So let me get this straight. The only direction in these difficult times ....

by nowwhat? 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    The washtowel being the first to issue guidelines? It is simple common sense--the same measures that work against a simple cold work against coronavirus. (In fact, there are other coronaviruses that just result in stupid little colds.) In fact, I started disinfecting shopping cart handles before using them about a month before any guidelines were issued from the government, let alone from the washtowel that just copied them. And hand washing? That also works against colds.

    The difference is that I have not relied on just one layer of defense. I expect to still be exposed to the new coronavirus (and, even if not, all total isolation would do is eventually lead my immune system to attack itself and result in auto-immune disease and/or allergies). This makes it necessary to build a second layer of defense. Taking simple vitamin C is a help, as is taking chelated zinc. I also have quite a few herbs and supplements that are intended to throttle any coronavirus that I pick up, giving my immune system a chance to do its job (along with doing its job with normal colds). I still get the exposure to germs that may prevent allergies and auto-immune problems, without all the risk of picking up a dangerous case of coronavirus (isn't that what vaccination is supposed to do?).

    Where in the washtowel is there guidelines about that? And, when did the jokehovians stop going door to door spreading coronavirus? Perhaps I might not be threatened, but does that mean it is something to blow off? Coronavirus is capable of killing people that are elderly or sick (including morbidly obese people), and people that lack basic vitamins and minerals (such as the 80% that lack vitamin D or zinc, or the 90% that are low in magnesium or boron). Someone picks up this virus and spreads it door to door, and it is only a matter of time before someone gets it that is vulnerable and dies or gets very sick with lasting complications. This is after the government, as flawed as they are, have issued stay at home orders. This is after I have seen official "Wash your hands" messages displayed on firehouse LED message boards. This is after I see posters posted at work telling people to stay home if you have a dry cough, a fever, or abnormal shortness of breath. And how long after this have the jokehovians had boasting sessions in person?

    And what lousy financial advice! You need the money to buy your own food. The congregations are not going to distribute food to those in need, unless those happen to be hounders that are in "good standing". Yet they will happily take away what you have put away for yourself, like any good communist system. They will also happily take whatever money you happen to get, preventing you from preparing ahead so you will be at their mercy and have to be "in good standing" just to survive. This also prevents people from paying their rent (and no, I do not advocate this rent strike for those who can pay their rent because you will eventually get evicted or a non-renew). Many are at risk of being laid off because of business shutdowns. Others, even "essential workers", could be suspended if their plant or store gets shut down for a coronavirus outbreak (remember, all it takes is one person to pass it to someone that is vulnerable and later dies). Do you wish to have your financial situation in the hands of a religion that wants full communism?

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I hear critical times hard to deal with about every 5 minutes during the daily text. wife tunes it in.

  • LongHairGal


    The JW religion’s guidelines always come out after the general public already heard these things on the news.. But, don’t forget that some JWs are in a news blackout - so they have to hear it from somebody..The religion is just enlightening their most stupid and dysfunctional members.

    As far as washing hands: I didn’t need anybody to tell me this! All through the years I have washed my hands til they’re chapped. It’s too bad we have a population of slobs who needed a pandemic to get them to do simple hygiene. Who knows if it’s because they were never taught it OR just developed lazy habits over their lives..

    What you know about vitamins and supplements is correct. I’m on the same page as you there!

    With regard to the religion trying to get money and goods out of people in this pandemic?? What is there to say except that I’m glad I ‘Faded’ years ago. I could ever tolerate this, not to mention I’d be the last person to be helped if I were stupid enough to still be there.

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