Elders' kids - special treatment?

by starfish422 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • starfish422

    It seems to be the opinion of some on this board that elders' kids received special treatment, weren't punished for their wrongdoings, etc.

    As the daughter of the PO in our small congregation, let me tell you that it was much harder for me than for the kids of those who weren't elders. Our family was expected to be the "Model Family for Displaly Purposes" and we were held up to very high standards so that we didn't "stumble" anyone. At times I wished my dad wasn't an elder so that I could have a bit more freedom.

  • xjw_b12


    I agree with you that kids of elders, especially the P.O. were expected to be beyond reproach. But I think the point some earlier posters were alluding to was, if you did get into trouble, and your dad was a prominent elder, chances are it could be swept under the carpet, and not even brought before a JC

    Speaking from experience, I hung around with a "relative" and we were caught ( key word caught ) on more than 1 occasion, in " unscriptural activities" and because his father was the P.O., the matter was kept within the families. Good thing too, because it would have caused major embarrasement for all, but especially the P.O. Serious enough both in circumstances, and in repeat offences, that he would have had to step down !

  • RandomTask

    In my experience, Elders kids were highly skilled at leading a double life.

  • LyinEyes

    I was an elder's daughter, and I can say I have seen it go both ways.

    My dad wanted me to be perfect in my conduct, in other words he wanted me to do what he said, act the way he wanted me to act, say what he wanted me to say. My dad had me under so much control that I sincerely believed that he was molding me to be a better , stronger person, with all of the restrictions, punishments, whippings, and hours long talks on how important it is to be 100% pure in mind. Now note,,,,,,,I did nothing to make my dad think I had any wrong thoughts even going on in my mind until I was 17...........now that is another story.

    If my dad told me to stand on a barrel , this was his example, ,,, out in our horse corral, he said he knew I would do it, and not even ask why . He told me time and time again, he knew I would never lie to him, that he would give his life believing that he could trust me not to lie, because I never lied to him. Even as a little girl, knowing how bad the whippings would be for even a minor infraction as falling asleep at the meeting, I would always tell the truth, and I always took my punishment, never cried out , or moved a hand from my side,as I got it.

    When things got real bad at home, Dad was getting harder to live with ,,,,,,,,he was getting meaner and meaner, he was running a big construction company of over 60 men, I was even working for him, Mom was drugged out of her mind,,,,,,,, I started turning to my friends at school more and more. Buy then I had my own car, so i found ways to escape out of that misery. Soon I began lying just to go to see my best friend or to do anything but exactly what he told me . I did start lying to him at that time, and it tore me up inside. But I couldnt give up my new found freedom , if you can even call it that, it was stolen freedom, but still to me, it was an outlet. For the first time in my life , I started to think of what I wanted and not what my dad wanted. I knew that my disobedience, would mean that I would die in armeggedon, I was sure of it. Funny thing looking back on it, I never thought my mom and dad would die even thou they did so much worse at the time. But I was willing to die , I had almost lost the will to even live. I had a brand new Mustang and seriously just wanted to drive if off a bridge ,,,,,,,instead of living my life the way it was. I cried and prayed for Jehovah to forgive me for being a bad daughter, but I got no relief.

    My story takes on an even longer chapter right after these events, most know it. But the point of this thread is ,,,,,,,,,,,like I said, some elders kids do get away with alot, some have the enormous pressure to be perfect examples in the congregation. If you as a child make a bad enough mistake , it could cost you dad his elder position. Now ,, that is alot of pressure,,,,,,if you as a kid make a mistake do you go tell your dad, and risk him losing his position, and in my case, that would have been a death sentence or do you just decide to not tell, and face death by Jehovah God himself? That is what I choose, and it was horrible,,I still get sick to my stomach thinking about the fear, the tears, the literal pain in my heart for being so bad and making both of my fathers( dad and Jah) disappointed in me. Now I see it all for what it was,,,,,,,,, I see how wrong my dad was, I see that I really did not do anything that bad to hate myself so much for. But still I remember that sickening feeling.

  • NeonMadman

    I knew of a case where an elder's daughter got into some trouble with a boy who was not related to an elder. Both got public reproof; her restrictions were lifted after a month, but his lasted almost a year.

  • Maverick

    In over twentytwo years of association and sixteen of those years as a member of the servant body I can not count the times an Elder would plead for his offspring not to be dealt with too harshly. I suspect many Elders aided these ones just in case they might be in a similar situation in the future. One case, the last one before I did the dodge, the father was a very prominent Elder and his son, an MS, has sex with the kids best buddies wife. She, being the daughter of an Elder and the buddy being another MS. This girl did both of the mans sons!( She had sex with the older son two years before. He is now an Elder.) All of them being in the same Hall. This was the boys', age 30, third time getting caught. His own wife of ten years said '"that's it" and divorced him. Nobody got DF'd. The son was reproved and went to Europe and got involved with a worldly woman and married her and brought her back home. Two years later she doesn't go to the meetings but he is an MS again! In my old Hall the saying was' "If your the son of and Elder or married to an Elders daughter you can get away with murder!" Maverick


    Elders kids get special treatment? ..Dam Straight!! ...OUTLAW,elders brat...OUTLAW

  • starfish422

    Well, I just know that when I was in high school, any time I strayed off the straight and narrow by even a small fraction, my "friends" (the other Witness kids at school) couldn't run to my PO dad fast enough and I got slammed every friggin' time.

  • Ed
    It seems to be the opinion of some on this board that elders' kids received special treatment, weren't punished for their wrongdoings, etc.

    A relative of mine (who is not known for speaking out against elders or the org) had on a number of occasions observed an elder's son getting drunk at parties, to the point of projectile vomiting. Rather than gossiping, he quietly approached the elders to tell them that he had a matter of concern to bring to their attention, and they set up a meeting to discuss it with him.

    The meeting took about 20 minutes. He came out looking rather deflated, and said to me: "Well...that was...interesting. It seems I need to make an adjustment in my way of thinking..."

  • jesussaves

    I got in trouble with an elder's son. Mind you, I had no prior offenses and I we weren't caught in the act. The elders wouldn't have known anything if I didn't confess (my partner in crime tried to convince me not to). Anyway, the guy went into his JC and confessed about 10 women that he'd slept with and his alcoholism. I went in my JC and confessed to sleeping with the elder's son. He was privately reproved. I was publicly reproved. I was furious, but I'm glad it happened. The injustice was the catalyst for my leaving.


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