn't see what the problem was. That was blatenly(sp) wrong.

  • ballistic

    The congregation I was in had this custom of paying people cash for journeys to cover petrol. It became so prevelant, that you felt embarassed by it. It was almost like getting out of a taxi, but more difficult as you would have to work out what would be a good "offer".

    Thing is, I was a pioneer and had a part time job which brought in only around 30 pounds per week. I could barely afford it. Not every person in the congregation did it, but you knew there were one or two who would hold their hand out if it wasn't forth-coming.

  • topanga

    i've sat in on a pioneer meeting they are allowed to keep the money just like the elders divvy up at the end of each meeting.

  • Latte


    What an aweful thing to happen to you. Giving someone a car is such a generous thing to do, you are so very kind in what you did. It’s true that many people fail to send ‘thank you’ notes, I personally am trying to work on this, (cards for every occasion!) as I really appreciate receiving them. It is incredibly unthankful of that family not to send you one, I really wonder what on earth that elder was thinking….clearly he wasn’t.

    You are right to feel hurt, I’m glad that you managed to disturb the meeting though!

    Typical thanklessness. I fear that it comes from the JW mentality that the gift wasn’t really from you personally, it was provided by Jah’…..so one has to thank him in prayer!


    I know exactly what you mean! I know of several families who’s parents /friends help support their service in the Ministry work. My hubby and I have done our ‘lot’ also, in helping such ones. What has always struck me about giving to these ones , is that they seemed to view material items (which they desperatley needed at the time!) as quite disposable.

  • anglise

    Hi everyone

    what used to get me was feeling guilty for working and yet feeling obliged to give to these who where always pleading poverty.

    I am not saying that all pios were like that. Maybe we had more than most and this has clouded my view.

    I can also remember being out on the work one Sat and coming across a group of b&s doing gardening for a b/study. When you have struggled to get you and your 3 children out on the work and left jobs at home (such as gardening) that desperately need doing and then come across that it gets to you especially as you know that nobody would help you, there isnt enough kudos. I suppose they could all count their time!!!

    I often wonder what would happen if all in the congs did pio and live a simple life without state benefits. Where would the WTBTS money come from then?

    Maybe we should push the full time service and then is could be a victim of its own success and crumble unless of course jhvh provided!!!


  • Shakita


    To make a buck on someone else's generosity just makes me ill! This sister obviously has no conscience, what a slimeball!

    Did Jehovah provide for my family all those years of selfless service?.......Not in the slightest. We never had a lot of money, and there were some people from our congregations who helped us out financially in times of need, asking nothing in return. To these few caring people, I will be forever grateful. But, to give the credit to some unseen entity, is just plain wrong. The Watchtower Jehovah provided nothing for us materially or spiritually.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • ashitaka
    Did Jehovah provide for my family all those years of selfless service?.......Not in the slightest.

    Damn strait. People loved to tell us to be content with what we had. And all of these people had beautiful homes, cars and paychecks. Hypocrites.


  • AlanF

    I have yet to hear a credible report of "Jehovah providing". All of them are along the lines of the following. My sister-in-law and another JW woman decided to make curtains for the KH. After weeks of work, they had nearly run out of fabric, so they decided to go buy some more. But they were worried that the fabric store wouldn't have any more, since they had gotten nearly the last of it on a "special discontinued" deal. When they got to the store, they found that there was indeed some fabric left, precisely the amount they needed to finish. They were overjoyed and said that Jehovah knew about their needs and provided the fabric. How they figured this out is beyond me. It's totally inconsistent as well. Does it make sense that their "Jehovah" would so concern himself with the decoration of a Kingdom Hall as to go to great lengths to prearrange a miraculous preservation of a bit of fabric, when all over the world people are dying from all manner of horrible causes? JWs have this same religious myopeia about pretty much everything connected with their religion, and it proves that they are a group of mostly unthinking, cult-controlled spiritual infants.


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