Bible study

by GregT 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NotFormer

    I wouldn't say this is an anti JW forum. It just isn't very pro-Watchtower.

    If you go back to a Kingdom Hall, you're probably going to be shocked at how much has changed in 15 to 20 years. Don't let anyone know that you have been on this forum, if you want to start off on the right foot, should you choose to go back down that path.

  • Mikejw

    Yes so much has changed last few decades but even last few years.

    There is no more counting time. There is hardly any ministry done either, these days it’s just talking to people about what they want to talk about.

    it’s as if we all should be proud that we managed to talk for a long time without bringing up the Bible. This is the new approach or the new light that some suggest came from the PR company we also notice a significant amount of mental issues these days.

    many believed it when were told there is not long left now, they pioneered with low incomes and no plans for retirement

    many sacrificed buying a house or getting a full time job, having children because it was frowned upon

    now they are bitter about those brothers who said those things as they are all proven to be charlatans

    the good news is the next generation of JWs are not pioneers and are getting educated and thinking about good jobs.

    many young ones are not even getting baptised after the new light

  • Phizzy

    If you wish to Study the Bible simply to affirm baseless evidence free beliefs , then do it with J.W's or any Christian Bible Study Group.

    If you wish to study the Bible with the aim of ascertaining what the various writers, really said, what they wanted their readers to glean from their words, and what their readers would have actually understood, then Welcome to the Academic approach, the learned approach to Bible Study !

    If your motive is the latter, then best Study alone, and use Correct Eisegesis and Hermeneutics. Do NOT read the Texts with a 21st Century "Eye", do not approach them with any beliefs you already have, but with a mind that can accept the Truth about what was really being said. You will need to consult Books etc. by Scholars expert in the Field, but filter what you read, some Scholars are believers, which colours their conclusions somewhat, a consensus opinion from the latest Scholarship is fairly reliable.

    To do justice to any Ancient Texts, Biblical or not, they can only be approached in the correct way I have outlined above, if this is what you wish to do, good ! and Enjoy !

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