I actually feel relieved

by StinkyPantz 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    Stinky, even though your mom and dad have not been much a part of your life recently, it obviously hurts to have them say what they said and all. I'm very sorry, and I hope one day they will relent.

  • teenyuck

    {{{Stinky}}} I hope they realize what they lost; it is their loss.

  • happyout


    I can only add my best wishes and sympathy to the other messages. When I first faded, my mom wrote me a letter disowning me. I have been 100% blessed that my family now treats me well, there is no shunning, and we get along well. However, there is no doubt in my mind that if I ever get DF'd, that will change. My mom once said to me she thought we were all so close because of the religion, but I said I thought we were so close because we were a family who loved one another. It's hard to take when someone who should love you unconditionally is fooled into "doing what's best" for you by treating you with less than a loving attitude. I hope the love in your own home somehow makes up for the tough situation, and you always have the support of those on this board who know what you are going through.

    Good luck, and feel free to drop me a line anytime.


  • Carmel

    SP, not sure why you want to be treated as a child. Wouldn't you rather be treated as an adult who has all the capacity, insite and knowledge that they think they have? Guess I'd have invited them to come out of their self-imposed "time out room" when they could treat me as Jesus would have.


  • StinkyPantz


    SP, not sure why you want to be treated as a child.

    Well because I am their child. Maybe, I'm being immature but it doesn't matter. I want my parents to act like parents. I am going through a lot right now and I wish I had their knowledge and experience to help me out. For example, I'm a newlywed, I'm moving across the country, I'm seriously contemplating children. Parents are supposed to be around to help me, so if you think me wanting my parents back is childish, okay I'm being childish.

    The thing is, I was a good kid! I was my parent's favorite and I was always a good JW. I deserve to be treated like a person. As a matter of fact, because I am their child I should be considered extra special and precious.

  • happysistah


    Like everyone else, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Hopefully one day your parents will realize what a mistake they have made.

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