Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God ?

by smiddy3 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy3

    If you answer yes to that question ,may I ask which Bible are you referring to ? And why would God have a different number of Bible books for different parts of the world.?

    Is he partial to different ethnic groups ?

    Ethiopic Bible ,84 books

    Eastern Orthodox ,76 books

    R.C.Vulgate , 73 books

    Greek Orthodox , 79 books

    Protestants , 66 books

    And no doubt their are probably more examples .

    Or have these number of books got nothing to do with God or his choosing of books that are inspired and rests solely with the whim of man that best suited the theology of his time .?

  • Finkelstein

    God wanted to diversify his portfolio, thats why there are so many bibles and versions in different lands.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    I came to think that the Bible could not be what I thought it was. The Bible contains errors. And if it contained errors, it was not completely true. This was a problem for me, because I wanted to believe the truth, the divine truth, and I came to see that the Bible was not divine truth without remainder. The Bible was a very human book, devised by humans for their own motives.

    There are as many interpretations to the bible verses as there are verses itself. Gods inspired word will always stand up to scrutiny,(if there ever is one) objective reasoning and evidence.

    So no its a fairy tale .


  • JoenB75

    There are errors in the Bible if you want them to be, and there are no errors if you dont want them to be. It all depends on the light you view them in and what 21st century context you force the texts into. Variations in information on certain events etc. only strenghthens that the records were you not tampled with. Also, the Bible doesnt stand alone in Christianity. Without the Holy Spirit revelation and conviction, there is no basis for faith in anything but men. It is not a bookworm religion.

  • WTWizard

    It is inspired--that is, to get the whole world to being enslaved. True, it is full of lies and contradictions. But, that it is reptilian-inspired (with joke-hova being their leader) in that people never get past it. That book has throttled advancement, it precludes fulfillment, and creates so much dead work for anyone to follow. Yet, this abomination is the basis for so many of our laws, worldwide. We never have the courage to dump this book of lies and advance without it--and any time anyone does try, they get vilified and discredited for everything. (And this is politically as well as scientifically.) Political viewpoints get trashed and made illegal, while science gets discredited.

    And no, the quran is no better. That was also inspired, by the same reptilians and joke-hova that inspired the bible. And it was also inspired toward the goal of global communism.

  • cofty
    Without the Holy Spirit revelation and conviction, there is no basis for faith in anything - Joan

    Faith is the enemy of knowledge.

    Personal conviction is irrelevant to the search for what is true.

  • JoenB75
    Personal conviction is all we need. The carnal mind is unable to determine the baboonish concept of truth.
  • eyeuse2badub

    The word bible comes from the root "book or books". After reading the bible, it's obvious that some of the guys that wrote those books were strange and delusional. Some were historians and as with all history, the facts and the truth get slanted and distorted. The bible is a strange collection of writings gathered by the RCC.

    So if god 'inspired' the bible, it's very hard to believe. impossible, in a god that did such violent and horrific things to his little creatures here on this tiny spec in the vast universe!

    just saying!

  • cofty
    Personal conviction is all we need. The carnal mind is unable to determine the baboonish concept of truth - Joan

    That may well be true of your mind.

  • JoenB75

    Cafty the highpriest thinks he has the ability to determine truth. The humble believer is not in rebellion. He realizes man can only reason so far, see fractions of the picture and receives convictions from the Spirit. Amen 🥰

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