CELEBRATE with me!!!!

by outnfree 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Nice one Out..........wish you well for the future!


  • freedom96

    Good for you! Congrats!

  • safe4kids


    I'm so proud of you!!!! I know how hard you have to work to achieve the Dean's List Takes a fair amount of smarts too...I can't say that I'm surprised, lady. So now you need to tell me which Honor Society you're going to join...wouldn't it be cool if we were in the same one??! Then again, that might be dangerous...hehehe.




  • Aztec

    Congratulations!!! I'll buy you a beer at the next meetup if you're there! :) ~Aztec

  • outnfree

    Thanks, (((((everyone))))), for being joyful with me!

    When I was 17 I was too chicken to go away to school. Even though I took the SAT's and SAT II's and did reasonably well, I convinced myself that I just wouldn't cut it in college (I was not top 10% of my h.s. class by any means). So instead of trying to go where I really, REALLY wanted to go -- Middlebury College in Vermont -- I went to work.

    A couple of years later I found a way to further educate myself in the French language -- and by then was NOT afraid to go halfway (1/3?) of the way around the world to Switzerland to attend school and live in a pension for six months. Upon my return I went to work for Renault and got to use my language skills until I decided to stay home to raise our kids.

    So it was only lately, with the freedom from 5 meetings a week, field service, etc., and the children pretty much grown (youngest is 14), that I decided I could indulge my desire for a college education.

    I am no longer interested in majoring in a foreign language (although I am loving my Spanish class), so my major will be Public Administration after I earn my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. I figure some charity or another will likely be less age-prejudiced than most corporations, and be willing to hire a 50-something woman by the time I'm done!

    But truly, it was seeing all the responses to one of larc's threads here on the board, that made me actually believe that it would be possible for me to attend college/uni and possibly succeed at it this late in life. So thank you to those who inspired me to try back then, and thank you to those who are rejoicing with me now. Your support is very valuable to me.



  • Been there
    Been there


    What an honor, you deserve it. You worked hard.

  • Shutterbug

    Well, look what you done went and did !!!!!!!!! This is more proof there is life after the Dubs and you are certainly taking advantage of what life has to offer. Keep up the good work and if I see you again, don't worry about your beer tab, I'll take care of it. Aztec, perhaps we can go together on this beer project and buy twice as much for our noted scholar. Hope all this is spelled right.

    Bug of the uneducated class

  • freeman

    Outnfree: Good for you!

  • SheilaM

    Congratulations!!! That is sooooo cool

  • Mulan

    Wow!! Great job.

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