Does anyone actually believe that Russia blew up its own gas pipeline?

by slimboyfat 18 Replies latest social current

  • cofty
    I wouldn’t put anything past Putin

    Putin is ruthless but he isn't stupid.

    Nord Stream AG, was incorporated in Switzerland in 2005 in partnership with Gazprom, a publicly traded Russian company producing enormous profits for shareholders which is dominated by oligarchs known to be in the thrall of Putin.

    Gazprom controlled 51 percent of the company ... Gazprom’s profits were shared with the Russian government, and state gas and oil revenues were estimated in some years to amount to as much as 45 percent of Russia’s annual budget.

  • slimboyfat

    The idea that the Russians spent years on diplomacy, planning, and (billions) paying for the pipeline; that they wanted to investigate the explosion but were blocked from doing so; and that they subsequently explored whether it could still be repaired - yet nevertheless they ‘blew it up themselves’, is frankly risible.

    And the idea that the nation who opposed the pipeline from the beginning; coerced their ‘allies’ to shun it against their own economic and security interests; and made not-so-veiled public threats against pipeline - nevertheless had nothing to do with its destruction (‘that’s a conspiracy theory!’) stretches credulity.

    Politicians and media stating such are insulting our intelligence.

    The timeline Seymour Hersh outlines, including the people involved, gives a very credible an account and aligns with the publicly known facts of the situation.

    Again, I can’t 100% say I know who did it, but the fact that the most obvious explanation is not even entertained in mainstream discourse indicates we are operating under somewhat less than a ‘propaganda free zone’ in our own societies in the west.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Good thread, SBF.

    Here is something I wrote about this topic on 29 September last year ...

    There have been reports that Russia's pipeline to Germany, Nord Stream, is leaking gas. Mainstream media have been very quick to speculate that Putin has sabotaged his own equipment.

    Why the hell would he do this? It makes no sense.

    If he wants to weaponise gas, surely all he has to do is turn the taps off.

    What has most definitely not been explored, however, is the possibility that someone else other than Russia has damaged Nord Stream, either deliberately or accidentally.

    The more I think about the war in Ukraine, the more disturbing I find it. Let's just say that Russia isn't the only one guilty of spreading propaganda.
  • Vidiot

    “If I can’t have it, no one can!!!”

  • slimboyfat

    It’s a fixed pipeline between Russia and Germany. It’s not an asset you can pick up and move elsewhere. As long as the pipeline existed Russia had the power to switch it on or off. Now that it doesn’t exist they don’t have that power any more. There are only downsides for Russia in the pipeline being blown up and there are only upsides for the US. Like the ex-Pentagon guy said, a child could tell you Russia didn’t blow up its own pipeline. But in our media it’s either a “mystery”, or else Putin did it. The obvious alternative explanation is shot down or ignored altogether.

    The only argument against the US doing seems to be “the US wouldn’t do that”. And the only argument for Russia doing it is “they’re crazy”. I find neither of these arguments compelling. They are an insult to our intelligence. The US has done worse in the past and lied about it, and Russian actions may be brutal and inhumane but they are not “irrational” as the west would make out.

  • cofty

    My only surprise is that Biden had the fortitude to do it. Or is it further evidence that he is only a figurehead?

  • slimboyfat

    According to Seymour Hersh, Biden pressured the German chancellor into accepting the US plan and it was at the press conference of that same meeting that Biden made his statement about the pipeline being “no more” if Russia invaded Ukraine. So it seems Biden did play a crucial role in the decision and communicating it to the “allies”.

    It’s interesting that some US insiders argued against the plan because of the “backlash” the US would face if they were caught. Considering it has produced little more than a collective shrug in the west, it seems they worried unnecessarily, and the media and the population are even more servile than they imagined.


    Putin isn’t stupid. He’s intelligent and most likely very mentally stable according to Dr. Jordan Peterson. That doesn’t mean he’s “moral”, but he’s not stupid.

    Whoever runs Grandpa Joe blew up the pipeline.



    the media and the population are even more servile than they imagined…”

    Yeah…most of them.. 80/20 rule and all…


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