The world has ended: Eminem gets the Oscar!

by Preston 21 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Hmmm

    Eminem is a very talented (albeit angry) young man with an undeniable gift for alliteration. I don't see what an award for best original song has to do with Katherine Hepburn, but...

    I saw the behind-the-scenes footage from the 8 Mile DVD this weekend. The 300+ extras for the final act's rap "battle" were getting antsy after three days of shooting, so they held an impromtu battle, with four winners having a chance to appear in the movie as contestents that Rabbit (Eminem) defeats on the way to the final showdown with his arch nemesis. It was going to be a silent montage under the music, so the director told Eminem to just pantomime his parts in order to save his voice.

    When he faced the second contestent, the crowd was booing him when they were suppsed to be cheering. So he turned his microphone up and battled the remaining contestents live. The scene didn't make the final cut, but I thought it was as entertaining as the scripted battles.

    I didn't see all of the movies up for awards, but Eminem deserved it more than that lousy song U2 wrote for that lousy movie Scorsese directed.


  • eisenstein

    I said "Eminem" before Barbra Streisand read it out. I knew this song was absolutely the best song of the five. He Deserved It, It wasn't given to him. If you've heard the song you know what I mean.

    I haven't seen the movie yet, but of all the songs for the movies nominated, this one definitely seizes the moment of our times.

    I just wonder why the Academy didn't let Eminem perform the song. Or maybe he was on tour and couldn't be there...


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