Next time a jw says "the end is sooo close now"

by nowwhat? 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    I’ll sign an agreement with you, with these terms:

    — I give you $20,000 cash right now

    — You sign a contract giving me 100% of all your assets 5 years from now. You can continue to use those assets (house, car, cash, etc.) for the next 4 years and 364 days, but at year 5, it is all legally and fully mine

    I know a JW who did something like that. His lucrative job was moving and he did not want to relocate. He accepted a one-time payout of his retirement funds "knowing" that it would be more than enough for he & his wife to live on until Armageddon.

    You know the rest of the story. In a few years the money was all gone and they were still "waiting on Jehovah". No Armageddon. No Paradise. No pandas. No retirement. No money. And died a ward of the State.

  • LongHairGal


    That’s quite a gamble this JW took. Unfortunately, this type of story is not unique in the Witness religion. The congregations have their share of people with similar stories plus those who never even had a ‘lucrative job’ like this person did in the first place because it was actively discouraged.

    Also, keeping the 1975 fiasco a deep dark secret has only contributed to clueless JWs in recent years making similar foolish mistakes that people did prior to that year.

    There are far TOO many needy people in the JW religion today because of its policies against careers and retirement planning! ..Glad I never listened.

    If I were still there I guarantee I’d be targeted by those thinking they are going to cannibalize anybody who looks remotely responsible. Like a rat they would come up to you privately with their envelope! If anybody wants to tolerate this, that’s their business. But, I certainly would Not👎.. Just as well I’m Out many years.

  • Foolednomore

    Longhairgal- Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They are " Rats" coming to us who planned for our future and did something about and didn't listen to Watchtower crap. They should hit up Watchtower.

  • JeffT

    I knew a JW, I think MS, not elder who sold his farm in 1974 and moved to "where the need is greater." He had two small children but figured the farm sale would keep them going. Hey they only had a year or two, right? He ended up going broke and had a nervous breakdown. As far as I know he ended up trying to live and raise a family on disability from social security.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I recall being in on a conversation between two elders where one was explaining to the other that he had maxed out on his union pension and had decided to change positions so he could join a different union and start building his nd pension. I did not have the balls to say something like "but you're sure Armageddon is so very very near", right?

  • wozza

    Yes Smiddy3 "

    3 days ago

    Remember friends the United Nations declared 1986 as the International Year of Peace and Security

    That re-hashed grey book we took to peoples homes so enthusiastically ,what stupid redone prophetic book.

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