No more judicial committee if maybe suicidal

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The new direction in the new elders book is very clear. Absolutely no JD if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.

    this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a JW and the shunning that accompanied it.

    So what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a JD and they say there is suicidal thoughts?

    I can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book. Even if it makes no sense whatsoever.

    So someone could be living immoral lifestyle continues sex outside of marriage. Or they could be smoking or drugs use, or they could indeed be guilty of apostasy according to the Borg but they would not be allowed to have a JC because doing so may make them feel suicidal.

    will there be new direction about these situations?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The way the Borg works is these super fine apostles make these new direction rules at the top, who have no experience of real life never been parents or done a days work in the real world. They have no idea what things are like today having to get an education to be able to cope with the high cost of living.

    They have this very high ideal in mind that they think everyone is almost there and they just need a little encouragement to get up there where they think everyone should be.

    unfortunately things are not like that in the real world. Things have changed. Now people are struggling with cost of living crisis, mental health problems and to stick to this ideal is unrealistic

    This new direction not have JDs if suicidal suspicion changes everything. They think the elders talking to them will be enough for them to stop whatever it was and carry on striving to reach this high level that nobody can ever reach.

    It’s actually very comforting to everyone especially parents of teenagers. If there is a slip up just have to say the magic words “I feel so terrible that I’ve even considered ending it all”

    then nothing else will happen. No JD so no way disfellowship and no more shunning.

  • Drearyweather

    It is not a new direction. It has always been the case.

    It was communicated through policy letters during the reign of the ks91 elders book (1977-2009)

    It was also mentioned in the ks10 elders book (Chapter 6, Point 16) (2010-2019)

    and it has been in the new elders' book (Chapter 15, Point 17) (2020- current)

    Judicial committees are suspended till the accused is seen fit enough for the committee to resume. His shepherding begins and is continued till he is deemed fit for the JC to resume. If the elders find out that suicide was just a ruse, then disfellowshipping is confirmed. The situation can get messy if the accuser is vindictive and wants to see the accused punished.

    A JC once formed never goes away. I have been on some JCs. Many people find it easier to cry, gain mercy, and then quietly fade away, rather than threaten suicide or legal action and make a mess out of everything.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Yes it’s kind of always been the case but It’s got even stronger and made more clear recently.

    It used to be that the JC was kind of formed but then was held off until the sinner was no longer suicidal. The change now is that the JC will not even be formed or go ahead in any way until the elder body is absolutely certain the sinner is not in any way suicidal. Who on earth would take responsibility for that claim?

    how can the elders ever find out that they said they were suicidal when they were not really? There is no way someone could accuse another of that, it’s treading on very thin ice.

    many times a suicidal attempt is just a cry for help or indeed to prove someone else wrong who said they are not really suicidal

  • TonusOH

    That puts a lot of pressure on elders in JCs.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    it all sounds like a legal cop out for the watchtower.

  • Drearyweather
    The change now is that the JC will not even be formed or go ahead

    That's not the case.

    The recent direction says: In judicial cases in which the accused threatens suicide, it may be best for the committee to suspend the hearing to focus on helping him regain his balance.

    The Judicial Committee is always formed if the wrongdoing ticks the list mentioned in Chapter 12. Only the hearing is suspended.

  • EasyPrompt
    ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book."

    No, they don't.

    ExBethelitenowPIMA, Massimo Introvigne says the same thing as you, that the elders always go by what is written in their publications, but he says a lot of things he really knows nothing about.

    Have you ever been through a "shepherding call"? Have you ever been through a judicial hearing or an appeal hearing?

    The elders don't "always follow" what is in their book. Only when it's convenient for them.

    Why are you trying to advertise for the borg elder book anyway? Do you have stock in their "publishing company" or something?

  • enoughisenough

    So pretending to be suicidal could be an out for somw....but who is going to tell them? And on the other hand, some may not become suicidal until after the JC and being kicked out or otherwise made feel worthless.

  • EasyPrompt
    enoughisenough said: "but who is going to tell them?" and "some may not become suicidal until after"

    enoughisenough is right.

    ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "The way the Borg works is these super fine apostles make these new direction rules at the top, who have no experience of real life never been parents or done a days work in the real world. They have no idea what things are like today having to get an education to be able to cope with the high cost of living."

    ExBethelitenowPIMA, That's not true.

    For instance, Anthony Morris had kids, an education, and experienced "real life"(whatever you mean by that🙄).

    The men and women working at Bethel know how to work hard.

    The problem with the borg isn't just "the way the borg works". It's that there even Is A Borg.

    The Bethel commune setup is not scripturally based.

    The FDS/GB exaltation is not scripturally based.

    The disfellowshipping doctrine is not scripturally based.

    To attempt to patch up something that is intrinsically wrong would be foolish.

    "Nobody sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old outer garment, for the new piece pulls away from the garment and the tear becomes worse. Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins. If they do, then the wineskins burst and the wine spills out and the wineskins are ruined. But people put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

    The borg way isn't Jesus' way. The borg way is busted. Jesus is coming to make all things new.

    He said, "Hold fast what you have until I come."

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