Chicken**** protesters.

by avishai 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound

    So by your logic, the Boston Tea party, people should have been arested.

  • rem
    So by your logic, the Boston Tea party, people should have been arested.

    Why shouldn't they have been arrested? They were breaking the law. They were revolting against the government, so they were willing to pay the price for their actions. What, do dissidents just get an automatic 'the laws don't apply to you' pass? I think all of the protesters who were arrested should be fined to help defray the cost that the city (which means tax payers) had to put out to keep the city running peacefully. The other protesters who did not break the law are cool by me.


  • ISP

    I think running away from the cops is probably sensible.



    Traffic blocking?

    Um...this is a very non-violent way of protest. for the worry of EMS vehicles, I have seen 'the parting of the sea' of people respectfully when EMS vehicles were coming through.

    As for permits, ironically enough, when making application for these things (peace marches/demonstations), it is interesting either the delay in obtaining one, or denial of the permit, outright. What to do?

    Then, well...I can see the frustrations of following things to-a-T.

    Blocking traffic? (Toronto), I tune into the radio for traffic reports. Guaranteed, tuning in to your local radio station will give you alternate routes, should you need to be somewhere. Sure, it may be annoying to drivers, but the protest routes can be avoided.

    If necessary, and you live in an area that is large enough, take public transit. If you end up near the protest/march etc., see what is being said. Even if you don't agree (agree to disagree) at least try to understand what is being said.

    Let's not lose sight of the overall democratic processes available in our respective countries.

    Wishing everyone: a great weekend

  • rem
    If necessary, and you live in an area that is large enough, take public transit.

    Public transit was shut down in many parts of SF. I personally was stuck in traffic for two hours trying to get through SF during one demonstration. It's a lot more than a minor inconvenience. I'm not talking two hours for a commute - I'm talking about two hours going five blocks!

    I really feel bad for the Taxi drivers. They're already having a tough time making ends meet during this economic downtime. These protests really mess things up for them.


  • Eric


    when we rode to the capitol and parked our bikes in the streets,

    Do I understand that all of these bikes were in designated parking stalls, or did your protest infringe on someone else's space or freedom of movement?

    Not inciting to riot here, just wondering.


  • animal

    We parked in all the metered spots, 4 or 5 to a spot.... illegal at the time. We infringed on the capitol workers parking spaces, because we beat them to it.


  • avishai

    Traffic blocking?

    Um...this is a very non-violent way of protest
    Ray, w/ all due respect, Bull$hit. It keeps people from work, i.e creating a siege, an embargo, as it were, keeping food from their kids mouths, doing violence to those that don't deserve it. Also, w/ all the $$$ the city & state is going to lose, who do you think is REALLY going to pay? Those who can afford to take off work & protest? Or the homeless in sf whose programs will get cut later this year due to lost city revenue? Very non-violent? My @$$!

  • Jourles
    I have talked to people who were either pepper-sprayed and/or tear-gased and they related what it was like.

    True dat. Although I wasn't protesting, it was more like celebrating the Denver Avalanche winning the Stanley Cup in 2001 in Lodo Denver. I was at the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Colorado Rockies baseball game when the Avalanche won(I believe it was in the 8th or 9th inning - Cards Won!!). It was off the hook I tell ya. Can't believe some people will bring their kids to something like that. I never knew how bad tear gas burns your eyes and throat. I guess that one time has taught me to stay away from any of the war protests these days.

    Oh, was this thread about war protesting? Ooops.

  • avishai

    Lmao @ jourles

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