Help wanted finding images

by Lee Marsh 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EasyPrompt

    It appears to be for the same reason they mislabel people as "mentally diseased". If they presumptuously judge someone as "not a witness of Jehovah" then they can also say "not a brother or not a sister" and then they attempt to rationalize treating the person as sub-human, or dead. It's the same thing the Pharisees did when going beyond what was written about how to deal with leprosy or people of a different background or women.

  • enoughisenough

    easyprompt....I appreciate your takes time...

  • EasyPrompt

    @enoughisenough...I appreciate all the work everybody here has done to provide a community where we can freely communicate about these things! I have benefited very much from the research and comments and association of so many here. Thank you!πŸ’ž

    @LadyLee, thank you for enduring all these years. I read one of the articles about some of the things you've been through. Thank you for continuing to have love despite being exposed to so much hate.πŸ«ΆπŸ’–

  • Diogenesister

    Winning over a violent husband:

    Watchtower Febuary 2012 study edition "Is happiness possible in a divided Household?"

    This is the article when Selma, a victim of domestic abuse, is told to suck it up in order to win over her unbeleiving husband, Steve, without a word by her good conduct." After all, who is the Christian here, you or Steve?" she is asked.

  • TonusOH

    If they rolled back the claim about apostates being mentally diseased... is that an example of "new light"?

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    If they rolled back the claim about apostates being mentally diseased... is that an example of "new light"?

    More likely it got them into trouble or cost them money, Steven Unthank of has had a bit to say about this one.


  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    These are all great. Thank you all so much

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    need something on the Bible trained conscience and not to rely on your own thoughts or to trust your own reasoning

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    Anyone have anything on the Witness law being above the law of the land?

  • EasyPrompt
    need something on the Bible trained conscience and not to rely on your own thoughts or to trust your own reasoning

    This 2023 convention drama movie is all about not trusting your trained conscience but instead obeying the branch as if they were God so that you can go to a UN refugee camp (with a JWBorg donation box) for safety ...

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