should shunning be reversed?

by kls 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk



    Yes shinning should be reversed

    Who’s been kicking you, then? Dansk

  • LoverOfTruth

    If you shun in reverse, how do you hope to win the person over with love? Perhaps that person may be ready to question why you really left. I say GIVE EM a BIG HUG! Do the Unexpected.

  • LoverOfTruth

    If you shun in reverse, how do you hope to win the person over with love? Perhaps that person may be ready to question why you really left. I say GIVE EM a BIG HUG! Do the Unexpected.

  • Jesika

    Well as a child I was always taught 2 wrongs don't make a right.

    If for instance my old best friend (who I still miss alot and haven't talked to in over 12yrs), decided she wanted to talk to me again, I would love it. I would be on my guard though, since she used to talk to me (even after I was df'd) and then told me one day I couldn't call her anymore.

    I think you should choose not to speak to someone if they are abusive in some way, to you or to ones that you love.

    I remember shunning my aunt when she was df'd and I was only a child, but I was a JW and that is what I believed was right and good for her, since it was supposed to make her want to come back to the "truth".

    I feel bad for shunning her now, but then I didn't know any better. I honestly thought what I was doing was right.

    That is part of the reason I try not to blame my family and former friends for doing what I once did, they are doing what they think is right. I don't think it is right, but I can't control what others think or do.

    I do however get a kick out of talking to a JW (that knows me or knows I am df'd) when I get the chance, just to watch them get REALLY uncomfortable!!


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I don't think it should be reciprocated, in as much as it should not be done - however, I do think there are valid reasons for shunning - Christ did not speak to His mockers during His persecution - during His tribulation, yes - but not during persecution.

    I think that jws have mixed the meanings of persecution and tribulation (a persecution complex). Tribulation is what they suffer when you question them and reject them - persecution is what they suffer when you physically beat them and mock them.

    I have the unusual circumstance of shunning certain jws, because they insist on doing nastiness to my family - and then assume their right to speak to us (with a grin of course) as if there's nothing wrong - considering that we may be branded "unchristian" whingers if we don't like it.

    However, I feel it would be too undignified to speak with them, as I have tried that and only recieved lies and excuses, and scoffing - too undignified that is, for them and for us - for them, because it's not right that people should facilitate them to evil - and for us, because it's not right that we should lie about what is, and what is not for the sake of pretention.

    No people have "educated" us about this shunning, but I would be very suprised that it weren't right.


  • topanga

    sometimes peple who are jealous and insecure use shunning to pick on someone that intimidates them.

    you can destroy a persons life depending on how intense it is is. if the whole congregation gangs up on someone because they like to feel superior god help them.

  • garybuss

    Anyone who treats me, or people who are important to me, bad are out of my home and out of my life until they decide to behave decently. That is not limited to religious shunners following directions.

    I have let Witnesses know if they shun me it will be permanent. I don't need a one of them. They can kiss my butt.

    That's not reverse shunning, that's just good sense.

  • rocketman

    I'm not the sort to be able to shun someone, though preemptive shunning sounds kind of like a good idea if one feels a need to perhaps protect themselves from the hurt that being shunned brings. But I just don't think I could do it. Now my wife, on the other hand, would probably be able to. She can let people know in no uncertain terms when she's ticked at them. After my removal, she wouldn't even talk to or look at the elders for months.

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