Anthony Morris looking for members with construction skills..Now and after Armageddon

by RULES & REGULATIONS 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Here is a screenshot from a Youtube video (521 And the Circus Continues) where Anthony Morris blasts post-secondary college & University education. ''We will NOT need doctors or lawyers after Armageddon.''

    So, Anthony...What occupations do the Society need '' today'' and after Armageddon? ''For example, we need construction skills around the world right now''

    Anthony...I see your point! Doctors and Lawyers cannot build Kingdom Halls and large Watchtower complexes. The Society needs thousands of manual laborers and only a few Lawyers.

    Only hard-working members in the building trades ( carpenters, plumbers, electricians, drywallers, truck drivers, cement contractors) that benefit the Watchtower Society need to apply!

  • donny
    Anthony Morris must be the best stand-up comedian on
  • Gorbatchov



  • LV101

    Who the heck cares what 'we' (the the goon squad) needs in their fake scare tactic Armageddon. They sure as hell need doctors and lawyers all over the world in realty (NOW) to keep the circus alive. Cult is filty rich off of fantasy fear.

  • Finkelstein

    Cult is filthy rich off of fantasy fear.

    Good one

  • punkofnice

    Good grief, the drunken despot says 'think'. Surely not. Thinking not allowed in the cult.

    I bet the old perverted lush doesn't want lawyers now because they keep exposing what a paedophile lover he and the GovBod (piss be onto them), really are.

    the man's a fool!

    Image result for frazer dad's army

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Will we need distillers? Look up the origins of the word bully. If someone doesnt get it I will fill in the blanks later

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Naturally i cant find a reference now. J ran across a bully being a drunk.

    Liquid courage equals lessening of inhibitions and common sense and increases combativeness

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Certainly need lawyers now.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Plumbers, electricians and liquor shelve stockers

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