Encouraging scriptures for the day

by Kosonen 543 Replies latest jw friends

  • Queequeg

    Rev 22 20
    Don't be aroused by my confession
    Unless you don't give a good goddamn about redemption
    I know Christ is comin', and so am I
    And you would too if this sexy devil caught your eye
    She'll suck you dry
    And still you'll cry, to be back in her bosom
    To do it again
    She'll make you weep
    And moan and cry, to be back in her bosom
    To do it again
    'Til I go blind
    (Pray) 'Cause nobody ever survives
    Prayin' to stay in your arms just until I can die a little longer
    Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike
    She'll eat you alive
    Jesus is risen, it's no surprise
    Even he would martyr his mama to ride to hell between those thighs
    The pressure is building at the base of my spine
    If I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie, lie, lie
    She'll make you cry
    I'll sell my soul to be back in your bosom
    Gladly now please suck me dry
    And still you'll cry, to be back in her bosom
    To do it again
    'Til I go blind
    (Pray) 'Cause nobody ever survives
    Prayin' to stay in her arms just until I can die a little longer
    Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike
    She'll eat you alive
    My pulse has been rising
    My temples are pounding
    The pressure is so overwhelming and building
    So steady there, Freddy
    I'm ready to blow
    What is she, what is she, what is she waiting for?
    'til I go blind
    (Pray) 'cause no one ever survives
    (Pray) Prayin' to stay in her arms just to die a little longer
    Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike
    She'll eat you alive

    - Puscifer
  • LV101

    Oh my -- if one needs a theological education from a seminary to read/interpret the Bible that certainly negates the common plowboy (Tyndale version) and fishermen scriptures. I don't have a degree in religious studies nor well versed in the good book but hells, bells. Do recall verses or preaching😛 re/'creator' has hidden it from the wise (in their own eyes -- I like that one) and intellectual ones and revealed it to the unschooled and ordinary. Oh well, guess we with art degrees don't have to worry about this stuff.

  • Kosonen

    God does not pressure anyone to become holy, it’s up to us.

    Revelation 22:11 Let the one who is unrighteous continue in unrighteousness, and let the filthy one continue in his filth; but let the righteous one continue in righteousness, and let the holy one continue in holiness. 12 “‘Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to repay each one according to his work.

    1 Peter 1:15 but like the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in all your conduct,

    16 for it is written: “You must be holy, because I am holy.”

  • Queequeg

    "Since we are all naturally prone to hypocrisy, any empty semblance of righteousness is quite enough to satisfy us instead of righteousness itself.:"

    - John Calvin

  • Kosonen

    Abraham left his house and lived in tents. The Bible mentions that he dwelled in places like Beersheba, Hebron, Salem (Jerusalem), Bethel and Shechem.

    During the winter months it is cold and rainy there.

    Can you imagine Abrahams daily life in those weather conditions?

    Genesis 15: 6 (ASV) And he believed in Jehovah; and he reckoned it to him for righteousness. 7 And he said unto him, I am Jehovah that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.

    Romans 4:3 (ASV) For what saith the scripture? And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness.

  • Queequeg

    "I am humble Abraham Lincoln. I have been solicited by my friends to become a candidate for the Legislature. My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman's dance."

    - Abraham Lincoln

  • Kosonen

    God’s promise to Abraham

    Genesis 17:4 “As for me, look! my covenant is with you, and you will certainly become a father of many nations. 5 Your name will no longer be Aʹbram; your name will become Abraham, for I will make you a father of many nations. 6 I will make you very, very fruitful and will make you become nations, and kings will come from you. 7 “And I will keep my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.

    Is this still happening? At that time Abraham had only one son, Ismael. But was promised that next year he would get his next son Isaac. Later Abraham got 6 more sons. Which nations today have Abraham as their forefather? Israel we know, but who are the rest?

    Could it be some other nations that practice circumcision?

    Genesis 17:9 God said further to Abraham: “As for you, you are to keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. 10 This is my covenant between me and you, that you and your offspring after you will keep: Every male among you must get circumcised. 11 You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it will serve as a sign of the covenant between me and you.

  • Duran

    15 So Haʹgar bore to Aʹbram a son, and Aʹbram named his son, whom Haʹgar bore, Ishʹma·el.

    18 So Abraham said to the true God: “O that Ishʹma·el might live before you!” 19 To this God said: “Your wife Sarah will definitely bear you a son, and you must name him Isaac.

    18 “‘Neither must you commit adultery.

  • Queequeg

    "In one faculty, at least, there can be no dispute of the gentleman's superiority over me, and most other men; and that is, the faculty of entangling a subject, so that neither himself, or any other man, can find head or tail to it."

    - Abraham Lincoln

  • vienne

    But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death. - Deuteronomy 18:20

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