A Life in a Day

by Big Tex 32 Replies latest members private

  • nowisee

    dear big tex,

    i am still getting to know people here. there are certain ones who definitely make an impression and stand out. you are one of them.

    i have watched you identify with and comfort the ones who are or were in pain, myself included. i certainly appreciated the words you spoke to me.

    i am reminded of the saying, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." it seems that those words aptly apply to you. you are a strong, kind, compassionate man. i am filled with admiration at your capacity to care, and your evident strong love for your wife and daughter.

    i am so grateful that you are here on this forum.

    my very best to you with thanks, nowisee

  • Brummie

    Big Tex the art of writing is in your blood!!!

    I'm on a headf*** trip, how anyone could ever turn a blind eye is out of the reach of understanding, very angry!

    irreverant, there are many that havent spoken out, secrecy by a victim is allowed, people have to be in your shoes to know the issues you personally have to deal with, dont punish yourself, the guilty party is the abuser for doing it, not the victim for being unable to speak out.


    I did finally have the courage to quietly sneak away in the night.

    Brilliant little sentence, blessed me to read it, just sorry to know you had to go through that!


  • Solace


    God, I cant seem to think straight, I hope you forgive me for not being able to find the right words, or any for that matter.

    Its just unimaginable. Im so sorry.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I didn't mean to ignore you. Thank you. No, I've never been published because I've only shown this story to Nina and a couple of elders. It's hard for me to show someone a story I've written. But it's getting easier.


    I'd die for my children too. If you want to know something interesting, I wrote this story 15 years ago and showed it to the White Rock elders. (I've edited out the difficult parts of this story before I posted it here because I was very worried about it would affect folks reading it but back then when I showed them the story, everything was included.) Their reaction? "Oh, that's too bad. Now when are you coming back to meetings?"




    Thanks, and don't be so hard on yourself. It's okay.


    Wow, how awful about your dad. I used to wake up screaming. Poor Nina didn't get much sleep back then. Fear is a helluva thing. I'm glad you conquered yours and I hope your life is better now. You deserve it.


    Wow, thanks. I'm glad I made an impression in a good way. Thanks.


    I'm on a headf*** trip

    I've never heard that expression before. I kinda like it.

    pr_capone, outnfree, loris. lyin eyes, 7of9, XW, Billygoat, riz, scooter, TruckerGB, Jes and Heaven

    It's okay. Sometimes words aren't necessary.

    You know what has really helped me by posting this story? It's how many times people have told me it is well written and I should pursue writing. I take it as a gift from each and every one who has responded to this thread. Your reaction to this story, more than anything else, has caused me to really start believing that I might be able to write that little novel I've had in my head for 15 years.

    Although next time I promise to write something a little happier. All of you are truly great people. Thanks.


  • digderidoo

    I am deeply moved tex.

    I feel that i owe it you and all other survivors of child abuse to remember your story.


  • Angharad

    ((((Big Tex))))

    I'm so sorry

  • blondie

    The memory of the abuse never goes away. There are certain plants that mend their injuries by growing tissue around the injured area. There is a knot left, a reminder of the abuse, but the danger to plant is gone. I understand that. No matter how many years go by, there is a hole in my life, I am essentially an orphan since one parent abused me and the other allowed it and neither one has acknowledged it or apologized. So I consider them as dead.

    The irony is that both of them still go to the KH attending the meetings so are considered acceptable in the eyes of the WTS. Whereas I, no longer attend and have been judged worthy of death at Armageddon.

    I empathize, Big Tex.


  • Billygoat

    ((((Blondie)))) I understand all too well.

  • joannadandy

    Big Tex....NO WORRIES! I didn't feel ignored~

    It's hard for me to show someone a story I've written. But it's getting easier.

    I totally understand. Really I do. I never even used to keep my stories for the longest time. When I was first presented with an opportunity to publish I was very hesitatnt. And it's a part of healing that some abuse survivors don't need. (writing is enough for them). However, I was very happy when I did it. It was like my final task to say, "I'm better". Not only that, but it was amazing to me the number of people I was able to directly help, just because they read my story. Silence is a horrible thing, and I think the silence about the type of abuse you suffered is especially deafening.

    I don't know if you will ever get to a point where you will want to publish, but I highly recommend it. (this is an excellent place to start too, I am confident you have already touched and helped many here.). Just wanted to you to know more than anything you really do have an amazing talent. I am sure you could write anything you set out to.

    If ya wanna publish someday I would be more than happy to offer my assistance in looking for publishers.

  • teejay

    Big Tex,

    I've been sitting here in front of the pc for fifteen minutes... stunned... trying to catch my breath and dry my eyes. The little boy still deep inside me shivers in terror as he lives through the horror of the event – you write so well. The grown man in me shivers, too, but for a different reason. Anger is what shakes these bones.

    I am at a complete loss trying to understand how a collection of grown people could collude to so brutalize a little, defenseless, innocent child. How you made it through, Man, I will never know.

    ((((((((Chris))))))))) ... a Champion.

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