Half hearted JWs compared to past generations

by JohnR1975 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Probably,,,, each subsequent generation is more intelligent & more savvy than the former.

    The advent of the internet.

    The information age.

    And the cost of living. People work longer,, things cost more,,commute,,,,

    People dont have time for religion anymore. And giving up time & energy & receiving so little in return.

  • Rivergang
    As WC Stevenson noted in his 1968 work The Inside Story of Jehovahs Witnesses “No other religious group would demand as much from its adherents, in return for so little”.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    For soooooo little in return.

    Just a grandiose illusion just a perpetually a little out of reach.

    And a pat on the back.

  • Journeyman

    There is a suggestion the current GB might be about to change the 144,000 teaching in some significant way.

    If true, this would be just yet another in a string of major doctrinal changes, which of course follow on from their (relatively) recent and now (in)famous admission that: "The Governing Body ... can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction."

    In the face of all these fundamental changes, it's no wonder that most of the current R&F are losing their "zeal" (to use a theocratic word). Of course, other churches change or reinterpret their beliefs too over time, but there can't be many that are as 'extreme' in this way as the JWs.

    For example, once changed, you will never hear an "old" Kingdom song or have a previously respected WT publication referred to again. Their entire history becomes expendable. It's hard for many people to maintain their enthusiasm and vigour in the face of the wholesale disposal of what they were once taught to hold dear, especially when those changes start to become commonplace.

    Before the mid-1990s, change in the Org was glacial (at least since the 1975 upheaval - that's before my time with the JWs). But since the early 2000s, there have been numerous major changes, and the pace has increased even more since about 2014.

    So it's no wonder that spark is missing from most of the R&F today. The 'oldies' have lost it due to disappointment and being tired waiting for the end, while most of the 'newbies' (those baptised since the turn of the century) never had it in the first place, since the religion has become a lot more shallow in the time they've joined.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    The average ex-jw poster here would do a better job door to door than the current crop of JW's I've met

  • Phizzy

    Yup, myself and many like me used to go toe to toe on Doctrine with people. I have done so with all sorts, including Vicars and Pastors etc.

    I once had a chat with a Church of England Bishop, and ended up selling him the mags, we charged in those days , he asked "How much will you charge me for these ?", I replied "I will let you have them at Trade Price". LOL.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Thats cuz the current crop of JWS are groomed to stand aimlessly or sit at the "apathy carts".

  • Mikejw
    They clearly do not believe they have a "life saving message" nor is there any urgency about getting that message out. Their religion is a social group. No different than if they were attending the Kiwanis Club or were a member of the Shriners.

    This is so true. I think it’s almost admitted in certain circles. They don’t believe but they like the social club, and their may be some truth to the Bible but not what the GB think.

  • Mikejw
    liam2 days ago
    I would say the majority of JWs have now figured out that the end is not coming in their lifetime. My parents were true believers. My mom pioneered since I can remember, dad was an elder for a long time. After the annual meeting changes, where the governing body member said that now people can repent at the last minute, actually that people would be allowed to see the Great Tribulation and repent, my mom stopped pioneering, Dad stepped down as an elder, as well as other elders in the congregation stepped down.They didn't make a fuss, they just quietly stepped down and stopped Door to Door.

    Many congregations are reducing groups from 6 to 5. Then combining those groups because the support on Saturdays just isn’t there.

    then Halls that have multiple congregations are reducing three congregations into two and it will keep reducing.

    soon it will be just one hall for miles around

    hoser2 days ago
    I think the door to door work has become a social outing for the lonely

    ThIs is so true. Hardly any activity in door to door work. It’s just an excuse for the social club.

  • Ron.W.

    My wife and I discussed how we haven't seen any of the jw carts in any of the normal places for ages now - is that a local thing we wonder??

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