Kingdom hall cleaning

by Farmer Jim1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farmer Jim1
    Farmer Jim1

    What are your memories of hall cleaning?

    I actually enjoyed it on the whole, my dad as the elder always tried to keep it to under one hour but in my later years in a hard-line congregation it was a chore. The PO's wife had a printed list and we had to complete it all before left (or got disapproving looks if we left after an hour).

    As well as vacuuming the whole building the lost said you had to dismantle the vacuum and clean and polish all the internal elements.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Safety meeting! Complete gear. Not the old days with a donut and coffee. Add the tankless water heater that delivers lukewarm water if you wait

  • Gorb

    Did not like it.

    Can't remember participating.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Seems like there were times our family was all there was to show up from out BS group.

  • NotFormer

    No idea what it was like, of course, but in a high control environment with little in the way of social diversions, I could imagine it could be quite fun for the right group. As OP suggested in the first part of his post. But as OP says in the rest of the post, once the regime changes, its potential to be a horrible chore can be realised.

  • Riley

    I never liked the idea of asking young people with families to help out . It seems to me there are enough retired people and single weirdo’s to handle the task.

    In my experience it seems like to pay special attention to people with limited time.

  • greenhornet

    When we were kids we had wireless FM radio roving mikes that were on that radio. When we cleaned the hall we tuned it to a heavy rock station.

  • gabcol

    I enjoyed doing the hall cleaning. I remember we could walk into the hall wearing blue jeans and such, which was a nice change from suit and tie. I was always assigned to lawn care, so it was a thrill driving a ride-on lawn mower and 15/16 years old. After the clean, we would all go to Pizza Hut (back when Pizza Hut had that buffet and personal pan pizzas served on the skillet pan thing),

  • RandomUserName3500

    An older sister used to think the toilet bowl cleaner was eating away the porcelain in the toilet. I asked her why she thought that. She said would run her hand around the inside of the bowl to feel if she missed anything and the bowl felt rougher the the outside of the toilet

  • Vidiot

    What, she’d never checked for that on her own toilet at home?


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