This War Could Put A Crimp In WT Prophecy

by ColdRedRain 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Remember when we were taught that the UN was the "Scarlet Colored Wild Beast" and how she would turn on"False Religion"?

    If this war goes successful (And it probably will.) they say that the UN will dissolve or never again be like it once was. And the Catholic Church was against this war, an agent of "False Religion".

    So the great whore of Babylon cannot have the beast turn on it if the beast itself doesn't exist.


  • Mulan
    the UN will dissolve or never again be like it once was.

    That is such a great point. I brought that up at dinner last night, and my mother (loyal dub), said "these potatoes are so good".

    I guess she didn't want to talk or think about it. Cracks me up.

  • RandomTask

    Wasnt this already brought up today? The WTS could say tomorrow that a group of racoons living in the Canadian Rockies represent the King of the north and the witnesses would swallow it like soma flavored malt-o-meal

  • SixofNine
    If this war goes successful (And it probably will.) they say that the UN will dissolve or never again be like it once was

    That is just UN-bashing fantasy. The UN will play a big role in the afterparty. If anything, it will be strengthened in the future, as this war may show how right and necessary a "world's policeman" role is.

    Bible prophecy will remain unaffected either way, as it never had a goddam thing to do with the UN or anything happening now anyway.

  • SixofNine

    RandomTask, excellent point about the Rockie's raccoons.

  • Mulan
    Bible prophecy will remain unaffected either way, as it never had a goddam thing to do with the UN or anything happening now anyway.

    Very true. But, it would be so satisfying for yet another of their prophecies to fail them.

  • SYN

    Good points Mulan, but I'd rather have the United Nations than a failed prophecy any day!

  • greven

    The UN will not so easily dissolve. Like SYN, I would pick the UN above seeing another prophecy fail. Their prophecies have failed time and time again (remember the king of the north being the USSR?) without causing much disturbance among loyal followers. As far as I can see, the avarage JW has little knowledge about these prophecies and hence could care less if they fail.


  • NeonMadman
    excellent point about the Rockie's raccoons.

    Was that interpretation from the Gideons' Bible?

  • JT
    That is such a great point. I brought that up at dinner last night, and my mother (loyal dub), said "these potatoes are so good".


    great point

    they simply close thier eyes and ears

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