Chairman of the St Petersburg-based Administrative Centre of JWs issues press release - Forum 18

by OrphanCrow 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OrphanCrow

    According to the latest Forum 18 article, this is what happened in Russia on March 15:

    With immediate effect, a 15 March Suspension Order forbids the Administrative Centre and all its local religious organisations from "using state and municipal news media, organising and conducting assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, processions, picketing, and other mass actions or public events, and using bank deposits, with the exception of use for making payments connected with their economic activity, compensating for losses (damages) caused by their actions, and paying taxes, fees, or fines, and making payments based on labour contracts"

    I am curious how, when the WT had been forbidden from "using state and municipal media", the WT managed to issue a press release from the Russian branch. I guess it wouldn't violate the terms of the court order if the release was done through media outlets not specified in the order.

    This is what the WT's man in Russia said in their press release:

    Vasily Kalin, chairman of the St Petersburg-based Administrative Centre, described the liquidation attempt in a press release on 21 March as "absurdity and savagery", and observed that "the most disturbing time of their lives is coming" for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    "Most disturbing time of their lives is coming"? We all know what that is code for. It means the Great Tribulation. Unbelievable. The WT is stirring up Armageddon fears. The WT is sending out their end of the world warning. This is exactly what Russia is pissed off about - fear mongering speech. The JWs think they can get away with it by calling it "religious freedom". Freedom my ass. Freedom to do what? Put the fear of God in everybody? God is going to kill all of you?

    Kalin noted the likelihood that individuals would face criminal prosecution if they continue to meet for prayer or Bible study after liquidation: "For what? What are these people guilty of? That they study the Bible in the 'wrong' way, as it seems to some? That they consider theirs to be the only true faith? Or are they guilty of not resorting to violence, following the gospel commandment 'put the sword back into the sheath'?"

    "What are these people guilty of?" he asks.

    Oh. Let me break it down for you, Mr. Kalin.

    "That they study the Bible in the 'wrong' way, as it seems to some?"

    Yes. That is a problem. Let's talk about blood. The JWs is the only religion, that follows that old dusty Abrahamic book, that interprets those poorly translated scriptures to say that God hates blood transfusions. Out of all the, thousands, of religions and sects that interpret the Bible and try to follow its ways for a moral code in their lives, the JWs are the only religion that forbids blood transfusions. Well, they sort of forbid blood - just the part that carries the oxygen you need to stay alive...I am still looking for the scriptures that talk about blood fractions. And cow's blood is okay. "Wrong way"? You betcha it is the wrong way. Wrong enough that people die each and every single day just because of the WT's wrong way.

    Wrong way? Yes. The WT's bastardization of the "Holy Scriptures" is legendary. The changes they have made to the Bible in order to fit their twisted philosophy are many. If they really want to claim to be a religion that follows the Bible, they should read Revelation 22:19.

    "That they consider theirs to be the only true faith?"

    And Mr. Kalin, the WT man, doesn't see the problem with this? That the JWs view themselves to be a special group? An elite one? Better than the best of the best? The most true of all?

    Yes. That is a problem. That philosophy is called elitism. Synonymous with supremacy. And the root of that philosophy is disrespect. Disrespect for anyone not as good as they are. They lack respect for others and do not contribute to a unified community. Their social value is negligible. They refuse to integrate or negotiate. They consider themselves to be the elite.

    "Or are they guilty of not resorting to violence, following the gospel commandment 'put the sword back into the sheath'?"

    Let's talk about the violence. Firstly, the violence was thrown in Russia's face by Mr. Kalin using the word "savagery" - a violent descriptive word. The immediate image that came to my mind, as an exJW, when he labelled Russia as being "savage", was the old red Babylon the Great Has Fallen God's Kingdom Rules book that the WT published in 1963. The savage beast with the number 666 on its chest. That incredibly inflammatory, political book that I studied as a small child. The book that imprinted images of a horrible enemy - Russia - on all the JWs worldwide and anyone else who would read that book.

    "Not resort to violence"? What about all those violent acts that have been committed on tiny, small children by JW men? The violent acts that those children carry inside their souls for the rest of their lives? What about that violence? Why didn't the WT men put their "swords back into their sheaths" instead of inflicting violence with their swords on innocent children?

    What about the violence inflicted on the JW women? The ones who come for help because their husbands are beating them, raping them, hurting them. And they are told to go home and pray. Home to the violence.

    What about the violence of tearing apart of families through the practice of shunning? The wounds inflicted on people's hearts that leave the invisible scars of trauma? Or maybe never heal - the wounds continue to bleed always. The ripping and tearing away of their very identities and who they are. That destruction of family is the result of violence - psychological, emotional and spiritual violence. Inflicted on people by the WT's philosophy of elitism - the special class. The special, elite people who are better than everybody else.

    What about the violence of the pain experienced of a dying body that is screaming out for the oxygen they need to live? Because they have been told to refuse a blood transfusion? The one forbidden part - the part that carries the life breath - the air that their God gave them to live. They can't have that. No blood. So their bodies scream in violent agony while they slowly, slowly die. Is that not violent? I call that violence. Quiet violence. One by one.

  • biblexaminer
  • OrphanCrow

    Do you see how the JWs have been forbidden from engaging in "other mass actions"?

    How well do you think the "mass action" that has been put in motion by the NY boys is going to go over?

    The WT's letter writing campaign is a "mass action" - a deliberate aggressive action planned and executed by an American based corporate religion. A mass action from external sources - an assault. A paper missive assault on the Kremlin. .

    It seems so childish and sand box behavior. What a child would do if they didn't get their way. Retaliate with exactly the same behavior they have been told not to do - from a safe distance with all their schoolyard friends to back them up. Like the UN. *to add...and Kushner

  • ElderEtta

    Very eloquent post. thank you!


  • venus

    Than means letter-writing campaign would only backfire!

  • OrphanCrow
    venus: Than means letter-writing campaign would only backfire!

    Of course it is going to backfire.

    This letter writing campaign has little to do with getting the upcoming ban stopped and everything to do with deliberately provoking Russia. They want to poke the bear and they want a negative reaction.

    They want attention. The GB are throwing a tantrum in the sand box. They are stomping their feet and refusing to go inside and take a nap. They are pulling a Rutherford.

    The JWs are delusional. I spent some time over on jwtalk reading the thread about the letters (someone suggested that they move the thread to private but that move was abandoned in favor of "giving a good witness" to the public. That good witness is full of excited JWs all jumping up and down and laughing and smiling. And very little actual compassion for the JWs (bruddersand sissstersss) in Russia who will be scared as hell over this fiasco. The Russian JWs who are essential to the WT holding onto their property and assets in Russia get little consideration.

    I was a bit horrified when I read this from one JW poster:

    This is going to feel so good to actually do something practical for our brothers and sisters in Russia! :)

    May we all give our letter the very best effort! Also below is something very motivating concerning letters and what happened back in 1945 with Adolph Hitler!

    *** w11 10/1 p. 14 “Defiance That Commands Respect” ***
    Did Hitler receive letters of protest from church officials concerning the outrages perpetrated by the National Socialists, or Nazis? There were some, but such letters were few and far between.
    In the Moscow archives, however, Dr.Eberle found a file containing a number of letters sent to Hitler by Jehovah’s Witnesses from different parts of Germany, protesting against the conduct of the Nazis. In fact, Witnesses from about 50 countries sent Hitler some 20,000 letters and telegrams protesting the mistreatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Thousands of Witnesses were arrested, and several hundred were executed or died following ill-treatment by the Nazis. Dr. Eberle concludes:

    “In view of the millions of victims of the Nazi regime, this number [of Witness victims] appears small. But it nevertheless testifies to an act of collective and uncompromising defiance that commands respect.”

    The JW totally ignored this part: Thousands of Witnesses were arrested, and several hundred were executed or died following ill-treatment by the Nazis.
    How is this "something very motivating concerning letters and what happened back in 1945 with Adolph Hitler!"?

    They chose instead to highlight this: But it nevertheless testifies to an

    act of collective and uncompromising defiance that commands respect.”

    The JWs are more concerned about showing uncompromising defiance than they are about the lives of the JWs in Russia. They will throw them under the bus just so that they can say that they went to war with a paper and pencil in hand.

    The JWs outside of Russia are excited as kids with a new toy - they are over the moon about the privilege of being able to engage in this defiant behavior. Several JWs mention how this letter writing is more exciting that the upcoming Memorial.

    And then we have this:

    "In the Italian JWorg site, still there is not written anything about this campaign... :-( "

    Oh. Do you think that has anything to do with the org's problems in Italy? They need to keep a low profile right now in Italy?

    The JWs are truly, truly delusional. Amidst all the discussion about how high the letters will stack (the height of Everest, at least), and all the excitement and cheering, this is found:

    How do you say,

    "My daddy is bigger than your daddy"

    in Russian?


    And the reply that someone posted to that?

    "Get two bottles of Vodka, a small one and a very large one and have jworg on the large one."

  • Hecce
    Maybe the Russian Government remembers the mass demonstrations in France over the issue of taxation.
  • darkspilver

    In the Italian JWorg site, still there is not written anything about this campaign

    sorry you haven't been able to find it - here is the direct link to the page - it is featured on the Italian front page

  • darkspilver

    *** w11 10/1 p. 14 “Defiance That Commands Respect” ***
    Did Hitler receive letters of protest from church officials concerning the outrages perpetrated by the National Socialists, or Nazis?

    Thanks for highlighting the German letters

    There's also Greece et al

    Proclaimers Book, pages 694 to 695

    Global Publicity Brings Some Relief

    Other governments too have dealt harshly with Jehovah’s Witnesses, prohibiting their meetings and public preaching. In some cases these governments have caused the Witnesses to be forced out of secular employment and their children to be barred from the schools. A number of governments have also resorted to physical brutality. Yet, these same lands usually have constitutions that guarantee religious freedom. With a view to bringing relief to their persecuted brothers, the Watch Tower Society has frequently given worldwide publicity to details concerning such treatment. This is done by means of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, and these reports are at times taken up by the public press. Many thousands of letters making appeals in behalf of the Witnesses then flood into the offices of government officials from all over the world.

    As a result of such a campaign in 1937, the governor of Georgia, in the United States, received some 7,000 letters from four countries within a two-day period, and the mayor of La Grange, Georgia, was also deluged with thousands of letters. Such campaigns were likewise conducted in behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Argentina in 1978 and 1979, Benin in 1976, Burundi in 1989, Cameroon in 1970, the Dominican Republic in 1950 and 1957, Ethiopia in 1957, Gabon in 1971, Greece in 1963 and 1966, Jordan in 1959, Malawi in 1968, 1972, 1975, and again in 1976, Malaya in 1952, Mozambique in 1976, Portugal in 1964 and 1966, Singapore in 1972, Spain in 1961 and again in 1962, also Swaziland in 1983.

    As a recent example of what is done by Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide to bring relief to their oppressed brothers, consider the situation in Greece. Because of the intensity of persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses at the instigation of the Greek Orthodox clergy there, in 1986 both the Watchtower and Awake! magazines (with combined international circulation of over 22,000,000 copies) reported details of the persecution. Witnesses in other lands were invited to write to officials of the Greek government in behalf of their brothers. They did; and as reported in the Athens newspaper Vradyni, the minister of justice was deluged with over 200,000 letters from upwards of 200 lands and in 106 languages.

    The following year, when a case involving the Witnesses was heard in the appeals court in Hania, Crete, representatives of Jehovah’s Witnesses were present from seven other lands (England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the United States) as parties in the case and in support of their Christian brothers. Then, following an adverse decision in 1988 in the Supreme Court of Greece in yet another case involving the Witnesses, appeal was made to the European Commission of Human Rights. There, on December 7, 1990, 16 jurists from almost all parts of Europe were presented with a file of 2,000 arrests and hundreds of court cases in which Jehovah’s Witnesses in Greece had been sentenced because they spoke about the Bible. (Actually, there were 19,147 of such arrests in Greece from 1938 to 1992.) The Commission unanimously decided that the case should be heard by the European Court of Human Rights.

    Proclaimers Book, pages 315 to 317

    In the Face of Vicious Persecution

    The apostle Paul compared the Christian congregation to the human body and said: “Its members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it.” (1 Cor. 12:25, 26) That is how Jehovah’s Witnesses react when they hear reports about the persecution of their Christian brothers.

    In Germany during the Nazi era, the government took harsh repressive measures against Jehovah’s Witnesses. There were only some 20,000 Witnesses in Germany at the time, a relatively small band despised by Hitler. United action was needed. On October 7, 1934, every congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout Germany met secretly, prayed together, and sent a letter to the government stating their determination to continue to serve Jehovah. Then many of those in attendance fearlessly went out to witness to their neighbors about Jehovah’s name and Kingdom. On the same day, Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the rest of the earth also met in their congregations and, after united prayer, sent cablegrams to the Hitler government in support of their Christian brothers.

    In 1948, after the clergy-inspired persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Greece was laid bare, the president of Greece and various ministers of government received thousands of letters from Jehovah’s Witnesses in behalf of their Christian brothers. These came from the Philippines, Australia, North and South America, and other areas.

    When Awake! magazine exposed the inquisitional methods being employed against the Witnesses in Spain in 1961, letters of protest deluged the authorities there. Officials were shocked to find that people around the world knew exactly what they were doing, and as a result, even though the persecution continued, some of the police began to deal with the Witnesses with greater restraint. In various African lands too, officials have heard from Witnesses in many other parts of the world when they learned of cruel treatment being meted out to their Christian brothers and sisters there.

    If no favorable response is forthcoming from the government, the persecuted Witnesses are not forgotten. Because of persisting in religious persecution for many years, some governments have repeatedly been deluged with letters of appeal and protest. That was true of Argentina. On one occasion in 1959, the secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cults took one of our brothers to a room where there were several bookcases filled with letters that had poured in from all over the world. He was amazed that someone as far away as Fiji would write appealing for freedom of worship in Argentina.

    In certain instances increased freedom has been granted when rulers realized that people worldwide knew what they were doing and that there were many who really cared. That was true in Liberia in 1963. Outrageous treatment had been meted out by government soldiers to convention delegates at Gbarnga. The president of Liberia was deluged with letters of protest from around the world, and the U.S. State Department intervened because a U.S. citizen was involved. Finally, President Tubman wired the Watch Tower Society’s headquarters expressing willingness to receive a delegation of Jehovah’s Witnesses to discuss matters. Two of the delegates—Milton Henschel and John Charuk—had been at Gbarnga. Mr. Tubman acknowledged that what had occurred was “an outrage” and said: “I am sorry this thing happened.”

    Following that interview, an Executive Order was issued notifying “all people throughout the country, that Jehovah’s Witnesses shall have the right and privilege of free access to any part of the country to carry on their missionary work and religious worship without molestation from anyone. They shall have the protection of the law both of their person and their property and the right to freely worship God according to the dictates of their consciences, observing in the meantime the laws of the Republic by showing respect to the national flag when it is being hoisted or lowered at ceremonies by standing at attention.” But it was not required that they salute, in violation of their Christian conscience.

    However, as of 1992, no such official pronouncement had yet been forthcoming in Malawi, though violence against the Witnesses there had subsided to a considerable extent. Jehovah’s Witnesses there have been the victims of some of the most vicious religious persecution in African history. One wave of such persecution swept the country in 1967; another began early in the 1970’s. Tens of thousands of letters were written in their behalf from all parts of the world. Phone calls were made. Cablegrams were sent. On humanitarian grounds many prominent people of the world were moved to speak out.

    So extreme was the brutality that some 19,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their children fled across the border to Zambia in 1972. The nearby Witness congregations in Zambia quickly gathered food and blankets for their brothers. Money and supplies donated by Jehovah’s Witnesses all over the world poured into Watch Tower branch offices and were channeled to the refugees by the headquarters office in New York. More than enough came in to care for all the needs of the refugees in the camp at Sinda Misale. As news spread through the camp of the arrival of trucks bearing food, clothing, and tarpaulins to provide covering, the Malawian brothers could not help giving way to tears of joy because of this evidence of the love of their Christian brothers.

    When any of their number are held in detention, fellow Witnesses do not forsake them, not even when personal risk is involved. During the ban in Argentina, when a group of Witnesses were detained for 45 hours, four other Witnesses brought food and clothing for them, only to be imprisoned themselves. In 1989 the wife of a circuit overseer in Burundi, upon learning of the plight of her Christian brothers, tried to take food to the prison for them. But she herself was arrested and held hostage for two weeks, because the police were trying to get their hands on her husband.

    Along with whatever they can do in all these ways, love for their Christian brothers moves Jehovah’s Witnesses to raise their voices in prayer to God in their behalf. They do not pray that God put an immediate stop to wars and food shortages, because Jesus Christ foretold such things for our time. (Matt. 24:7) Nor do they pray for God to prevent all persecution, because the Bible clearly states that true Christians will be persecuted. (John 15:20; 2 Tim. 3:12) But they do earnestly petition that their Christian brothers and sisters be strengthened to stand firm in faith in the face of whatever hardship comes upon them. (Compare Colossians 4:12.) The record testifying to their spiritual strength gives abundant evidence that such prayers have been answered.
  • OrphanCrow
    dsp: sorry you haven't been able to find it - here is the direct link to the page - it is featured on the Italian front page

    No need to apologize. I wasn't looking for it.

    I was only posting what someone over on jwtalk had said.

    Thank you for your diligence. Because I wasn't going to go and wander around jworg sites to find out whether the Italian website had been updated since that comment had been made.

    Again. Thank you. Updated and accurate information is important.

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