Interesting UK Daily Mirror Article

by DakotaRed 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Since some consider the US to be the most dangerous rogue nation currently and others have stated we are little more than corrupt thugs, I find this article from the Daily Mirror to be quite intersting.

    Tony Parsons - UK Daily Mirror September 11, 2002

    No matter what your views on President Bush's statement of upcoming war, this is from an English journalist, is very interesting.

    Just a word of background, for those of you who aren't familiar with the UK's Daily Mirror. This is a notoriously left-wing daily that is normally not supportive of the Colonials across the Atlantic.

    ONE year ago, the world witnessed a unique kind of broadcasting -- the mass murder of thousands, live on television. As a lesson in the pitiless cruelty of the human race, September 11 was up there with Pol Pot's mountain of skulls in Cambodia, or the skeletal bodies stacked like garbage in the Nazi concentration camps.
    An unspeakable act so cruel, so calculated and so utterly merciless that surely the world could agree on one thing - nobody deserves this fate. Surely there could be consensus: the victims were truly innocent, the perpetrators truly evil.

    But to the world's eternal shame, 9/11 is increasingly seen as America's comeuppance. Incredibly, anti-Americanism has increased over the last year. There has always been a simmering resentment to the USA in this country - too loud, too rich, too full of themselves and so much happier than Europeans - but it has become an epidemic. And it seems incredible to me. More than that, it turns my stomach.

    America is this country's greatest friend and our staunchest ally. We are bonded to the US by culture, language and blood. A little over half a century ago, around half a million Americans died for our freedoms, as well as their own. Have we forgotten so soon? And exactly a year ago, thousands of ordinary men, women and children - not just Americans, but from dozens of countries - were butchered by a small group of religious fanatics. Are we so quick to betray them?

    What touched the heart about those who died in the twin towers and on the planes was that we recognised them. Young fathers and mothers, somebody's son and somebody's daughter, husbands and wives, and children, some unborn.

    And these people brought it on themselves? And their nation is to blame for their meticulously planned slaughter?

    These days you don't have to be some dust-encrusted nut job in Kabul or Karachi or Finsbury Park to see America as the Great Satan. The anti- American alliance is made up of self-loathing liberals who blame the Americans for every ill in the Third World, and conservatives suffering from power-envy, bitter that the world's only superpower can do what it likes without having to ask permission.

    The truth is that America has behaved with enormous restraint since September 11.

    Remember, remember.

    Remember the gut-wrenching tapes of weeping men phoning their wives to say, "I love you," before they were burned alive.

    Remember those people leaping to their deaths from the top of burning skyscrapers.

    Remember the hundreds of firemen buried alive.

    Remember the smiling face of that beautiful little girl who was on one of the planes with her mum.

    Remember, remember - and realise that America has never retaliated for 9/11 in anything like the way it could have.

    So a few al-Qaeda tourists got locked without a trial in Camp X-ray? Pass the Kleenex.

    So some Afghan wedding receptions were shot up after they merrily fired their semi-automatics in a sky full of American planes? A shame, but maybe next time they should stick to confetti.

    AMERICA could have turned a large chunk of the world into a parking lot. That it didn't is a sign of strength. American voices are already being raised against attacking Iraq - that's what a democracy is for. How many in the Islamic world will have a minute's silence for the slaughtered innocents of 9/11? How many Islamic leaders will have the guts to say that the mass murder of 9/11 was an abomination?

    When the news of 9/11 broke on the West Bank, those freedom-loving Palestinians were dancing in the street. America watched all of that - and didn't push the button. We should thank the stars that America is the most powerful nation in the world. I still find it incredible that 9/11 did not provoke all-out war. Not a "war on terrorism." A real war.

    The fundamentalist dudes are talking about "opening the gates of hell," if America attacks Iraq. Well, America could have opened the gates of hell like you wouldn't believe.

    The US is the most militarily powerful nation that ever strode the face of the earth. The campaign in Afghanistan may have been less than perfect and the planned war on Iraq may be misconceived.

    But don't blame America for not bringing peace and light to these wretched countries. How many democracies are there in the Middle East, or in the Muslim world? You can count them on the fingers of one hand - assuming you haven't had any chopped off for minor shoplifting.

    I love America, yet America is hated. I guess that makes me Bush's poodle. But I would rather be a dog in New York City than a Prince in Riyadh. Above all, America is hated because it is what every country wants to be - rich, free, strong, open, optimistic. Not ground down by the past, or religion, or some caste system. America is the best friend this country ever had and we should start remembering that.

    Or do you really think the USA is the root of all evil? Tell it to the loved ones of the men and women who leaped to their death from the burning towers. Tell it to the nursing mothers whose husbands died on one of the hijacked planes, or were ripped apart in a collapsing skyscraper. And tell it to the hundreds of young widows whose husbands worked for the New York Fire Department.

    To our shame, George Bush gets a worse press than Saddam Hussein. Once we were told that Saddam gassed the Kurds, tortured his own people and set up rape-camps in Kuwait. Now we are told he likes Quality Street. Save me the orange centre, oh mighty one!

    Remember, remember, September 11.

    One of the greatest atrocities in human history was committed against America.

    No, do more than remember. Never forget.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    I posted that same article some weeks back, DakotaRed. I found it very interesting as well.

    I'm tired of how fashionable anti-american sentiment has become, but I try to hold onto the belief that part of what makes this country great is that all Americans are free to think and say what they like without fear of being dragged out of their houses and shot in the public square for their words and beliefs.

    Like the author, I think America has shown remarkable restraint since 9/11.

  • Simon
    So a few al-Qaeda tourists got locked without a trial in Camp X-ray? Pass the Kleenex

    Without a trial ... how do you know that they are al-Qaeda? If they are guilty then throw the book at them but make sure first.

  • Englishman

    Here's the result of the Sky TV poll:

    Here are the poll results:

    Iraq crisis: Does Tony Blair have your support?
    Yes (Expires:18 Mar 2003)53.10%

    Seems that the "No's" are talking up a defeat where there is none IMHO.


  • teenyuck

    Thanks Dakota....

    As the author noted, G.W.B. could have bombed the hell out of the middle east, just to show them. Oh, that's right, he's not like Suddam....I keep confusing the two.

  • Shutterbug

    Simon, you totally ignored the entire article Lew submitted and picked out one sentence, which really wasn't the point the reporter was trying to make, and jumped on it with both feet. I respectfully suggest if you are trying to change the minds of those of us who wish to see the Irag threat neuterlized you are going to need to do somewhat better.

  • blackout

    Avery good article, red.

    It made me cry, then it made me mad, then it made me realise that Bush could have done that, I never thought about it before. I hate the anti-American BS too, I am constantly reminding my husband that if it wasn't for America, Australia would be Japan right now.

  • RandomTask

    This article makes a good point. The USA has the power to bomb the middle east off the face of the earth, but we don't and we won't. The sad fact is, that some would want another September 11th to happen before we did anything about the threat of Iraq. So this begs the question, why do something now? What threat does Iraq represent to worldwide security? For one they support terrorism monetarily, for another they are developing weapons of mass destruction, third they thumb their nose at the international community and the restrictions that have been placed upon them by such and fourth they have shown a willingness to aid terrorists with both training and technology. Through volumes of evidence provided by history and intelligence, those who will pay attention clearly know that Iraq is a rogue state that is not only a threat to America, but also the entire free world.

    Whats the link to international terrorism then? Terrorists are people who not only hate the USA, but the entire western world as well. They want to destroy not only our way of life, but our very lives themselves. Can you tell me with a straight face, considering the facts that we know and considering history, that Saddam Hussein if given the opportunity, wouldn't help these terrorists develop a "dirty bomb" to unleash in one of our cities? Or do you think he would not give the terrorists some anthrax or other biological agent to put into our water supply? September 11 was real and it wasn't just a game or a ploy, there are people out there who would love to see 1,000 september 11s happen all over the globe and they are working to make that a reality. Saddam Hussein is one of these people. And this is why he must be stopped. Because of what he wants, because of what he has proven he is willing to do and because of the people he has helped.

    Of course, war is hell. Nobody likes war, but how are we to deal with problems when a diplomatic solution cannot be worked out? Saddam does not deal honorably, has he kept even one of the agreements that he signed off on after losing the last war? No, he hasn't. He has kept a sleepy world off of his tail by trickery, delay and deception for over 12 years now. For 12 years the man has had an opportunity to ensure that there is no war, for 12 years he has had the opportunity to cooperate and disarm, for 12 years this man has had the opportunity to stop being a threat to all of us and basically his response to the rest of the world was a hearty, "up yours". But now the world is no longer asleep as it once was. Awakened by September 11, a time when some of us fully realized that there are people out there who want to kill us: babies, mothers, fathers, grandparents, all of us. We now realize that threats such as Saddam Hussein cannot be taken lightly. That threats like him must be erradicated and he will be erradicated.

    Probably within the next couple of weeks, the US will act, most likely along with our close allies, Great Britain, to disarm Saddam Hussein by force. It will be a quick and decisive victory, limiting civilian casualties and aimed at Saddams threat, himself and his weapons. There will be a regime change in Iraq and the UN will be involved in giving the Iraqi people a real chance at self determination and a word that has not even been uttered in the Iraq for some time, freedom. How this story ends will be up to the Iraqi people and not up to the United States, who has no entrest in empire, but in erradicating threats to world security and in turn our own security.

    So what of those other threats? North Korea is a perfect example of what we want to prevent from happening in Iraq. So many times the west has given in to North Korea, proclaiming that a piece of paper signed by their leaders somehow gaurantees "peace in our time". And then how many of these good faith agreements has North Korea then trampled on, in order to get more aid, more technology and more money out of a scared west? We will not allow this cycle, that has led to North Korea being able to develop nuclear weapons, and the missles to carry them, to continue. North Korea will not be able to blackmail the west any longer, a hard stance will be taken against them and they will have to back down. It has the benefit of never having been tried, we have tried appeasement time and again and history has shown us that appeasement never works.

    So september 11 did change things. We have to look at the rest of the world differently now. Either we can back down to those who wish to destroy our life or we can fight to defend our life, just as we have been forced to do every century since our modern democracy was formed. Funny, each time we do, the world becomes a little better place to live in, whie during those times that we did nothing, the world became rapidly worse and opressive.

  • Simon

    Ok, as requested ...

    As I see it, many Americans see a lot of 'American bashing' when there is nothing more than criticism. People criticise the UK and other countries all day long and we do not start refusing to engage in the debate and packing up our ball and going home. This may of course be because you'll find many of us first in the que to criticise.

    Now, with the Sept 11 thing ... It truly was an aweful event and tragic loss of life occured. But there is a disproportionate amount of attention put in the American lives lost there compared to the world situation (I know, many were from other countries but it was seen as an attack on the 'USA'). We're now facing an entire region being destabilised over it and soured relations between China, Russia etc ...

    What grates with many people is that America is quick to dismiss the thousands and millions that die each year, in part because of it's policies. It seems, for instance, that the 2,000 people who died that day are worth much more than the 30,000 foreign children who also died that day ... and every other day since from starvation and preventable disease. What crime did they commit that they should not get the same attention other than die poor and off-camera? It refuses to take part in 'the rest of the world' when it comes to things like climate change / pollution control but expects the world to merrily dance to it's tune when it wants to go to war.

    I've no doubt that many people in many countries thought "yeah ... now maybe they'll know what it's like" when some terrorism hit the USA just as the USA have wreacked terror on others or toppled elected governments and put harsh dictators in their place.

    Now, you can bury your head in the sand, cry "we're America, land of the free, yada yada yada" and ignore the realities and the history and dismiss eveything as "America bashing" which is the easy way out. But that will not improve things or solve anything.

    Do I hate America? No ... Do I hate Americans? No ... - it is a fantastic country and some great people and to dismiss the good that it does would be throwing out the baby with the bath water. However, sometimes, we all do things that only our true friends would pull us up for and I think what would be really supporting America would be to tell it when it's doing something it shouldn't.

  • ozziepost
    Now, with the Sept 11 thing ... It truly was an aweful event and tragic loss of life occured. But there is a disproportionate amount of attention put in the American lives lost there compared to the world situation ......What grates with many people is that America is quick to dismiss the thousands and millions that die each year, in part because of it's policies.

    That's true, BUT the attack on September 11 was a direct threat, kinda like someone bursting in to your own living room ("home invasion"). I see it as different.

    However, the whole idea of going after Iraq worries me. Why? Because of all the "ifs" and "maybes" about his supposed activities.

    I still remember the Viet Nam War (called the American War in SE Asia) and see the terrible, no, horrific consequences of going in with "right" on our side.

    This worries many people "downunder" too.

    Cheers, Ozzie

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