Armegeddon -This is how I'm afraid it will go

by berylblue 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue

    And I can't shake this.

    "Uh, Beryl, you know I'm a god of love. And that's why you are going to have to die. I love my real people so much, that I can't have you around spoiling things for them. You should have gone back to the Kingdom Hall while you had a chance, but you were too busy feeling depressed and worthless. You should have responded to my loving discipline when I disfellowshipped you, but you did not. You were not supposed to "give out" when I corrected you. You were supposed to take it, take the silence, accept the reproof, and come back strong. You did not. It's too late to tell me about your extenuating circumstances. You're going to have to go."

    I don't have to speak, for Jehovah knows what I'm thinking.

    "Your sin is much, much worse than the man who raped your daughter. He is going to live, for he came to the Kingdom Hall just in time, while you sat around on the internet, voicing your doubts instead of going to the Kingdom Hall to hear my thoughts. If you had read the Watchtower faithfully, you would have realized that I was speaking through the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. You chose to believe a lie rather than believe the truth."

    "Those persons on the internet, they lied to you. You had the Bible; why didn't you measure what they told you against my word? The bible clearly states that many, many will be destroyed at Armegeddon. You fell for the original lie of Satan's when you believed that there was a chance that if you disobeyed me, despite your good intentions, you would still live. That's what Eve fell for, and you did the same.


    "The ones whom you thought treated you and your daughters unlovingly at the Kingdom Hall will live. They, at least, stuck with me. You did not. You did not accept my love, while they did. You were supposed to rise above the ostensible lack of love, but you did not. They did show love to you in that, whenever you had a problem, they encouraged you to come to meetings. You should have listened. As for me, it's too late to ask me to listen to you now."

    Okay, everyone, ANALYZE THIS PLEASE. And please don't worry about my feelings. I want to hear it all.



  • Gopher

    I wouldn't equate "accepting God's love" with membership in a particular organization. Accepting God's love would be a personal matter, unencumbered by a meddling organization.

    If you show unselfish love you will be meeting God's requirements, regardless of the changing requirements of a fickle organization are (for whom you can "never do enough").

    Even people inside the organization feel worthless and "on edge", as if any mistake could eternally doom them. That differs from what a merciful and kind Creator would teach.

    The Watchtower teaches the teachings of men, and they do it for a reason: control. Sadly, sometimes that thought-control extends beyond the boundaries of the organization.

    Beryl I hope you come to a point where you realize you don't have to please the Watchtower-men to be viewed as acceptable by humans or by a Creator.

  • RandomTask

    You not being a witness spoils things so much for the witnesses that it warrants your death? Does God have no compassion for those of us who just want to do good, and enjoy life? Beryl, do you think that 99.9% of the world's population is deserving of death? Tell me that you have more compassion than that. If you have that much compassion, then why is God compelled to murder these people?

    Furthermore, have the witnesses ever proven in any way that their organization is what represents God? No, In fact they have proven how alienated they are from the God of the bible by their actions for the past 120+ years. Has it ever occured to you that you can serve God without an organization and that if you did some research on said organization you would find that they are using honest hearted people like you for their own power and wealth. Do not equate God and this organization, they have nothing in common and this organization has proven that they do not speak for God.

    The guilt that you feel has been programmed into you by this organization. Does it really seem wise and "Godly" to coerce people into submission through guilt? You obviously left because you had a good reason to, can you ignore everything that you know and have learned because of guilt? Do you really think that God wants "subjects" who are kept in line through guilt? Yet this is the main tool of control for his supposed organization.

    Look, there are two ways you can look at this, logically and emotionally. Emotionally you feel compelled to go back, you think God is mad at you. Logically you know the witnesses are false, it has been more than proven to you, and if it has not been proven then I invite you to do more research because such information about the witnesses is easily obtained and verifiable.

    Life is a precious gift, you have the one you are living. Billions of people who have lived from the dawn of humanity have died, you and I will someday too. The witnesses have been preaching that the end is coming within a few years since the mid 1870's. The end is not coming, the end is a lie. I have seen those older than me believe that they would not graduate high school before the end came, or then that they would not get married, or then that they would not have children, or then that they would not have grandchildren, or that they would not die before the end comes. They were all deluded into throwing their life away for some other life promised to them by men, some other life that they could attain through doing works for these men. These men have and continue to take these people's life and run, leaving them with nothing for their lifetime devotion to this organization, this false organization. Don't throw your life away, they merely continue the lie that they preach was first uttered by Satan the Devil when he said "you most certainly will not die". Its what they tell their followers today, its what Rutherford told them in 1919, "millions now living will never die", well millions along with Rutherford have died and the millions of witnesses living today will die.

    Dont buy into this lie, break the cycle and lead the life God meant for you to live. Enjoy his gift and don't let other men control your life until you have none of that precious gift left.

  • SixofNine
    ANALYZE THIS PLEASE. And please don't worry about my feelings.

    Ok, you asked. All feelings and nary any thought.

    You asked, so I'm gonna tell you. I don't see any intelligence in the words you posted, just feelings and irrational fear. You can feel your way out of the "truth (tm)", or you can think your way out. I think most of us start out "feeling" our way out, but the quicker you decide to make it a purely intellectual excercise, the quicker you will be free of bad feelings and irrational fear.

  • jgnat

    Does the Organization judge or love? Does Jehovah judge or love? Does it seem right that a God whose very nature is love would foster fear in His people? The organization IS NOT Jehovah. I know, I know, you have that darn tape recorder inside your head. I used to fear the end of the world (never-JW). You know, nuclear threat, the red menace, and all that. A dream helped me push past my fear. Perhaps something like that would help you. A new picture, a new message, a new tape recorder playing in your head.

    I dunno. I am guessing it will take you a while to get past your old fears. I still worry about the goblin living under my basement stairs.

  • expatbrit

    Death would be preferable to an eternity serving a God like the one described in your post.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I'm a god of love. And that's why you are going to have to die. I love my real people so much, that I can't have you around spoiling things for them.

    Beryl, may I talk to your inner voice for a moment? Thanks.

    Okay, let's talk about love. You (God) said that everyone would know your followers because they showed love among themselves. It is not loving to allow innocent children to be raped (It is better for that one to have a stone tied around his neck and thrown into the ocean than to hurt one of these little ones.) It is not loving to threaten those innocent children with spirtual death (disfellowshipping) if they tell the police. It is not loving to protect the evil monster who hurt them. And yet this is what your real people (Jehovah's Witnesses) do. Every day.

    you were too busy feeling depressed and worthless

    You (God) said "in brotherly love have tender affection for one another." This statement above is neither tender nor affectionate. Are you not supposed look at us as a father does to his children? Last year when my son suffered from arthritis and lay in my arms literally screaming in pain, I was not this contemptuous of him. When he hurt, I hurt. I held him gently and wiped his tears away. I could not stop his pain, I could only be there and hold him. This is tender affection. And if I, a very imperfect, overweight man can feel and display this affection to my son, how much more should YOU be able to feel toward Beryl? When she was in pain, did you hold her? Did you wipe her tears away? Perhaps you could not stop her pain, but you could have been there for her instead of showing such a hateful attitude.

    Your sin is much, much worse than the man who raped your daughter. He is going to live, for he came to the Kingdom Hall just in time, while you sat around on the internet, voicing your doubts instead of going to the Kingdom Hall to hear my thoughts.

    I was raped when I was 3, maybe 4; I don't remember exactly when my first rape was since I was so young. But I do remember how much it hurt. I remember once using a pillow to stop the bleeding. I remember how it feel to feel the bloody semen slowly ooze down my leg. I don't know how many rapists I had. I stopped counting at 4, after that it doesn't much matter. But you know what's worse than having people use your body this way? Being ignored. When I was 5, the rapes stopped. But my two rapist parents ignored me the rest of my life. I was no longer interesting to them. I was left alone in my thoughts without even a tormentor for company. I submit that anyone, God or man, who can make another feel so used, so worthless and so badly about themselves, is evil. And if you (God) would rather have this type of person, than someone such as Beryl, then you are evil.

    The ones whom you thought treated you and your daughters unlovingly at the Kingdom Hall will live. They, at least, stuck with me. You did not. You did not accept my love, while they did. You were supposed to rise above the ostensible lack of love, but you did not. They did show love to you in that, whenever you had a problem, they encouraged you to come to meetings.

    To this I will use your (God) own words against you: "... if I have all the faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not have love, I am not profited at all." You (God) yourself said it didn't matter how many meetings we go to, or how much money we give, or how many comments at the Watchtower study we make, or how many hours in service, IF WE DO NOT HAVE LOVE, EVERYTHING ELSE IS WORTHLESS. I challenge you God, to read this entire chapter of 1 Cor. 13 and tell me if that applies to Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes, there are individuals, but as for the organization as a whole, it does not apply today, it does not apply tomorrow and it will never apply!


    I saved one paragraph so that I could talk to you.

    Those persons on the internet, they lied to you. You had the Bible; why didn't you measure what they told you against my word? The bible clearly states that many, many will be destroyed at Armegeddon. You fell for the original lie of Satan's when you believed that there was a chance that if you disobeyed me, despite your good intentions, you would still live. That's what Eve fell for, and you did the same.

    Beryl, listen to your heart. Not this inner voice. This voice is your fear. This voice is your inner demon. I know, because I had one myself for years. It screamed at me. It hated me and kept track of all my faults and discounted all my accomplishments. There was a time when I didn't know who, or what to listen to. So I ask you to listen to your heart, that sweet little person deep down. And I want you to use the Bible (the word of God) to answer this paragraph above. Remember the parable of the prodigal son? Remember when the father saw his son returning, what was his reaction? He was so happy, he jumped up (even though his son was a long distance away) and ran to meet his son.

    Close your eyes and imagine you are the child returning and imagine God (the real God) seeing you and his eyes light up and a huge smile comes over him. And God gets up and runs down the road to meet you and the closer he gets he stretches his arms out to you and when he reaches you, he holds you and kisses very tenderly on the forehead. He is happy to see you. He is glad you are there with him and he doesn't care what you have done.

    Beryl, fight this inner voice. Use positive images to fight the negative words. You are a good person; attach yourself to light and life.

    I believe in you.



  • musky

    Hello Beryl, I think I would say what Random Task has already said, Except the part where he feels the end will never come. I think it could come tomorrow, Or I may die of old age. I don't even speculate anymore when armageddon will occur.

    Jgnat spoke of a tape recorder in your head, Which I believe is very true for many people, Including myself. Try a new tape of positive thinking, instead of negative. I went to a baptist church for a short time. Other churches too. There are many sincere people in a lot of different churches. People dedicated as much as any witness. Also, It is not simply attending some building that pleases Jehovah. It is who we are on the inside that matters. We can't hide anything at all from God. He sees all. And knows all. I feel that there is no "buying" our way into Gods kingdom. It is a free gift he has offered to us.

  • gitasatsangha

    Know this, that God is love. Love is the only stuff of any real value in the end.

    Measure it against the dream.

  • archangel01

    First of all it sounds like only certain people will be saved because they are in a certain location...Wrong because ALL man is judged no matter where your at. You saw the lies in the WTS so your GOD given mind kicked in an said something is wrong here, I have to leave an flee from babylon or the true GOD will be mad. Why would God kill someone for that? All you were doing is trying to please God the right way with out lies or a false front. God wants you to be true to yourself and if something is wrong the right thing to do is leave it or, fix it, etc.In this case you have to leave, for God/Jesus said so in the book of REV. As for the rape, remember God is a God of JUSTICE. If someone is truely sorry that person will try to make some kind of peace with the victim or victims or victims family. Has this person even said he was sorry. But still justice must be done if you feel the person is not sorry for the wrong. Remember JOB, God would not listen to the prays of the three so called friends that made it out like it was all Job's fault. JOB was the only one that GOD would listen too. So their life was in JOB'S hands so to speak. Luckly Job ask God to have mercy on them, so God did not kill them however if Job said that they should be killed for what they did to him, God would have killed them and it would have been Justifed or right. Job would still have God's fav.. So the point is pray to God on what kind of Justice you want too see. Also I'm sure the courts are on this case! This is a tough sitution and there are no easy answers. Just pray on it an sleep on it, then comes the action part(Court System) and the answer will come in it's own way. Just hang in there ok, Jesus well knows how much pain you are in ,an I don't think he will over look that, for we didnot over look the pain he went through for us. The WTS use fear to control it's members. But if you read the book of JOHN. "Perfect Love Has No Fear". Maybe you need to focus more on the love/help God/Jesus did for mankind an will do in the future. Also people can't say now "I'm Saved, your not" because you can't grade your own test, Only God/Jesus does the grading and you have no say so on that.It's just like in school, you turn it in and then the TEACHER grades it and then you find out, end of story. Good thing God/Jesus is very merciful towards us and we have Jesus ransom to forgive are sins, big time. So be strong and hang in there an see the love of the Lord for you are over looking that part. Jesus saves and It's sounds like you are a good person who's had some hard time's.If I was Jesus I'd save you. So I will pray for you and hope all is well soon, an never give up on HOPE, because ALL things are possible!!!!!!!

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