Selfish Mates

by Mercedes 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Get out. Get out now. Walk out the front door and don't look back. Throw away his number and forget you ever knew him. He's a loser and will always be a loser. He doesn't care about you. Don't believe anything he says. He's a liar and a loser. He will drag you down with him.

    Get a bus ticket, get an airplane ticket, call a friend, call your family but GET OUT NOW.

    You are responsible for what YOU do. If you don't leave you will have nothing but abuse and heartache.

    RUN FORREST! RUN!! -- Forrest Gump

  • sandy

    Everyone is giving you great advice here. You should really think about it.

    Unfortunately most women who are abused are stuck. They are stuck in this dysfunctional mindset that does not allow them to leave.

    You have to believe that you are a real person who deserves true happiness in your life.

    This guy is obviously bad for you. He doesn't care enough about himself to care about you in the way you deserve.

    You have to care about yourself before you care about other people.

    Help yourself before anybody else. This is not selfish it is the right thing to do.

    What do you have to gain by staying with this guy? More than likely he will never change. You cannot change him just as we cannot change you.

    You have to make the change yourself. As scary as it might be you need to do it. Give yourself a chance in life. You do not deserve this abuse.

    All we can do is give you advice and hope and pray you take it. But ultimately it is up to you to fix your situation.

    Feel free to email me here any time or at [email protected].

    Please really think about what all of us are telling you here.



  • Francois

    He drug you down to KC from where?

    You've already gotten the best advice. Go to a women's shelter and ask for a bus ticket home. And don't tell the jerk.

    If you're not careful, you're going to end up being one of those women who goes to a battered women's center; your boyfriend shows up all tears and apologies, and you leave with him; a few weeks or months later, you're back with black eyes and broken bones and after a few weeks or months, your boyfriend shows up all tears and apologies and you leave with him and it turns into a vicious cycle that's hell to get out of.

    Suggest you read Susan Forward's fine book about this called, "Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them." It's a life saver.


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