questions for those who were once elders

by enoughisenough 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hellothere

    They change all that some 10 years ago. Now the co is supposed too appoint new elders. Base on some Bible text were Paulus went around appointing brothers. There was a Bible verse they gotten wrong and were correcting. Person has to show that he wants to help congregation and is applying fruit of spirit in his life. Plus elders that were not loving hade to be removed. This came up after the child abuse situation started. Think GB wanted to clean their hands and tell everyone they don't have anything too do with elder appointments. Must been a legal move. Before if you hade pants and married that was enough to become elder. They probably moving away from elder arrangements altogether now with online move ( don't tell current elders that have taken the vaccine about that šŸ˜).

  • enoughisenough

    hellothere, I have read a lot of "stuff" and watched a lot of videos, so I don't know where I got this tidbit from and there may or may not be truth in it...but according to what I gleaned, the org stopped appointing the elders because if he turned out to be a bad choice, ( say maybe a pedophile ) the CO would take the fall, so to speak and not the GB.

  • Hellothere

    enoughisenough There were two letters send out to congregations about this issue. CO is supposed to go out in service with the person before an appointment. See if person had the right motive (agape) for the job. Yeah it was around the Australian court case this came about. For sure GB covering their behind and throwing co under the bus. Back then not nothing about child abuse cases, I thought org was turning to a more loving attitude. But of course it was for legal reasons.

  • enoughisenough

    Chezdale, the information you brought out made me think of this Scripture : Job 38 :7 When the morning stars yoyfully cried out together , and the sons of God began shouting in applause. a CO could stretch that out to say the elders being, as they claim ,the stars in Jesus hand , therefore angels. ( if you followed that line of reasoning)

  • ThomasMore

    Heard all of it. Rolled off my back like water. Elders were at each others throats so that was proof to me that we were nothing special. What did I do? I left. Will never go back to something I could not teach with a straight face.

  • Fisherman


  • ThomasMore

    WTC did officially teach that NT was written for anointed. This became problematic when FDS was re-identified as the GB. They have made such a mess interpreting scriptures that place them in the middle of all prophecies and explanations. As a result, many who followed their teachings now want nothing to do with the Bible, as if it was responsible for their ludicrous teachings. Word to the wise, donā€™t stand close to a steel pole in a lightning storm ā€œlest ye get struckā€.

    WTC has a lot to answer for.

  • enoughisenough

    ThomasMore "As a result, many who followed their teachings now want nothing to do with the Bible, as if it was responsible for their ludicrous teachings." I have noticed this among the ex JWs...they cared enough about the Bible to "study" with the JW and become JW, and when they leave, many seem to distain the Bible and God Almighty.

  • DesirousOfChange
    I've never heard that elders are angels statement.

    Maybe you slept thru it. Those meetings were a snooze-fest.

    Elders are also the "glorious ones". Best not speak poorly of the "glorious ones". That's grounds for DFing.

  • FedUpJW

    . . .maintain proper respect for those appointed by holy spirit.

    Do they mean like the example just a few years ago in a study WT of a early twenties aged ministerial servant showing "humility" when he was deleted as a ministerial servant after confessing to the elders that he had the habit of regular viewing of pornography and masturbating since he was 12 years old?

    Where was holy spirit when he was recommended? Where was holy spirit when he lied and said there was nothing in his past or present that would prevent him from accepting appointment?

    Holy spirit my

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