Bending the verses of Sharia

by Xanthippe 22 Replies latest members politics

  • shepherdless

    Came across this, on a Saudi Arabian website:

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Love the song posted by Shepherdless.

    It's about the current thing about Saudi women drivers to the tune of 'Born to be Wild' ... let's put things in perspective ... call me a bigot or a racist but Saudi culture is seriously f**kin retarded. No excuses.

    At least allowing women drivers in the immediate future is a step in the right direction.

  • JaniceA


    Most Saudi women cover their hair, but so do the men! Their headdresses are standard, they don't just wear them for ceremony or pictures. It's not legal requirement, yet the religious police will harass women which sucks.

    Niqab(covering face) is not a legal requirement. It's a familial one if at all. Not all women cover their faces. All women do practice modesty in public dress, even westerners out of compounds.

    The garb tangling. . .men usually wear thobes in the Kingdom which are equally modest, but rarely commented about in these kinds of threads. Why is that? Do you think american women in skirts should be forbidden to drive? Same thing.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Most Saudi women cover their hair, but so do the men! - wonderful, how nice!

    Let's just soak up that beautiful culture ...

    In 500 years' time, perhaps Saudi will have its first gay pride parade, open its first church, or stop killing atheists.

    Ya never know.

    Niqab(covering face) is not a legal requirement. It's a familial one if at all. Not all women cover their faces. All women do practice modesty in public dress, even westerners out of compounds - well, I have my own face-veil. It's white, with a pointed hat. Mwa ha ha ha ha haaa!

    Do you think american women in skirts should be forbidden to drive? - of course not.

    Same thing - no it's not. It's just not.

    Don't. You. Dare. Compare. Western. Culture. To. Saudi. Arabia's.

    Get a fucking grip.

  • JaniceA

    I'm not justifying anything. You got an issue with the facts that were offered to clarify? Crawl back into the borg.

    The safety record of Saudi drivers won't be harmed by allowing women on the roads, niqab and all. The men drive like idiots.

  • JaniceA

    And yeah, a long skirt is a long skirt, moron! I can compare whatever I please. Who are you to think your culture is beyond comparison to any other?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The safety record of Saudi drivers won't be harmed by allowing women on the roads, niqab and all. The men drive like idiots - completely missed my point.

    I'll just leave you with this ...

    (My heart goes out to Saudi social commentators like this guy, activists, gay Saudis, Christian Saudis and atheist Saudis. May they live well and prosper, somehow.)

  • sparrowdown

    Changing law doesn't change minds or hearts unfortunately and there will likely still be women harrassed and persecuted by those that do not want change to the status quo.

    Changes like this take time to become normalized and accepted by segregated societies.

  • JaniceA


    I know, and I agree with you about the oppressed ones there. The majority are in favor of many reforms, but the majority, even saudi males still are still struggling for their own basic human rights in reality. Freedom of speech? Just like the jw version.

    I have a close friend in human rights work that is intimate with the issues there. In a way it's like the borg. The truth is pretty awful, but our being misinformed and speaking in ignorance or exaggerating the (already bad enough) facts doesnt add weight to our words, Just like the crazy apostates making up crap doesnt further the ex jw cause.

    Keep seeking truth!

  • JaniceA

    Sparrowdown, I think the majority are moving forward, just the govt is reluctant to lead in this way. It's only sharia to controlling men.

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