Why don't you do anything?

by WireRider 59 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • WireRider
    Sabin - Is there a recovery group for JW (et all - abuse)?
  • WireRider
    Thank you nicolaou. Shaking the branches a little. Glad to hear. Hope you can gather more of the independents to a common goal.
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Many have broken free and do not have ties to the cult any longer. These choose to forget the latrine they once were associated with and do not wish to reengage it in any form. I can respect that. Not all Ex JW's are activists. They simply want to put it behind them where it belongs.
  • xjwsrock

    I am just throwing this in the mix.

    Back in the day, when a large percentage of members left (1925'ish I believe), the organization had some different policies in place that actually made that easier to do.

    A big policydifference was - Disfellowshipping (shunning) was not a formal doctrine or practice of the religion.

    So the medieval social/psychological trap was not in place yet in the cult. You might could even argue it wasn't a cult yet.

    Translation: Members obviously felt they could air grievances to each other and subsequently take whatever personal action they needed to. This led to activist groups forming and leaving.

    Today this is not allowed. Today is is a full blown nasty-ass cult. You complain - you are quickly kicked out and the remaining members are not allowed to speak to you. This actually happens too. It is not just on paper. Look up jwstruggle on youtube and you can watch these confrontations and trials led by congregation elders.

    It is a sick complicated mess.

    I personally wish for governments to step in and enforce The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which includes as Article 18:

    • Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
  • WireRider

    It's not for them.

    They do not need to be an activist.

    Just a nod for those that are "in" trying to get "out".

    In a way it can can be important for those to know there is life on the other side - when they as told there is not, and scared.

  • WireRider
    xjwsrock: Is that a yes?
  • azor
    Did your ex jw girlfriend ever view sites like this one? Jwfacts, and so on. I came to this site after I stopped going to meetings and knew I wouldn't go back.
  • WireRider
    She's not allowed to. But thanks.
  • xjwsrock
    Is that a yes?
    Not sure what you mean. I do think that a mass exodus or movement would do some serious damage. I think the numbers, though, are less than you think of persons awake. It seems like millions when you visit websites like this one, but good god you should hear the asinine comments of these true-believer idiots in my hall.
  • azor

    That's exactly the point. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. I sent an email to my entire family regarding the australian royal commission. Even spun it in a positive light to make it more palatable to try and help some wake up. I got nothing but grief over it. Shoot the messenger.

    I think Stephen Hassans book escaping cult mind control explains the reasons and best approaches for this quite well. I would be all over letter writing, billboards, phone calls, or whatever other reasonable activism if I thought it would help. Who knows maybe the text I sent is sitting on the back of some of my families heads right now.

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