Hey! Wanted to say Hi!

by Miss Worldly 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2
    Hi Miss Worldly. Very intriguing. Can't wait to hear more from you.
  • Miss Worldly
    Miss Worldly

    Thank you for the kind welcome.

    To cut a very long story short, my partner is Df'd. He was Df'd when we met, but very much 'still in' in his mind set. We face problems everywhere we turn, his conscience, guilt and fear. . . I don't fully understand, I'm trying, he is torn.

    I hope this goes someway to explain why I'm here. . .

  • kairos

    Welcome to the forum.

    Is your partner attending meetings with the intent of being reinstated?

    Your job is to wake him up using the tools on this site so as to enjoy life.

  • smiddy

    Welcome Miss Worldly

    Your partner is one of those people I describe as leaving the religion ( or being D.F.) however the religion never leaves them .

    He needs to see with his own eyes what they taught and what they claim , that the religion could never have been chosen by God or Jesus as the "truth"

    I highly recommend investing in the book "Captives Of A Concept " by Don Cameron , it plainly sets out in there own words they could never have been what they claim

    Its available on LULU , please check it out. I found it priceless

    Good luck



  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Hi Miss Worldly.


    Amelia xXx

  • Miss Worldly
    Miss Worldly

    Thanks Smiddy, I've found it on Amazon.

    Although I know he has his doubts, he does try to quash them. We are very open with each other but, I don't want to push my point of view. I think he needs to find out for himself. I will stand by him. Quite where this will lead me, I don't know.

    i just feel it's important for me to be prepared, to expand my knowledge of what is happening. To try and see some of what goes on in his head. Don't they say 'knowledge is power'?

    Thanks again.

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