The world has ended: Eminem gets the Oscar!

by Preston 21 Replies latest social entertainment

  • joannadandy

    It's typical for the Oscars to make ONE, and only one, gutsy move a year. On the other hand, the other songs...pretty stinky, even for Oscar.

    Plus, it looks good if on their resume of awards given out if they have honored one rap song, so that way they can say they are open to all kinds of music. Plus let's not foget most oscar voters are as old as the GB...better to give the rap award to a white boy...LOL.

    I dunno, I like Eminem. Congrats to him. I think one of my favorite moments from the Oscars was hearing Babs say "OH My! Eminem...", too funny!!

  • Jesika

    I like him for some of the reasons already expressed here. He hasn't gone to jail for shooting someone (like some others have), and even in his lyrics he says he doesnt condone anyone going out and hurting anyone.

    It is one thing to write and express yourself, and it is another to go out and commit a crime.

    I would like to see the movie he was in, I have heard from alot of ppl the movie was good and he acted pretty good in it.

    Hell, there is always the other option, you dont like-- it dont listen.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Do I find some Eminem's lyrics offensive? You betcha

    Would I let my nephew listen to him? NO Way!

    Do I think Eminem is talented? You betcha.

    He is a VERY talented lyricist. In a time when hip hop is about the bling bling and rollin on dubs, he is refreshing. He puts issues in your face. Great vocabulary. If you've seen the DVD with the unscripted rap battles with the extras you can see what a poet he is. Whether you like his music or not you cant deny his talent.

    He wrote the song for 8 mile while filming. Not only did he star in the movie, but he scored it as well. Quite an accomplishment. Thank god not another damn Disney movie song won.

  • sandy

    8 Mile was a very good movie. I heard some people say he sold out with this song he did for the movie. I disagree with that.

    He is so honest in his lyrics, they come straight from his heart and real life experiences. I am glad that he won the Oscar. I must say though, that I agree with the earlier poster who said the Academy seems to do one gutsy thing each year. Except this year they did two gutsy things:

    1. Eminem

    2. Roman Polansky, oh no that was a sick thing.

  • joannadandy

    I don't think Polansky was gutsy...he has been around the industry a LONG time. People have always kissed his butt, not to mention it's a Holocaust movie--you can't lose, it's mathmatically impossible...Scorsesse deserved it, not Polansky.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Gotta agree with you there Joanna. Bear in mind I am myself part Jewish. But Hollywood is very sympathetic to Holocaust movies. I believe it really is slanted in that regard

  • ashitaka
    Scorsesse deserved it,

    Damn strait.


  • teenyuck

    Scorese put on a great camera smile when they announced Polanski....

    His face went from to in a second.

  • joenobody

    No offense, I am a huge U2 fan, but "Hands That Built America" is a crappy song.

    Eminem deserves the award hands down. That track (not my favourite type of music) was the most exciting piece of music last year. The anticipation that builds in the song is pure genius. I encourage those that are a little older to read the lyrics and listen to the song. The urgency is unmistakable and perfectly fit a very simple and well-done movie.

  • MrMoe

    I agree with Preston

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