Question - thoughts on explaining your fading to teachers?

by elderINewton 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • elderINewton

    Weird/odd question, but with our family fading, and our daughter in school how or should one approach teachers with this?

    Our child is a little too young to understand why we are fading, but it proves challenging in school as they have been, well brainwashed, to say I shouldn't do that etc...

    I don't like explaining anything to teachers about the fade, etc. as they could very well have friends that could report back to the cult center.

    Anyone with experience with this? I'm just trying to open my mind to other ideas.

  • oppostate

    Teachers will keep in confidence something you've shared with them privately, just make sure you've also talked to the principal and they know you have done that. Breaking confidence is a big no-no.

    Just explain yourself to them and they'll back you up in your decision to "normalize" your children's experience. If you have this talk with them you may just be able to open their eyes to the harmful effects of the wt cult.

    But definitely talk to the principal first and let them know that any concerns you share with them about your situation are to be considered confidential.

  • freemindfade
    I would just be honest. It's a serious matter and it can take a serious toll. I would be frank, you are a part of a high control group that practices policies of religious hate.
  • FayeDunaway
    I remember having this conversation with a teacher during conferences. I explained that we are Jehovahs witnesses but working on leaving. Teachers usually have had witness students in their classes before, and are quite familiar with the rules and usually have felt sorry for these kids. Explain to the teacher that you are gently trying to erase the brainwashing, so if they get mixed messages as to what the kids will do and won't do, just let the kid do what they feel comfortable with right now, but this is why there may not be consistency. Also explain to the teacher that if word of this gets out, you would be in danger of losing your family, since you are not 'allowed' to leave the religion and start living normally. Tell them the witness world is a very small world, and to be careful about keeping this in confidence. Teachers are used to keeping secrets, they do it all the time, about their student's lives. It shouldn't be a problem.
  • Mary J Blige
    Mary J Blige
    I have just had that conversation with an English teacher. Resulted in me making a placement in the high school library (Crisis of Conscience ). Easiest placement ever. Why? Teacher had come across many dub teens who were struggling with the doctrines and theology. She mentioned depression and hoped the book would help jw teens to feel not so isolated. She liked that the book promoted a balanced point of view and was well written. I say talk to your teacher. They are trained with these things and just think - their potential reach is far beyond you and your child. ☺
  • FayeDunaway
    CoC in a high school library!! LOVE IT!!!
  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    A word of caution:

    My fully indoctrinated daughter-in-law is a second grade teacher. Generally Witnesses who are nurses, teachers, etc., have no qualms about breaking a confidence of this nature. They put loyalty to the Watchtower above their job. Please be careful.

    Reopened MInd

  • Mary J Blige
    Mary J Blige

    A qualifying question would do it... "Do you know much about the JWs?"

    @Faye - yes it was surprisingly easy. Due to the town being quite uber dub, there are many trapped teens who liberally talk about their dissatisfaction.

  • tiki
    I would just be simple and direct....telling the school administrator s and teachers involved that you as a family have decided that the religion is not a good fit for you and that your child is free to participate in any activities the school provides. A big long list of why is irrelevant.
  • cognac

    This year, I just never said anything at all. Let my kid be like any other normal kid.

    Last year I had to after my husband told the teachers my daughter wasn't allowed to celebrate holidays, birthdays, etc. I was LIVID he said anything. I told the teacher my daughter could partake in everything and I would talk to my husband. It was never brought up again and was never an issue.

    If someone wants to go back to the cult and tell on us, I'll just say my daughter isn't baptized and to stay out of it. Why would they expect her to be held to their rules when she's not baptized anyways?

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