Question - thoughts on explaining your fading to teachers?

by elderINewton 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild
    I don't like explaining anything to teachers about the fade, etc. as they could very well have friends that could report back to the cult center. - elderINewton

    This is the biggest problem of a cult and it also helps identify one. If a child has cult friends that would report back for being involved in Halloween and Christmas activities. You need to make a decision to break or fake. You need to decide what is in the best interests of your whole family including your child.

    This is a very serious life changing decision. Think carefully.

    Take care

    Kate xx

  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    At the beginning of this year, I spoke to the acting principal at my daughter's school. She was supportive and said she would have JW removed on the enrolment as her religion.

    My daughter has mental problems so I explained a few things that are happening at home such as the changes we are making in our lives and beliefs and the difficulties of having believed for so many years, we are in our 50's and I am born in. She understood that we are telling our daughter one thing and then changing and it is a confusing time on top of everything else. I also mentioned about still supporting the other witness children in the school as they do not get to choose their religion and that people wake up in their own time and some never do. She was quite interested in our reasons and what we were doing and said that to come to her any time.

    Our daughter is going to high school next year and the witnesses in our area are mostly home schooling for high school. I like the idea of putting C of C in the school library.

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