Hello all-my first post

by Chaosmama 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chaosmama

    Wow I joined a discussion board...

    First off, I have been lurking for about six months. How I came to this site is (and bear with me please). My future son in law was born and raised a JW. I had never really heard that much about them except for the door to door stuff. Well as I got to know this young man,(he is 23)He would tell us stories about his growing up and how horrible it was for a child in that religion. His mother left the JW when he was 16, he left with her YAHOO. They are shunned by his brother and wife and his father will have nothing to do with him. This I just cannot believe, I mean I could not fathom this at all. I was compelled to research the JW on the internet and I just cannot tell you how awful I feel for all those effected by such an UNLOVING CULT. My SIL is such a fine young man for 23 and I am proud that my daughter found somebody so caring. It is just sooo side that his family can't see that. He is so happy to be "outta there" as he says.

    I am sorry my first post is so long, I just finally wanted to tell my story and to let you know I almost feel like i know all of you and I hope to get to know you all more. Thanks for being here.

  • Vash_The_Stampede_13


    Welcome, I am new here too. Yeah I can't believe that peoples own parents will do that to their children. Its just plain cold hearted & sick. My own friends who swore they would be my best friends forever no matter what began to shun me. Why? Because I showed them in the Bible & in their own literature that all people who put faith in Christ were Christians. They immediatly told adults about it because they say they were "worried" about me. They are now no longer allowed to speak to me. Its been a month & I still can't believe it, even though it happened. But Anywho...........



    Vash The Stampede

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Welcome Chaosmama,

    As another non-JW, I understand perfectly your horror at the shunning. The whole JW culture is somewhat bizaare and downright mean and creepy. It really is a cult.

  • pr_capone

    Welcome to the forum!!!!!!!! Your post was not long in the least and quite interesting to read. I am very glad to hear that your future SIL is no longer a JW. Please relate my congratulations to your daughter and SIL!!!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • joannadandy

    Welcome Chaosmama!

    Glad you stepped out from the shadows and up to the mic to introduce yourself. I look forward to reading your "outsider" perspective on things!

  • Chaosmama

    Thanks for the replies,

    I'll tell ya the more he told me the more I could not believe, I mean this kid misses his father and brother soooo bad sometimes. On the upside tho, he enjoys celebrating holidays and birthdays, he had is first B-day when he was 16. His father sould be proud of his son. He has a great job and alot going for him and he treats my daughter like gold.

  • myself

    Welcome Chaosmama. Thank you for sharing your (and your SIL) situation with us. It is difficult to understand the type of control the JW's have over you until you are able to get away from them. I find myself saying over and over "I can't believe I fell for it for so many years." I was sort of raised in it. My mother started studying with them when I was four years old. I can say that at least my intentions were sincere, once I was able to see what I was buying into, my sincerity compelled me to leave.

  • cruzanheart

    Welcome to the forum, both of you! And please wish your SIL happy birthday from me next time he has one, Chaosmama. I celebrated my birthday for the very first time last December, when I turned 47. (I'm trying to convince everyone that makes me 1 year old.)


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy Chaos mama. Interesting name.

    I was really nervous my first post, so you're doing just great.


  • Mac

    Welcome and thanks for sharing !

    From chaos comes order....yer not here to straighten us up are ya mama?


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