Petition against Ostracism Practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses

by AndersonsInfo 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndersonsInfo
    Petition against Ostracism Practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses

    To: All people who were disassociated from the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, all supporters of the cause and the Public Ministry and other competent authorities.
    Public Petition: Against Ostracism Practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses
    We, citizens concerned about human rights and social inclusion, have through this public petition expressed our concern regarding the ostracism practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses. The purpose of this petition is to raise the voice in defense of individuals affected by this practice and demand its elimination.
    Ostracism is a form of social discrimination that occurs when a person is disassociated, ignored or isolated from their family, friends, co-workers and religious community. Unfortunately, this type of treatment has been reported by thousands of former members of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    We firmly believe that everyone should have the right to openly express their religious beliefs and that no one should be discriminated against, marginalized or isolated for exercising this freedom. The ostracism practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses goes against universal principles of human rights, including freedom of religion and belief, as well as equality.
    We demand that Jehovah's Witnesses review their policies and practices regarding ostracism to ensure that no individual is subjected to such inhumane and unfair treatment. We call for the creation of guidelines that promote dialogue, freedom and mutual respect among its members and former members, regardless of their religious choices.
    Furthermore, we demand that those who were subjected to ostracism be fully reintegrated into their families, communities and support networks, without any damage to their emotional and social bonds. Respect for human dignity must be the guiding principle of all actions and decisions of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Through this petition, we ask the Public Prosecutor's Office and the competent authorities to investigate the practice of ostracism by Jehovah's Witnesses, in order to ensure compliance with national and international human rights laws. It is the State's duty to protect individuals, and individual rights are universal.
    Together, we can create a more inclusive, respectful and fair society for everyone. Sign this petition and help combat the ostracism practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses. Let's fight for equality and religious freedom.
    Sign this petition and make a difference!
    SUBSCRIBE Undersigned
    Petição contra o Ostracismo Praticado pelas Testemunhas de Jeová
    Petição contra o Ostracismo Praticado pelas Testemunhas de Jeová
    O seu apoio é muito importante. Apoie esta causa. Assine o Abaixo-Assinado.

  • bbqbob
  • NotFormer

    "... if any man that is called a brother..."

    This is talking about adult men, not minor children who have been pressured into baptism.

  • Balaamsass2

    "bbqbob"...Great handle! Are you possibly Tony...AKA "Roast em' like a Hot Dog""..."tight pants drive me nuts!" Morris?? :)

    Jesus ate with tax collectors and riff raff....

    The Governing Body ate with child rapists....

  • bbqbob

    I can see your point, in many decades, I have not seen one minor df'd though. All have been 18 plus. There may be some, I just haven't seen it. So by your statement, you do agree that adults could be shunned according Paul's writings there at 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 ?

    And no I am not Tony, although I did enjoy his talks etc. I did not know him. I knew all the GB in the early 90s personally though, not well, just acquaintances mostly.

    The tax collectors were not baptized brothers that I am aware of. And am not familiar with what child rapists you speak of.

    I would not disrespect you folks, mostly looking for information. I would like solid documentation if the society took government funds to promote the covid shot. I can see the reasoning why they would, thinking they are promoting good health, but if there was a monetary gain by doing that, I need to know.

    Take care.

  • Diogenesister
    BbqbobThey use 1 Corinthians 5:11-13. Can you explain how this does not apply to Christians?

    Even If you accept that 1.cor 5 is a direct command to shun adult Christians who engage in the sins as listed, what about the many, many witnesses who are shunned for disassociating? Or merely stating they don't accept the two class system for Christian's as per Watchtower doctrine? For not accepting the GB is the faithful slave? For accepting a blood transfusion or for disobeying the branch and reporting child abuse to the authorities? What about the shunning of abuse victims who stop attending meetings their abusers attend and leave the religion that protects them? Victims of domestic violence who leave home - even if they don't remarry??

    We hear stories of such shunning again and again!

    Our own Barbara Anderson on this board is shunned by her only child and prevented from seeing her grandchild, all for protecting children in the congregations!

  • NotFormer

    Diogenesister, that list of yours makes a great point: the WT demands the shunning of people for reasons far beyond the scope of the "sins" Paul pointed out. Going beyond the written word, so to speak.

  • bbqbob

    All good questions, I wonder, do those who disassociate want association with witnesses?

    Two class system, please show some scriptures that disprove the little flock from the other sheep.

    Please provide scripture that proves that there is no faithful slave in modern day.

    Please provide scripture that says taking blood is acceptable.

    Child abuse is reported to local authorities, I know for a fact that this is done.

    The last two mentioned are not clearly communicated, can you please clarify?

    Thank you.

  • NotFormer

    The two witnesses rule almost guarantees that the elders* will not convict a child abuser (unless they confess. And what are the chances of that?) Parents who press the issue are in danger of disfellowshipment for gossip, particularly if they try to warn other parents within the congregation, among other things.

    * And this is one of the main sticking points: police work and investigation of crime is the purview of the superior authorities, i.e. secular governments. The various BOEs have no business in these matters.

  • Vanderhoven7


    Welcome to the forum Bob!

    It takes guts to be here where your faith will no doubt be challenged.

    Let me encourage you to hang around and discuss issues in a free environment, that is open to Atheists, Agnostics, JWs and exJWs as well Bible believers such as myself.

    Like you, I believe the Bible is the word of God; unlike you, I have never been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Like you, I don't believe the Bible teaches eternal torment is the wage of sin or that the soul is inately immortal, but unlike you I don't believe that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is biblical. By that I mean that I believe every doctrine or teaching that is unique and original to Jehovah's Witnesses is not found in the Bible.

    You have listed a few of the unique Watchtower teachings in your last post that you would like anyone try to disprove. By the way, it can be a difficult task trying to disprove a negative. You know, prove pink elephants don't exist for example. So the onus usually falls on the one claiming that pink elephants exist to provide evidence that they do.

    All this to say, I hope you feel welcome enough to stay a while and share in the discussion on topics Watchtower related.

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